First Impressions

candy interrupted

I woke up from my alarm clock going off and was nervous as shit, but still thankful I met Christie yesterday. I got dressed in the clothes Christie said to wear which were dark faded skinny jeans, a logo shirt and some cute accessories pretty much the same stuff I wore. I got my purse ready with all the needed stuff for school and everything a girl has to bring wherever she goes. My almond hair was down straight with a clip to the side and black eyeliner at the rim of my eyes. I went downstairs to say goodbye to both my parents and went straight to Starbucks. I opened the door and saw Christie and Pete both standing to get there order, I went over and hugged Christie and gave a toothy smile to Pete. I casually went behind Pete in the line and did the same he did to me yesterday. He looked back at his pocket and took a piece of paper out.

“Just in case too, you know” We both laughed and I saw Christie look at us strangely. Christie and I linked arms and walked out the door skipping to our cars. We said goodbye to each other like we would never see each other again playing around.

“Go go you know were going to see each other in like 5 minutes” I said. We both laughed and started our cars on our way to school.

By the time I parked my car outside of school I could feel my stomach filled with millions of butterflies already. I guess Pete noticed I was holding my stomach and came over to me.

“Are you ok? You look like your going to be sick.”

“Yah I’m ok, I just get really nervous then my stomach gets filled with butterflies.” He smiled for a second at me.

“It’s ok you got me and Christie, I promise nothing bad will happen today.” He said while putting the hair in front of my face behind my ears. I thanked him by giving him a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek. We got up from the floor and went walking to the front door of the school with Patrick, Joe, and Andy. The whole gang walking to together, it just made me feel like I have people to watch my back when I need them. We all went to the auditorium and got a speech from the vice principle and principle of how the school year was going to run. After that we went and got our schedules. Me and Christie immediately ran to each other and compared our schedules, since we do ballet we only have 5 periods of school then go to the other school that is considered as our gym and electives. We only had English and math together, we were pretty happy we at least had half of our classes together. Pete and I had French and chemistry together, but no one was in my last class, history.

Instantly Christie and I walked linking arms to our first class, English. I could see people looking at me questionably already. Christie saw a group of her friends and pulled my arm for me to follow.

“Hayley this is Erin, Karina, and Lauren” They all waved and smiled nicely just like I did back. We were interrupted by the teacher telling us to sit down. His name was Mr. Gly, he looked to be around his mid 30’s and had gray hair slowly coming from the top of his roots. The 5 of us sat down in our little corner in the back and took down all the notes Mr. Gly told us to take. He seemed like a decent guy and didn’t give us homework on the first day so that was a plus.

Next period was with Mrs. Dober the math teacher. Christie and her friend Lauren were in the same class as well. She gave us a worksheet of HW but it wasn’t too bad. After math was homework I found Pete with a couple of guys in a circle talking. Me and Christie linked arms and moshed into the circle laughing. They all looked at us crazy except Pete.

“Come on we got to go” I said grabbing Pete’s hand which were laced. Every one OOHed like we were in 1st grade that found out that a boy liked a girl. We soon unlaced them and walked to French class and sat in seats right next to each other. The teacher came in like she just had sex, with her hair all crazy her clothes looked like they were put on my 3 year old and her red stained lips. Pete and I both looked at her and each other thinking the same thing. We let it go and just paid attention to what she said. She didn’t give us any hw either and when the bell rang she rushed out of the door faster than her students.
“She’s probably rushing to her sex buddy” Pete whispered to me. I laughed a bit too loud at his joke and everyone turned there heard at me.

“Sorry, I laugh a little to hard at everything.” I confessed

“It’s ok I love girls who laugh at all my jokes” he said grinning again at me. I couldn’t help but smile back and laugh lightly.

“You’re always smiling when you’re around me, is there something I should know?” He asked

“I smile all the time, is there something I should know?” We both knew what the answer was, we like each other ok!

“Well I can surely guess it’s because we both have a cru-“We were interrupted in the hall by Christie who jumped in the middle of us walking the same direction.

“Hey guys!” Christie said hyper

“Whoa who gave you candy?!” Pete asked jokingly worried.

“No one did, I’m just in a great mood. Well ill see you guy’s later, Hayley ill meet you in the parking lot after 5th period.” I nodded and kept walking with Pete. It was a bit awkward because we both know what he said.
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grammar is my weakness, sorry.