Status: Complete

Sand Castles

We are the people of the sea.

We are men and women cursed with tails for legs. We long to join the humans, but the humans believe us to the myths. We have tried various times to avoid the two legged, but it seems that our species are meant to be together.

Among my people a kiss is a very sacred ritual. A kiss can mean many things to merpeople. With a kiss one can find their soul mate. With a kiss we can be bonded together. With a kiss we can either ruin our lives or find our own “happy ever after.” That is why we must not kiss someone so lightly.

When a merperson kisses his or her candidate, their eyes will change a color. If their eyes turn blue, it means they are bound to another and that they are soul mates. If they are green, the person is bound, but the other is not their soul mate. If a merperson does not bind herself or himself to a person, then they are doomed to wander the seven seas until death sends them to the dark depths of oblivion alone.

That is every merperson’s greatest fear.

The merpeople who find their candidate on land can join their beloved on two legs once they are bound. Many of my people choose to search on land for a possible lover. Our kind has always found the land folk to be curiously interesting.

Of course, it happened to be my luck to be in love with a mermaid who is infatuated with a human.

Contest entry for Dimli''s Once Upon a Time.
Picture used here.
  1. Soul mates?
    or not?