Status: Active and Adding Authors.

Dreams Are Stories Our Heart Writes

Airplanes; Billionaires; & Being Cool

This was my dream a couple weeks ago. It was this intricate. Like really. Intricate. It will be in 3 parts ;D


I sat on the shores of Lake Michigan with my little brother. I was getting pretty dark, and clouds were beginning to gather in the sky. Every so often, planes would fly overhead, going to and from Midway Airport. As a result of my listening to "Airplanes" incessantly, I found myself wishing on the planes as they flew over us. One plane, One wish. "Hey, DJ," I say to my brother. "Make a wish." I pointed to the plane, and he looks at me funny. "Sis, thats not a shooting star." I make a frowny face at him. "Wll, pretend." He huffs, and rolls his eyes. I huff right back, but I still make my wish.

I wish I was a billionaire.

I know, its absurd to wish on airplanes, but I'm a master of absurdity, a queen of dreams.

Another plane roared overhead, its lights winking at me like it knew my secrets. So I made another wish.

I wish I was more well known.

Yeah, the crazy writer girl wasn't popular AT ALL.

All of a sudden, it started to rain. I grabbed my brother and we began to run home. Another plane roared over us. "Look, another plane." DJ shielded his eyes and looked up."I wish the rain would stop!" He said. As if on cue, the rain began to diminish. Then it completely stopped. As did we. He looked at me. I smirked.



On the way home, my phone rang. "Hola!" I said cheerily. "Hi, is this Kiwi?" A lady's voice seeped out my ear piece. "Yes, this is Kiwi." I could hear her smile over the phone. "Good, I got your information from your website. We read your script, we want you to bring it in for editing, and a possible movie deal!" I nearly dropped the phone. NO WAY. "Uhhm, okay?" "So we'll contact you again to set up a date to go over-" After that I didn't hear much. I just stood there in shock. Until I heard a dial tone in my ear. DJ waved a hand in front of my face. "Who was that?" I smirked widely. "Someone wants to buy my movie script!" His mouth hung open. "Liar!" I just smiled agian. "You'll see, lil bro." And then I ruffled his hair. Which he hates. "Get off me!" I laughed.

A few weeks later, I was thrown into the wonderful world of screenwriters and movie stars. I was making hella revenue off press and promotions. Everyone knew my name, even before the movie came out. Next few months, After the movie came out, everyone was buzzing about it. My face , along with movie posters were everywhere. My manager called and told my my movie made 475.2 million in the first week of showing. And that was only in America. Canada, South America, and Asian countries had yet to see it . Not only was I famous, but I was also a multi millionaire. In the USA that is. I lived in a beautiful Chicago penthouse, writing movies and plays and books, movies and plays and books that people ate up as soon as I released them. I was now a billionaire, everyone knew my name. I was dating my high school sweetheart, Chase McGregor, who was now a football player for the Chicago Bears. Life was great.

And then, I opened my eyes. It was all a dream.

***Cooler Than Me***

I woke up from my dream smiling. I knew it was only a dream, but it was amazing to see what could be awaiting in my future. School wasn't so much a bore anymore. The only problem was, Chase McGregor, AKA Jocky McAthleticPants. I'd had a crush on him from since 5th grade, when he grew into his geeky looks, and started playing football. All the girls loved him now, so he barely even looked at me. The jerk. I always said hi to him back when he was a geek, now that he's a popular football player, he acts like he doesn't know the little people. Asshole. Everyday he passes my locker. Everyday, I make a point to say, "Hey Chase." And everyday, he makes a point to ignore me. He barely acknowledges I exist.

Today was no different. I stood by my locker, stuffing books in and pulling my necessities out. Chase was coming down the hallway with his 'homeboys' from the football team. Assholes. All of them were. I leaned casually on my locker. He was getting closer.

"Hey, Chase."

A couple of his friends looked over to me, and we smiled. But there was no turn of Chase's head. Not even a fraction. Jerk. I wish I could stab him. But I won't. Because my day will come, and he will be wishing he said 'Hi' to me all those times. Geez, I sound like a creepy stalker bitch. Anway. Yeah. He'll wish.

A few hours later, my cell phone rang.

"Hi, is this Kiwi?"

I smirked.

And then I REALLY woke up. To reality.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, a dream INSIDE of a dream. Intricate. Well because I have 3 songs stuck in my head right now; I've been having way lucid dreams about them 0_0 Call me weird. Anyone who wants to contribute their dreams/stories comment "ADD ME!" and I shall add you to the list of authors ;D