Oh Darlin'

The Beginning

I was so glad to be off the plane. I was never a big fan of planes and it seemed like the flight from my small town in California to Ontario, Canada would never end. Heading over to the bag pick up, I gathered my bags and headed to the pick up area. I looked around the unfamiliar airport at all the unfamiliar faces. Finally I found a tiny paper sign that said my name on it and headed toward the person holding it. Once I got close enough my aunt greeted me with a smile.

"Hailey, sweetie! How are you? It's been so long, you've gotten so big" She acted like any other relative who you don't see often would and bombard me with a huge, awkward, hug. You see with my parents passing away so suddenly, I was forced to stay with a relative. I don't understand how I got stuck with my aunt Betty, cause honestly we never got along. Well always butted heads and never agreed on anything but I guess I'm stuck here now.

"Thanks aunt B, it's nice to see you too" Total lies. I didn't want to be here, I wanted to be with my grandparents back in Santa Monica but the court said that they were too old to take care of a 16 year old. Whatever. I mean, aunt B wasn't that bad I just didn't get along with her like I did my grandparents.

"Come on, lets get you to the house" she said with a smile and took my bags as we walked out toward the parking lot.

"You still live in the hotel?" I asked. I always called aunt Betty's house a hotel cause it was huge. She owned some kind of office firm and was a major workaholic. She made so much money that she thought she was better than the rest of the family and didn't keep contact.

"Ha ha yes and it's really not that big" she said as we got to the car and she but the bags in the trunk.

"Maybe not to you but to the average person it's huge" I said as I got into the car and buckled my seat belt. Safety first people! Aunt B started the car and we were off. I looked out the window at the unfamiliar sights as an awkward silence filled the car. The only sound was the sound of light music playing from the radio.

As we pulled up to a red light, I studied what looked like the downtown. There were so many little shops and restaurants. I was thinking that maybe this place wasn't going to be so bad. Once the light changed to green I continued to zone to the soft sound of music from the radio. Before I knew it we were pulling up to the huge house that I would now be calling home. I grabbed my bags from the car and headed toward the front door. Aunt B opened the door and gave her jacket to one of her maids that hounded us as we stepped inside. I realized that aunt B was loaded but I didn't know she had maids and what not.

"Welcome home Hailey" she stated as I still stood in the door way in awe. I didn't get to say anything back cause when I snapped back to reality aunt B had wondered somewhere in the maze of a house. I asked the lady who opened the door for us which room I should stay in and she kindly helped me. I had figured out her name was Jane, I liked Jane. Taking my bags from Jane, I started to unpack my stuff as she left. My room was huge, much like the house was. It was gonna take me a while to get used to how big everything was here. Once I had finished putting my stuff away and placing my family photo on the bedside table, I decided to take a nap. I was feeling a little jet lagged and realized that tomorrow was Monday, which meant I'd have to start at a new school, in a new place, as the new girl...great.
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My first story..let me know what you think. (: