Love Like Woe



My eyes stung with tears and this was the only thing I was able to say “MOM….. NO” and in that instant I felt salty, wetness roll down my cheek.

Trying to look through blurry eyes. The only thing I was able see was a lot of blood I then looked down and realized that I too was covered in blood. Feeling that Jordan loosened his grip on my arms I turned around to look at him, and as he went to look down at me, a single tear rolled out of his perfect brown eye and down his flawless cheek. I then realized that he was also crying. The only difference was his where staying on the brim of his eyes while mine over flowed onto my shirt. The only thing that my mind registered was for me to pull Jordan into a hug. Since he was taller than me my head rested on his upper chest. Instead of pushing me away he just held me in that protect of way that most brothers or boyfriends would.

The police came, took Mike away, and the rest of the officers asked the three of us questions till all hours of the night. Most of the questions were about what happened, why it happened and ect. Around three in the morning I was getting tiered and had enough of them asking about what happened to my mother and so on and so forth, so I finally said:

“Can we go home now I need, well we need our sleep and Sarah and I are going to have to start looking for new jobs tomorrow and I still need money to pay for my house” I asked for all of us.

“Yes you may but ma’am where are you guys staying” asked the only female that was working.

“All of us are staying at Carmen’s house” said Sarah “And if you don’t know were that is you can ask Officer Bill he is her Uncle” Sarah continued.

“Thank you and have a nice night” she said and walked away.

“Wait what do you mean I’m staying at Angels house, and who called the police?” Jordan asked really confused

“I need the company right now and don’t worry I already called your mother” I said

“And I called the police when he was up stairs that answer your question yes or no?” Sarah asked as we headed toward my car

“Yes” he said “One car?” he said confused like always. He actually looks cute with that look. ‘Answer the question’ yelled my mind

“Yes one car, you see Sarah lives with me but she walks because she needs to clear her head a lot so yeah, and we use my car to get home. Now go back to your car and follow us” I said

“Actually I walked here so do you mind giving me a lift to your house” he asked

“Well I guess if I have to” I said just lighten things up a bit.

“Okay lets go you two love birds I’m tired and I know you are most likely there as well” Sarah and her loud moth had to say. To tell you the truth I think we both blushed, we all got into my car and drove to my house, once we were at my house. I ran up stairs and into my bathroom. I turned around to look at my body. I had blood on my shirt, legs, face, and even in my hair. Taking off my shirt and shorts I stared at my body. Looking in the mirror I saw myself as a child and seeing my own parents in the mirror behind me. I just stared at that mirror and watched memories go by of what I could remember of what happened when I was a little kid. The last memory I saw was my very last birthday I ever had. Enough was enough. I drew my fist back gathering as much force as I can and I let in snap forward and yelling at the same time:

“NOO!” and at that shattering the mirror into as many pieces as I could not wanting to see the most painful memory that I knew was coming up, the one of my Fathers murder. Falling onto the ground into the mess of broken glass, not caring if I got sliced up, I think my only thought was numbness and that I would not feel the pain if I got cut.

Hearing the door get kicked in and faint yelling in the back ground I soon felt a sharp pain in my arm and in my stomach trying to find the source of the pain and epically failing I felt arms around my body not knowing who’s and not caring who’s they lifted me up and to my bed I think. I remember waking up when no one was in the room and I thought no one was in the house in my head all I could think was that they were down stairs talking or not even here. Getting up and walking to the bathroom realizing that I will have to use the other mirror.

I looked at the piece of glass sticking out of the side of my stomach, and my left forearm. I went to the cabinet grab all the cleaning supplies I thought I was going to need then gathering all the will power I had left and strength I grabbed a face towel put that in my mouth just in case they were still here. I grabbed the glass in the side of my stomach first. Biting down hard on the cloth I slowly took out the glass grabbed a handful of gauze putting in on my hole in my side I then grabbed an ace bandage and wrapping it around my stomach.

Then looking at the one in my arm I again put a different cloth in my mouth for I bit through the first one. I grabbed the glass with my right hand and did the same as I did to my stomach. Cleaning up both of my messes, I sanitized the counter and the floor. After that was done I went down stairs. I then heard someone on the phone walking into the kitchen I noticed Sarah was the phone with the ambulance or that’s what I had guessed. Stumbling to the couch this time, I decided to just fall onto the couch this time.
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i know this is long but please comment it would help a lot