Forever You and Me.

Chapter 2.

I pulled into my to normal parking spot, to see a girl on the other side of the parking lot strugging with her bags. I couldn't believe my eyes. I saw the oppurtunity to meet her. I walked over nervously and offered my help. I grabbed her largest, heaviest bags. I was taken aback by the smile shot towards me.

"I haven't seen you around here. Are you moving here or just bringing stuff to a friend?"

"I'm moving here," She smiled up at me. My knees almost gave out. I held my cool though and maneuvered to her room.

"I'm Shane," I said, once we got to her room.

"I'm Cassadee, Cass for short," She said smiling and shaking my hand.

I told her I would let her get situated, but she caught me before I left. She wrote the very perfect seven numbers across my hand in a perfect line. I left the apartment smiling. I got back to mine and saw that my mother was sitting on the couch.

"Hi mom," I said, sending a wave while walking in the kitchen. I was thirsty, so I grabbed some juice out of the fridge.

"Hi Shane, did you meet the girl moving in?"


"What'd you think of her?"

"She seemed sweet. I'm going to head on up now, if you don't mind," I said, pecking her cheek then going to change. I washed my hair for good measure and I sprayed myself with chocolate axe. I put my pajamas on and texted her.

'Do you want to hang out?' I sent, heartbeating out of my chest.

'Sure, come right in. I was thinking about ordering pizza. Bring pj's, we'll have a sleepover(:'

I smiled to myself and started walking out of the door with my keys and phone.

"I'll be back sometime tomorrow, Mom," I said, loud enough so she could hear.

"Okay Shane!" She said back, getting ready to go to sleep.

I started the long walk up to her small apartment. I thought about her. Her beautiful dark brown hair and grey/blue eyes. Her smile. Was I already starting to like her? I considered, about to walk into the girls apartment. I shrugged the idea and stepped inside.