Love Like Woe


Stunted as I was I turned around.
“How in the hell do you know who I am” I almost yelled scaring the little children.

“Carmen its me Jordan Witzigreuter” he said getting up “ Don’t you remember me”

“Yeah I remember you, yeah you were the one who left my fathers funeral, the one person who actually understood what I felt at that time, and what you did was got up and left with out even a hug, I was actually see if you wanted to do anything that night just for me to clear my head” I had to stop right there before I did something more rational than what was just said.
So I did what I always did I walked out. I just could not take it anymore I had to get out of there hoping no one followed me I ran about two blocks to the graveyard. Found my fathers grave and broke down not caring that people were staring right at me I just cried. My white work shirt got all dirty from my makeup.
“Here’s a Kleenex Hun” I looked up to see an elder lady with gray hair, and a cane.

“Thanks” I said taking the Kleenex gently from the woman’s shaking hand.

“Don’t mention it, now why don’t you take a walk with me and tell my why such a beautiful young lady like yourself is crying” I got up brushed the dirt and grass satins right off of my knees and I started walking.

“If you don’t mind telling my what your name is I would feel much safer telling you everything” I asked

“Sorry dreary my name is Carmen just like yours. The reason how I now your name is that I’m your Uncle Bill’s and you Fathers, mother and if I’m correct that was why you were crying?”

“Well part of it yes but you see a friend or ex-friend I should say decided that he would just come back into my life and pretend like it was before my dad died so I just ran out and ran to the only place I feel safe here…..” after I told her the hole story I realized that we had walked all the way from the graveyard back to the restaurant.

“Well I guess I will be seeing you later grandma.” I gave her a hug and walked back into the restaurant. Walking into the restaurant was like walking into room full of arguing people. Really it just turned into a buzzing sound. A sharp piercing sound buzzed inside my ear turned out to be my dumb-crab-ass boss grabbed his whistle
My first though was ’Does he want to be a guy teacher or something’ by this time everyone was out of the restaurant besides for Jordan, Sarah, the Boss and me.

“Okay now everyone is gone, why in the fuck did you walk out Carmen, you know I should fire you ass for doing that”

“You know what we all know that it must be hard going through the divorce, but you see taking your sadness or anger out on us is no way to treat your employers. It does not really matter okay. Yeah I know how you feel or at lest similar because when I was four-teen I lost both of my parents, first of all I saw someone shot my father, and the same guy take my mother. Okay and now that I actually think about you look a lot..”