Oh Darlin'

First Day

I woke up to my alarm clock going off. I wasn't sure what time I should get up so I got up at 5. By the time I was dressed and my hair was done in loose curls, it was 5:45. I decided to head downstairs to the kitchen and eat something before I started my day at a new school. As I was looking around the kitchen trying to find a bowl for my cereal, Aunt B walked in and helped me by grabbing a bowl from the other side of the kitchen. I was really gonna have to get used to this place.

"Are you ready for your first day?" she asked kindly as she started to make herself toast.

"I guess, I'm kinda nervous" I said as stuffed my face with lucky charms.

"You'll do fine" she said with a smile.

After we both finished our breakfast, I grabbed my bag and headed toward Aunt B's car. She had told me that she would drive me to school today but because it wasn't that far away I'd be able to walk. As we pulled out of the driveway and headed toward the school I realized how nervous I really was. It didn't take long until we pulled into the parking lot of my new school.

"Have a good day" Aunt B said to me as I got out of the car with my bag on my shoulder. I simply smiled in response and headed toward the front doors of the large building. I headed toward the office and talked to the lady at the desk. She gave me my schedule and locker number, along with a bunch of other papers that had the school's rules on them. I said thank you to the lady and took out the little map of the school she gave me as I went to try and find my locker.

Walking through the hallways I noticed that I was kinda of early seeing few people in the halls. I liked being able to easily pass through so I mentally took a note that getting to the school early was a good thing. Even though there weren't many people in the hall the few people there were turned their heads to look at me as I walked along. After a while of just wondering around I had found out where some of my classes were and had finally found my locker. I was locker 318, I thought it was really cool cause my birthday was march 18. That made me smile as I tried to figure out my combination.

I had tried a couple of times and just couldn't get the darn thing open. Seriously, that thing must have been superglued shut cause it was not working. Trying on more time, and failing, I noticed a blonde girl who had showed up next to me opening her locker that was a few away from mine. She must have noticed my struggle with my lock, cause she came over to me with a smile on her face.

"Do you need help with your lock?" she asked me as she seemed somewhat amused.

"Yea.." I was a little embarrassed. I mean come on, it's my first day here and I couldn't even open my locker.

"It's okay..I couldn't open my locker on my first day. The locks are really old so they don't always open" She smiled as I told her my combination and it opened like nothing.

"Thanks" I said still embarassed and kinda shy. I wasn't always shy but there was something about being in a new place that made me feel like a fish in the sea.

"No problem. Are you new here?" she asked simply. I guess I was gonna have to get used to being asked that question.

"Yea I just moved here. I'm Hailey" I said with a shy smile.

"Hi. I'm Emma , where'd you move here from?" she asked with a smile.

"Um..California." I said as I put my bag in my locker and shutting it. Noticing that more people are filling the halls I began to think that classes were probably gonna start soon.

"Wow..That's cool. I've always wanted to go to California." Emma continued. I just met here but I had a feeling that we may be friends. She seemed like a nice person. I mean I don't know how many people would help the new girl with her locker. They'd probably just watch and laugh.

"Yea it's really nice there. You can go to the grocery store and get tan" I said with a laugh. I was kind of opening up. The shyness finally going away.

"Haha that must be nice." Emma laughed and it was a fake laugh it was a real 'haha that's funny laugh. There was a slight pause before she talked again.

"So did you get your schedule yet?" She asked me with curiosty. I nodded and handed her my paper that had my schedule on it. She smiled as she studied my classes.

"We have history, study, and lunch together" She said with a smile as sh handed me my paper back.

"Awesome, now I'll know at least one person in my class." As I finished my sentence the bell rang and looked to my schedule to see I had history first period with Emma.

"My friend Ryan is in that class too. I'll have to introduce you to him, He's awesome" Emma had a silly grin on her face as she told me about Ryan. It made me think something was up but I just met Emma so I wouldn't know. We headed to class and took our seats in the back. As we sat there and waited for Ryan I couldn't help but think maybe I could like it here. Maybe it wasn't gonna be that bad, so far nothing sucked. I broke out of my thoughts when I saw a boy, who I assumed to be Ryan was, came over to where me and Emma were sitting. I looked to Emma who was sitting next to me and she had the biggest smile on her face. There must have been something going on because how many times do you smile that that at someone who is juat a friend?

"Hey Ryan" Emma said as the smile on her face only got bigger.

"Hey Em" he said simply as he took the seat in front of her.

"Oh! I want you to meet Hailey, she's new here" she said as she turned to me.

"Hey" Ryan said with a friendly smile. I'll admit that ryan was definitley cute but I wasn't really looking for a realationship and I had a strong feeling that him and Emma had something going on. I'll have to ask her later if there is something between them.

"Hey" I said back returning a friendly smile. As the class started we just talked all through class and the teacher gave me my work to do to catch up to the class. Luckily the year had just started so I wasn't that far behind. Before I knew it, the class was over and I headed to my next class. Sadly I didn't know anyone in that class so I just did the work along with the stuff I had to make up in that class too. It was gonna take me a while to catch up on all this work. That class and my next few classes passed by quickly.

It was now lunch and I had found Emma and Ryan sitting at a table near the middle of the cafateria. I went over to them and sat down in the empty seat. We didn't even get a conversation going before a brown haired girl came over to the table and she looked really excited.

"Guys guess what I just heard!" the girl said and she seemed a little too happy.

"What'd you hear Diana?" Ryan answered not seeming intrested in what she had to say.

"Justin's coming back!!" she said as if it was the greatest thing in world. It must have meant something cause Ryan got excited and was imeditley intrested in what she had to say.

"Really? I can't believe it. Thanks for telling me Diana" he said and looked really happy now. The girl, Diana, walked away after responding to Ryan and I turned to Emma who seemed just as happy.

"I can not believe he's coming back! This is amazing! We haven't seen him in so long!" Emma just kept rambling on and on. I was so lost. who was Justin and what was so great about him. Once Ryan and Emma calmed down, I asked the question that I honestly wanted to know. I mean I knew of Justin Bieber but I doubt it was him.

"Who's Justin?"
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Soo...Comments please
I want to know how it's coming out so far.