Sequel: WaitingForSnowe
Status: :o Just A Taste, Hope You Like :)




Midnight crawls beneath the ground
Swallowing the violet skies towards
Starlight cries of many dead.

They tread the waters slow and fierce
Amongst the breed of those alive. We
Breathe no mercy we breathe no life.

Well around five-forty I hear my alarm ring.
Mornings are the worst, inspecting a new begging towards me.
The worst part was that I have the worst hangover & I want to throw up.

‘Snowe? Baby wake up, it’s time for school.’- mom hollered from the attic.
Our kitchen was up there…my room…was in the basement…cold…ugh.
‘OKAY!’- I shouted back. Way to start off a good Monday, first day of school…and with a bad hangover. Dizzily I get up from my couch, which I don’t recall coming home. Into the bathroom I grab two Advil’s and hopped into the shower…burning. Feeling a little better , I clean my ears, five times, an obsession. & head back to my room, were it was cold.

I decided to go with; a short summer faded denim dress, maroon Chucks, and a short charcoal cardigan. My long auburn hair waving down my waist.

I hear Milo’s car honk, after grabbing my backpack & stocking it with Goldfish, Gummy Bears, Fiji Water, A notebook & Pens. Applying mascara and chapstick I run towards the backdoor, before The Dragon(mom) calls to me. Running out I pass by Armando & Greg who were still in their boxers hovering over the backdoor, great. Lectures.

‘ Junior huh ?’
‘Don’t you look a little too cute for school Snowe?’ my brothers babbled away. They’d already graduated & they were crashing in the house when they should be looking for jobs or be in college.
‘Bye you guys, Milo’s already outside.’ I give them both a peck and run towards the car, already five minutes late.

‘Sorry about that, my brothers were on my ass.’ I put my back pack in the backseat of Milo’s faded chipped blue VW.
‘it’s alright, it’s the first day, teachers don’t really care.’ Milo was my best friend. We’ve been friends since second grade and the rest is still history, we’ve been through everything from egging houses, to sneaking out, to crying over boyfriends, well that was her, I’ve never had a boyfriend. I am going to die single.
‘So are Armando and Greg still laying on their asses on your house?’ stopping at a red light, I rub my temples, my headache still on ease.
‘Well, they both are modeling, I mean Armando is mostly, I don’t know what their going to do, it’s always them, I mean why can’t they go to college like regular people. You know? Their always being annoying& on my ass, I’m going to kick them out myself.’
‘Okay, you do that Snowe. Wanna go to McDonalds for lunch?’ Milo asked me, our tradition to ditch lunch and 6th period, we didn’t have an open lunch but we were really good at persuading people.
‘Okay, text me and I’ll meet you during lunch, hopefully we get classes together.’
‘Yeah me too.’

The smell of maple syrup, paper, virginity and something I can never put my senses to, school.

Waiting for my schedule in my homeroom I sit in a table by myself, like a loner. Once the teacher calls my name I grab it and ask to go to the bathroom. I look through it behind the stall.
Photography 11 H
Chem. 11
Trig 1
Lit. 1H
Journalism 11
Study Hall

Nice, I guess. I know I’d be missing sixth period an awfully lot.
I text Milo, coming only up with three classes together 1st, 4th, lunch, and 6th. The bell rings and I check my nose for boogers and head towards room 701. On the other side of fucking school, I had to hurry, my photography teacher knows about our little ditches’ & she's a bitch & always marks me absent.
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Experimenting&Trying It Out
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