Status: Kind of slowly rolling out the good, bare with me.

When Silver Met River

Chapter three: Long day

Later that same afternoon I was called out of my fifth period history class to the headmistress' office. Leaving class to see her wasn't something she'd typically allow. Previously she had made it quite clear nothing should interrupt our 'valuable and indispensable lessons', whenever we were inclined to make an orthodontist appointment during school time. She had gone as far as arguing with parents who wanted to remove children from school to attend a funeral.

'Why do they have to be as selfish as to die on a school day? Now that they have past, can they not leave us to our own important lives?" Her ranting was infamous and students learned it was best to bend to her will.

Walking down the oak paneled walled hallway that lead to her office I considered if it was a good thing I was able to slip out history before the teacher had time to ask for my essay or if whatever the headmistress wanted to talk about was scarier than my uncle's wrath after he'd have received a phone call. Probably not. I sped forward eager to get far away from history class and towards my lucky escape. I'd do anything she asked, I was so gratefully. I stopped on the threshold of her door and gazed down at the brass door knob that was shaped into the face of a cupid. Ms. Marton had something for angels and demons; she'd always threaten people that she crossed on a bad day with them.

'You stop right there, If you run in my halls one more time I'll make sure the demons hunt you in your sleep.'

It'd be easy to ignore her mindless empty threats if she didn't say it with so much conviction. Her set face molded into a stern scowl with the wagging finger and her lips pursed in a fine line, reduced our beliefs that she was in a sense joking. This is not to say we believed her, but we all believed she did.

"How long are going to stand there before you even knock,' the voice heavily muffled by the closed door and thick walls, made me propel myself backwards. The voice was undoubtedly Ms. Marton's. How she knew I had been standing there for the past five minutes studying the beautiful face of the angel passively, I don't know.

I promptly knocked and a curt 'Come in dear, we've wasted enough of your lesson time already. Come in!' I hurried inside and forced myself to keep my eyes focused on her at the end of the long rectangular room and not her excessive decor of old artifacts, dusty books and captivating paintings. She was sitting behind her desk, a large executive type much too big for her and she would have been engulfed by its aggressive design if the leather chair she was sat upright on wasn't raised so high.

I took a seat on a plush white chair before her and tried to answer her piercing stare as politely as possible without any rude connotations behind it. A smile split her blood red lips and reviled a shocking contrast of white.

'Sylvia, my dear it’s so nice to see you again. I've heard through the grapevine you're doing very well as head girl, and school council member, plus that news paper you write for. Is that right?'

"Yes, I'm quite busy, plus with my siblings.'

'Yes you poor thing.' she continued smiling that sweet smile that seemed almost motherly in its formation. 'I can imagine it's been hard for you these past two years, I knew your father quite well, and you can talk to me if you have any questions any at all.'

I don't know why she insisted on this every time I saw her. Apparently she had previously known my father when gone to study in Italy for about a year, but what’s a year really. She had been there as well doing some research similar to his, but why does a headmistress need to go abroad for research?

‘I know I don’t replace talking to your father or mother, or even your stepfather, but it’s something. I am sorry that he has to go away for work so often, he must miss you children very much every single time.’

I frowned at the simple smile that ordained her face. What did she really know about anything? She’s was just as blind as everyone else to think my stepfather was a saint. It really didn’t matter, I already resolved to being alone in my worries, I didn’t really need to share them with a batty headmistress; however the notion was nice.

She didn’t relent her maternal like smile and reached out her hands to claps mine that were resting on the table, seeing it coming I quickly pulled them back down on to my laps, with an air of resolute detachment coming out. Her smile flattered slightly and a pitying shake of the head put a close to that conversation. Instead she moved on to the reason she called me in.

‘Right enough time wasted, I have something for you to do Sylvia. A little job if you’d like. Something that will help out our prestigious school. Hmm?’ she leaned back in the large recliner and awaited my response.

‘What is this job, cause like I said I am very busy. ‘

‘Just a little daily task that you’d be taking in charge next week, then just twice a week thereafter. Simple.’

‘D-daily? What is it?’ my growing worry restored the pitying smile on her face.

‘Not to worry, you’ll be in charge of the new addition to our school. Normally I would have asked a boy to do the job, seeing as the new student is a male, but this is a special case.’

‘Oh? How come?’

‘He is from a much respected family with an impressive caliber and mesmerizing history. They can be traced in most countries’ history. Impeccable reputation, except, well the boy himself is a different story. He isn’t the best representation of his family, but he is coming here none the less and I expect him to be taken care of and well monitored. ‘

‘But why, can’t I just have to give him a daily tour on the first day, find people that have the same classes as him and leave it at that? Why twice a week?’

‘I don’t like having to repeat myself or waste time explaining simple matters Sylvia. You’ll have to monitor his behavior, he’s been known to get out of hand in his past schools and cause havoc with the students, especially the females. Well I will not have that in my domain! Understand, you are to form him, his grandfather expects this school to change him round and he’s already given us a generous deposit, I do not fail my given tasks.’

‘Well why did you agree to this in the first place, what if I can’t control him?”

‘I do not like your tone Sylvia, I demand your cooperation. You will guide him around the school and twice a week you are to catch him up on the vast amount of lessons he has lost due to his haphazard education.’

My lips puckered in distaste and broke eye contact with her. I was already responsible for four people, I didn’t want anymore. I didn’t have time after school to tutor a rebellious boy. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to think of a way out of this, stalling for time I asked more questions.

‘Why me?’

‘I trust no other student as much as I do you Sylvia, you are your father’s daughter, headstrong, determined and compassionate. I can see no other student getting through this boy other than you. And it’s imperative that you do so, get to know him, befriend him, but please don’t forget to keep me informed of his progress. Angels would have my neck if I lost track of his progress.’

‘I heard that he’s been in trouble before and the governors didn’t want to take him in, what did he do?’

Her eyes snapped into attention and narrowed when she looked over me curiously but with slight annoyance. ‘Where did you hear this? Such things were confidential, and it doesn’t concern you. I don’t want you talking about him with the other students, his privacy is important.’

‘Really? Is he a prince or something, because this is ridiculous? What could he possibly hiding,’

A twinkle entered her dark green eyes, ‘more than you could possibly imagine.’ Before I could pursuit this comment she stood up to signal the end of the discussion.

I pushed myself of the chair and did the same, I nodded my goodbye, disgruntled that I wasn’t able to create a strong argument. Before I put my second foot out the door, I turned back around and caught Ms. Maton with what appeared a tearful look to her eyes, a genuine sorrowful expression full of guilt, and remorse. It was gone in one blink and replace by an arched eyebrow and a pursed lips companied with tapping fingers.

‘Yes,’ was the impatient tone that held no hint of being choked up with tears.

‘One last question,’

‘As was always such with you father. Proceed.’

‘What if he doesn’t want to? I mean he is only human, I can’t control him.’

‘That’s where you’re wrong. Very wrong indeed.’ Another twinkle appeared in her eyes as before and it left me uneasy. I slowly stumbled back into my math class after wandering the halls and corridors, and loosing myself once or twice in the massiveness of this old estate. I have been going here for most of my life, but I still don’t know all its crevices, doorway, and old brick tunnels. Many sections are actually closed off completely and most students reckon that there is probably fifty rooms undiscovered by us.

I did finally wind myself back into my seat just as the bell rang and called an end to the lesson, my very aim. In was about to stand right back up and leave when the firm hand of my history teacher came down on my shoulder. I groaned knowing I wasn’t going to get out of this alive when my stepfather heard about this.


The sun was setting faster and faster now that it was November and by five it was practically gone. I was dashing around left and right trying to catch Jessica, my six year old sister who was refusing to get into the bus. She ran behind a large tree and clung to its trunk while I bend over, hands on knees, trying to catch my breath back. I dared to glace at the bus driver who had just honked for the third time. I threw him an awkward smile and I saw Lucy stand in the way of the closing doors.

‘Jessica, get in the bus, I do not have time for this.’ I screamed frustrated beyond imagination as I go in myself.

‘No, no, no!’ she screamed back shaking her head of curls around. ‘Luke will be there tonight, I don’t want to go if he is there.’ I had figured that was the reason behind her tantrum as it did come up every so often. I step down off the bus and knelt down in front of her and wiped her tears with her blanket. It was marine with a million little stars stitched on in a silver thread. It was our mother’s old scarf and she wouldn’t go anywhere without it. In it she held all her hopes and fears.

‘You know Luke won’t do anything to you.’

‘Yes, h-he always shouts and his breath smell stinky and then he says scary things. I don’t want to go!’ she sobbed. I sighed and waved the bus driver to head off without me, he gave and exaggerated sigh of relief and Lucy looked at me confused as she started moving away along with Marie and Edward. I mouthed that I’ll see her at home and turned my attention back towards Jessica.

She had tucked her trembling head into the crevice of my neck and was calming down. Luke only hurt me physically, never the others. I wouldn’t have it any other way the problem was that he still shouted and threatened them, behaved savagely and shook them. It pained my terribly to have to bring them back home everyday to that hell hole whenever he was there. I visualized each night before going to sleep, of me turning eighteen and running far away with as much money as we could carry.

I turned my attention back to Jessica. ‘It’ll be alright, I never let him hurt you do I. He just says stuff he doesn’t actually mean them. Come on princess don’t cry,’ I soothed her quickly and her snuffles diminished after a while. It was already dark and it was quite cold. I looked at the time table; another bus would be arriving in half an hour. They didn’t come regularly in these parts. When people have enough money for Ferraris and Classic cars they didn’t care much for public transport or the environment. This stop was a safe distance from school but still in an up class sector.

It finally arrived and we boarded, Jessica asleep on my shoulder the blanket clutched tight in her small fist. The hour and a half ride to the other side of town past by slowly, I did the homework I could, read some of the mail I had to answer and tried to condition myself for the blows that would come tonight. Luke hadn’t been home in two weeks, and arriving with a phone call from my merciless history teacher wouldn’t put him in a very understanding mood either. At least he’ll be gone tomorrow night. I’ll just have to be strong for my siblings till then. I just wish someone could be strong for me. Maybe, I tell myself on the worst days, maybe one day, one sweet day, one of Ms. Maton’s angels will come save me.
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I am very sorry it has taken me this long to update, I have a mixture of reasons, but also maybe starting this story now wasn't the smartest of things. But I will try to be as regular as possible.
Hope you enjoy this chapter.