First Impressions

3, 2, 1 GO!

After dancing my heart out and practicing with Christie in the basement, I’ve never felt more relaxed in my life. The door bell rang.

“Finally, I hope that’s the pizza we ordered.” I nodded lightly and was starving to death just like she was. Christie ran up the stairs from the basement with the money in her hand. Just as she left, Pete came in shyly downstairs. I ignored him a little by still practicing my ballet. I was still shocked and mad I found the cocaine, but slowly relieving.

“Wow you look beautiful” he said watching me dance. I still ignored him, but not on purpose, only in my own little world dancing my hardest.
I finally ended facing in his direction, with my leotard strap hanging on the side of my shoulder and thirsty as a desert. I knew the perfect trick to play with him. Pete had been leaning on a chair which had all my stuff including my water bottle. I motioned my way towards him acting if I were about to kiss him. I slowly reached for my bottle putting my lips as close as I could with out touching Pete’s and left to the direction of the stairs.

Soon as I was walking I knew it would come

“3, 2, 1” I thought in my mind.

“Hey that wasn’t fair” he said tackling me onto the floor gently. I smirked suspiciously at Pete while our bodies were side to side facing each other

“Are you still mad?” he asked worried

“I won’t be if you swear on our relationship to never do it again”

“I do” he said going 90 percent of the way for a kiss and backing out. He stood up and grinned evilly at me. I stood up right after.

“Hey only I can do that” I said with puppy eyes against the wall

“No only I can” Pete said trapping me in the corner of the wall. And with that he kissed me softly, and soon began to deepen the kiss. Soon after Christie knocked on the door.

“Are you guys done making out yet?” Christie said obnoxiously

“No!” We both said at the same time, smiling in between kisses.


We walked out of the door of the basement and saw Patrick, Andy, Joe, and Christie sitting on the couch eating pizza. Pete and I raced to the pizza box in the kitchen and found it empty. Both of our heads shot up at them 5 of them.

“Where’s the rest of the pizza?” I asked curiously

“Sorry hun, I asked you guys if you were done with what you were doing and then the four of them came and we all got hungry” Christie said simply

“How about we go out and eat Pete.”

“Great idea” He said sticking his tongue out at Christie for eating the pizza.
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really short & pointless
sorry ill make it better
next chapter