I Hate to Love You

Meeting You

"So, the Demonators in your Math Class?" Jamie, my closest friend said to me. We were both sitting on the bench before classes, soaking up the rare sun."Yeah, but how did you hear about it?" I asked,slightly surprised that Jake Maxi moving up to my Math Class was counted as so-called 'Gossip'."Word gets around fast in this school." Jamie shrugged her shoulders. I suppose that's possible, not many secrets are kept secret for longer than a week at Lincoln High. Jamie was nattering on in my ear about some Geography test we have. I glanced around and noticed Jake in the corner of where the Math block and the Sociology block meet. He was leaning up a wall, his eyes were closed and his brows furrowed. A half-smoked cigarette was hanging out his mouth. I didn't know he smoked, but I'm not surprised. He looks so depressed all the time."Except for last Friday when he smiled at me." I thought to myself."Hello? Are you even listening to me?" Jamie poked me. I wonder what she was saying after the stuff about the Geography test."Anyways, if Jake Maximum kills you, can I have your shoes?" She asked me with a serious face. "What the f**k?!"Jamie, he's not gonna kill me. Sure, he looks a bit dangerous and very angry all the time, but he's not capable of murder!" I laughed at her, slightly pissed off."Or IS he?" She evil-eyed me. Honestly, sometimes I think she was an escaped con.."Look, he's not gonna kill me, know it. And besides, I'm a whole two shoe sizes bigger than you!" I exclaimed. She just looked at me, tapping her fake Sakura tree-style nails on her lap."Whatever." She eventually said, rolling her eyes at me. I'm pretty sure she's serious."See you later Jamie."I said to her as I got up and started walking away."Remember, don't let him kill you!" Jamie called.
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Sorry it's short please don't kill me.