Status: Completed (Editing)

The Biography of a Vampire



Stella didn’t know what to do. What Jerry said simply caught her off guard. She couldn’t let herself be controlled by emotions. She should be the one in control yet it seemed every little part of the cold, evil Stella was slowly slipping off. She didn’t get too far from the lake. She just ran off to get rid of the annoying, smart werewolf. She stood there, leaning on a tree, her head held back and her eyes closed. She had such a peaceful face, it was almost shocking. The sudden change in her behavior was getting to her. She couldn’t pretend everything was alright because it just wasn’t. Something was changing her back. She opened her eyes, suddenly, and glanced to her left. She felt a breeze and in one move, she was up, guard and walls back up.

“Well, well, well. Stella Blanche, alone in the forest. My Christmas gift will come earlier this year!” She glared at the presence. She couldn’t figure from where it came but she was sure he was close. “Don’t panic, Stella. Actually, no. Do panic. I want you to squirm.” Her eyes got bloody red and her canines grew immediately. She stood there, concentrating. She wasn’t going to let that vampire alive.

In this time, the men finally caught one of the visitors. He wanted to get in the mansion and supposedly find and kill Stella but he had a surprise when Nate walked into the room and pinned him to the wall. Now, the unnamed vampire was in a tight diver costume, well isolated and immersed in water at a temperature selected by the vampires, as not to be too cold or too hot, his tactile sensations as not to occur. His eyes were covered and the gravitation being annihilated by the water’s pressure, the sensorial sighting becoming almost total. Even as a vampire, without having the reflex to breathe, it could’ve been seen how uncomfortable he was and how, slowly, he started to hallucinate.

“Lack of sensations, of any power source is at odds with normal mental state and cause disorders.” Everyone in the room stared at Nate.

“How…what…do I even want to know how you know that?” Nate chuckled lowly and shook his head.

“It’s quite intriguing.” Eric hummed in response. He just wanted to get out some information. The vampire tried to escape but the chains that were attached to his arms and legs were strong enough. Alex poked slightly the glass getting the vampire’s attention back from his hallucination.

“Why do you want so bad to kill Stella?” He shivered slightly at her name. Eric smirked and walked closer, his voice getting louder. “Well? I don’t hear any answer.” The vampire started to stutter.

“I-I…we’ve been informed she is bad news.” Eric furrowed his eyebrows, curious.

“Why would she be bad news?” No sound came out from the victim. “If you don’t start talking you might as well live your own little life in your own little tub.” The anonymous vampire shivered again.

“No! Let me go!” Alex shook his head.

“Such a coward.” Eric glared to the vampire dressed in a diver suit.
“If she dies, you’ll all die.” Nate added. The vampire nodded fast.

“The agreement…it…it would help us kill werewolves.” Eric narrowed his eyes.

“Why would you want that? Matt wouldn’t be too happy.”

“It’s been heard that…werewolves are planning to attack us. We prefer to kill them first. If-if the agreement is destroyed…we-we have every right to kill them.” Alex stared surprised into space while Nate and Eric stared at each other. None heard when James entered. His eyes were hard and almost red.

“Killing a werewolf is forbidden according to the agreement and that’s how it shall remain.” His voice was cold as ice. He shocked the younger vampires with his possessive and dangerous feeling flying around his body. It was damn clear that something happened.
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Sorry it took so long. I had it already written but i was too lazy. And now i have to keep writing because...i kinda have to finish this at one point...:D
Hope you like this chapter and...comment please?;;)