Love Like Woe


“You son of a bitch you killed my father then you took my mother I swear to god I am turning your sorry ass in” all this while Jordan was holding me back so I don’t do anything stupid.

“Okay, wait right here then” he said with that mother fucking evil grin(that I absolutely hate), turned around, and walked up to his apartment right above us.

We could all hear him yelling with someone. A thunk then you could hear him coming back down the stairs. Walking into clear view was Mike (the boss), and my mother Natalie. I about ripped out of Jordan’s grip if it was not for the fact there was a gun up against my mothers head, plus Jordan held a strong grip on my arms.

“Sarah close the blinds before people see” Mike barked at Sarah, she moved from her place to shut the blinds. Once the job was done she move right back to her place. Then he began again
“Really, your really going to go to the police and tell them…” he paused for a moment “ Yeah okay, you tell she dies I find that far enough”

“You lay another finger on my mother I swear I will kill your Fucking ass” I yelled still struggling to get out of his grip.

“Carmen don’t do it, look I called Jordan last night okay so don’t be mad at him be mad at me, I called him because I knew you need someone to watch you at points” was all my mother was able to say.

“You called Jordan mom, you didn‘t you call me this hole time I thought you were dead.” I said through blurry eyes “Ich Liebe Dich” was the last thing I was able to say to her.
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yeah i know it short but i hope it gets better, well commets good or bad