Love Like Woe


“BEEP, BEEP, BEEP” went my god damn alarm clock. Tiredly smacking it to shut up, then throwing my legs over the side of my bed I got up tiredly and walked to my bathroom. While brushing my teeth my mind went back to that night six years ago. The night my father died and the same night I lost my mother. Coming out of my little daydream I finished getting dressed for work, I fed my dog, and left the house. Walking into work early this morning, clocked myself in and told Sarah that she could go home early today. I cleaned up the tables, and went to stand behind the counter.

After about an hour of the ‘normal’s’ as I call them, a young man walked in and I could have sworn I knew seen him before. You see the restaurant is a sit-yourself restaurant, and this young man just happened to sit down at one of my tables. Gabbing a menu, I walked over to the both.

“Hello my name is Angel, and I will be your sever today. Can I get you anything to drink?” I said with a smile

“Hello, um…. Can I get water and some coffee please.”

“Yes you may and I will be right back with that. Oh and here’s your menu” I must have turned at lest three shades of red. I turned around and went to get his coffee and water. I grabbed his coffee and went back to the table.

“Are you ready to order, or do you still need time, Sir”

“I think I am ready umm.. Could I get eggs, with the bacon and a side order of fruit please”

“Okay I will be right back with that” I walked back to the cook or other wise known as my best friend. “I need eggs, with bacon and a side of fruit, Devil”

“Whatever you say Angel” she turned to look at me and before I could get the look of my face she asked me “Who is he”

“Look at table number four”

“Angel you do know who that is right” she said with a surprised look.


“That happened to be Jordan from The Ready Set”

“Well here is his order and you better get your ass back in here”

“Fine” I put every thing on the big platter thing and walked to the table a placed everything down and asked the fourth question.

“Is there anything you else you need”

“No but I do have a question if you don’t mind”

“No not at all” I said

“This may sound stupid, but do I know you?”

“May-” I was then cut off by my dumb ass boss.

“CARMEN, what are you doing get back to work”

“Well I have to get back to work” I get up grab his dirty dishes and I walked back to kitchen. I went back to give him his check I turn to go back to the counter. But was caught dead in my tracks.

“Your name is Carmen Angel Johnson, is it not” Jordan said….
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comments please good or bad i would like to improve as much as i can