Status: Active and Adding Authors.

Dreams Are Stories Our Heart Writes

Serial Killers, Roller Coasters, and L.A.

Serial Killers?

I stood there, in my kitchen, dumbfound. He was sitting there. He was standing there. Jason Voorhees was sitting at the bar in my kitchen, eating Lucky Charms, and drinking orange juice. My orange juice.

I placed my bag on the high-back chair that was on my right. I slowly walked towards him. Not sure if I would end up like every other teenager that came into contact with him. Would I die? Was this the last time I would ever see my house? Why was he here?

Questions, questions. That's all that was going through my head. Even more skeptical, I took the bar-stool across from his. He noticed me and looked up to meet my eyes. I couldn't see his eyes, not behind that mask of his. He stayed silent for a little while. I just sat there in awe of him.

How many chances do you get to meet your favourite fictional serial killer? Not many I'm sure. I fiddled with the paper that had magically appeared in my hand. "So," I decided to break the silence. "So?" He responded. My head snapped up to look at him. He answered me! He answered me!

"Um, I have a question..."I asked, a bit unsteadily. "What?" He asked back, sounding almost eager. I sighed, "Why do where the hockey mask?" The scene changed dramatically. I was now sitting in an interviewers chair, him across from me in the over-stuffed one. I looked out at the crowd. It was hard to see their faces, the light was so bright.

"Chicks dig the mask." He answered simply.

Roller Coasters

My hair was whipping violently in the wind. My hair was going to be so fucked up after this. I looked beside me. My best friend Jordan sat beside me. "Why are you here?" I asked him, truly curious. "I don't know, isn't that the question I should be asking you?" Just then we entered a dark tunnel, so dark, I couldn't see anything, not even myself.

I soon saw the sun again, I looked beside me, Jordan was gone. The cart started making it's way up the steep hill. I knew there was a drop at the other side, but I never am able to see it.


This is by far the weirdest dream I have ever had. All I see is the sun, pounding down, I know I'm going to have one hell of a sunburn. I see nothing except the road and the sun. I know it's L.A., there is a sign up at the end of the road proclaiming so.

I keep walking and walking, and walking, and walking. Never getting anywhere.
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These are some of the weirdest dreams I have had, seriously, I had dreams like this. XD