Oh Darlin'

Meet Justin

They both stopped their rambling about whoever this Justin kid was and snapped their heads to look at me like I should know who he was.

"Did you guys forget that I'm new here?" I asked them.

"Right, sorry" Emma said while Ryan took out his phone and started to text someone with an excited expression on his face.

"So who's this Justin kid, what's so great about him?" I asked, taking a sip of my water bottle, waiting for Emma to explain what the big deal about this guy was.

"Well we were best friends when he lived here. He started singing and got discovered. I'm surprised you haven't heard of him. Anyway, we still are best friends but it's hard cause he's on tour and we don't see him that much. Apparently, according to Diana, he's coming back. It could be a lie though cause let's just say she's known for lying around here" Emma continued to talk but I was so confused. Did he live some kind of double life? What was she talking about a tour? Who was this kid?

"I just texted him and he said he has a three month break from his tour and his coming back up here" Ryan said breaking me away from my thoughts on who this Justin kid was.

"Yay! This is gonna be awesome! I missed Justin, I can't believe he's coming back. Did he say when he's coming back?" She asked Ryan. I felt a lot like a third wheel. Here I was, the new girl, just sitting here listening to them talk about a long lost friend who was coming back. I'd probably have to get used to it. When this Justin came back I'd probably be on my own while they hung out with him.

They talked about justin the rest of lunch. All the memories they had with him, the funny times, how he was coming back later this week. Emma kept turning to me to make sure I was listening and I was but with them talking about memories it made me miss California. All my friends down there, my grandparents, everything. The bell rang and I went to the rest of my classes. The rest of the day was a blur because I was deep in thought about my life before my parents passed. I remember thinking that nothing bad would ever happen. Everything would be fine but then mom got sick and everything went down hill.

After class I met Emma in the halls. We talked on our way to our lockers where Ryan met up with Emma to give her a ride home. We exchanged numbers and I went on my way.

"I'll text you!" Emma shouted at me as I walked down the bustling hallways. I smiled back at her as I made my way out of the school. My aunt had to work so I ended up having to take the bus. It wasn't bad but it took me a while to figure out which bus to take. On the ride home I heard a few girls, who were sitting a few seats in front of me, talking about Justin. Assuming it was the same Justin Emma and Ryan knew I listened in.

"So Caitlin, guess what I heard today?" One girl said. She looked familiar, I think it was that Diana girl who told Ryan about Justin at lunch.

"And what did you heard today Diana?" The girl I assumed was Caitlin answered.

"I heard that Justin is coming back during his break from tour" Diana said waiting for Caitlin to respond. She didn't seem too excited.

"Okay and..." She said and I sensed a bit of frustration in her voice when she spoke.

"I just thought you'd want to know" Diana said disappointed that her news didn't get the reaction she wanted from her friend.

"I told you, me and Justin had a thing a long time ago but that was then. We are friends now, I've moved on. I don't need to know ever little detail on his life" she said clearly frustrated. I got a feeling that she hasn't moved on from whatever she had with Justin. She seemed frustrated in a jealous way, not a pure frustration kinda way. After that it was my stop so I got off the bus and walked toward my new home. No matter how many times I called it home it just didn't feel like home. Yeah it was my home from now on but it wasn't my old home. It wasn't the same. Jane greeted me at the door and I headed upstairs to start on the piles of homework I had to catch up on.

About half way through my homework I decided to take a break. There was so much work, I swear if I had to do another math problem I was going to explode. I went downstairs to look for something to eat. As I searched through the kitchen I noticed my aunt wasn't home yet. I knew that she worked a lot but I didn't think she'd work this much. I grabbed an apple and headed back to my room.

The night was boring. I eventually finished the homework like the nerd I am and me and Emma texted for a while until she stopped answering. I didn't mind cause all she kept talking about was Justin. I liked Emma but I didn't know this guy so I wasn't gonna get involved in conversations about him.

The rest of the week went by pretty fast and it was finally Friday. I have only been at this school a week and I already was so happy to get a break from everyone. It felt like everyone was talking about Justin and it started to frustrate me. I tried to talk to my Aunt B about it one night but she didn't really pay attention. She worked so much that when I did see her all she wanted to do was rest, not listen to my 'teenage complaints' as she puts it. I wasn't really complaining I just wanted to talk about it. I ended up talking to Jane that and she listened to me. I had a feeling she was gonna be more of a guardian than my aunt.

I was sitting in my room fixing up the little details. I had mostly everything put away and was just fixing things like pictures on walls. I just finished putting up a poster when my phone buzzed. It was a text from Emma. We hadn't talked a lot this week. I kinda avoided her knowing she would bring up Justin.

From: Emma
Hey, you busyy?

To: Emma
Nope, why what's up?

I was kinda busy with my room but I didn't want to sit in my room on a friday night. It wasn't long before Emma answered back. I had figured out that she was fast when it came to replying to texts.

From: Emma
Well I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me and Ry?

To: Emma

From: Emma
Awesome! Were probably gonna chill at my place and watch movies nbd.

I continued to text her about details and realized that I had just made plans with no way to get to Emma's house because again my aunt was working. I asked her for a ride and made myself look decent. I didn't want to get all dolled up, I mean we were just watching movies right? I waited downstairs when Jane came out of the living room.

"Where are you going?" She asked, spraying the little table near the door and wiping it with a cloth.

"Just to a friends house, I should be home before Aunt B" I said. Again I got the feeling that Jane was more motherly than Aunt B.

"Okay, be careful" she said as a car beeped from outside. I said bye to Jane and headed out the door. I saw a black range rover parked in my driveway. I didn't know Emma had her license let alone a range rover.

"I didn't know you had a range rover" I said still in awe as I climbed in the passenger seat.

"I wish, it's not mine. It's a friends." She said with a big smile on her face. Okay? That's kinda weird. What was she doing driving a friends car? I just let it go.

"I didn't know you had your license either" I said as we drove to her house.

"Yeah but I don't have a car to drive so I usually get rides with Ryan" she said turning off my street.

"What's going on with you and Ryan?" I asked finally. I could she her blush before saying "nothing"

"Whatever you say" I said jokingly. It was obvious something was there but neither would admit it. I don't know why, they were cute together. We soon pulled into the driveway of Emma's house. I was somewhat nervous. I hadn't hung out with anyone since I've been here and I didn't want to make a bad impression.

Justin's POV

Ah Canada. There's no place like it, I love it here. It was and always will be home. I was so glad to finally have a break from tour. Don't get me wrong, I love touring and seeing all the fans and different places but sometimes I need to go back to my roots to stay humble in this crazy hollywood lifestyle. I was in the kitchen with my grandma and my mom listening to them talk about stuff. I wasn't really paying attention, I decided to text Ryan and see what he was doing.

To: Ryan
Hey bro, I'm back! Wanna chill?

From: Ryan
Yea I'm at Em's. Come over, you know she'd be happy to see you haha

Emma has always been a close friend of mine. She always got overly excited when ever I came back to Canada. We were just close, she told me thinks most girls tell other girl friends. Ryan thinks she likes me but he's so slow he can't see that she likes him. I texted him back and told my mom I was leaving before headed to my range rover.

It didn't take me long to get to Emma's house. I still knew all these streets like the back of my hand. I went to the door and before I could even knock I was attacked by a familiar blonde.

"Justin!!" She squealed as she hugged me and I hugged her back. I couldn't help but laugh. To anyone who didn't know how me and Emma were then we probably looked like we were dating.

"Hey Em, I missed you too" I said still laughing. She finally released me from her death grib and I followed her inside where Ryan sat in the living room.

"Hey buddy" I said as I went over and gave him a bro hug. I joined him on the couch and started to watch whatever it was he was watching.

"Justin, could I borrow your car?" Emma asked looking up from her phone.

"Uh..why?" I asked nervously, my car was like my baby. I trusted Emma but I wasn't sure how good she was at driving.

"I invited Hailey over and she needs a ride." She said and continued to type on her phone.

"Who's Hailey?" I asked not remembering anyone named Hailey from the days when I lived here.

"She's new here, she doesn't know a lot of people so she's been hanging out with me and Ryan. She's cool, you'll like her." She said telling me about Hailey.

"I guess, just don't wreck my baby" I said tossing her my keys. I was nervous but like I said, I trusted Emma. She took my keys and headed out the door. I held my breath hoping nothing would happen.

"You better hope she can drive your car" Ryan laughed.

"Let's hope so" I said.

"So what do you know about this Hailey girl?" I asked trying to find out more about this girl. I hoped she wasn't a fan. I loved my fans but sometimes they went a little bit overboard, haha get it?

"Not much, just that she moved here a few days ago. why?" Ryan asked with a sly smile on his face.

"I'm just asking seeing that Im gonna have to spend time with a girl I don't know." I hope that things went okay and weren't awkward or anything.

"Have you talked to Caitlin?" Ryan randomly asked.

"Nah, I mean we talk here and there but its awkward considering everything that happened" Caitlin was a friend of mine when I lived here. We're still friends..sorta. We dated and its just kinda awkward now.

"Oh cause she was asking about you the other day" he said, flipping through the channels.

"Oh what'd she say?" I asked nervous about the answer. Caitlin was sweet but could be a pain sometimes.

"Nothing really, just when you were coming back. A lot of people have been talking about you coming back lately." He said, finally turning the tv off after a failed attempt of finding something to watch.

"Well you know, I'm kind of a big deal" I said jokingly.

"Yeah sure you are" Ryan joked back. I didn't get to say anything back because Emma burst through the door.

"I'm back! And your car is awesome!" She exclaimed bouncing into the house while the girl I guessed was Hailey followed behind her. She had brown hair and brown eyes. She was cute.

"Hey Hailey" Ryan spoke from next to me, snapping me out of my daze.

"Hey" she said quietly. Her and Emma came and sat down. Emma sat in the recliner, leaving Hailey to sit between me and Ryan on the couch.

"Oh! Hailey this is Justin" Emma said montioning to my spot on the couch.

"Hey" I said turning to her.

"Hi" she said back. I could tell she was nervous.

"So, Hailey how do you like Canada?" Ryan asked sprking up a conversation. Thank goodness.

"Its nice but I still miss home" she spoke and I could hear the sadness in her voice.

"Where are you from?" I asked getting noisy.

"California" she said proudly.

"California girls, they're unforgettable" I said hoping she'd get the joke. She just smiled and laughed.

"I don't get it" Emma said clearly lost.

"Like the song, California Gurls by Katy Perry" Ryan said in a 'duh' tone.

"Ohh I get it." Emma said laughing

"Wow Em" was all I could say. She was something. The rest of the night went on the same way. Talking, laughing, mostly making fun of Emma. As the night went on, I noticed that Hailey got more comfortable. It starting getting late and Hailey was the first to leave. I offered to give her a ride seeing that she needed a ride here maybe she needed a ride back, but she said she was fine. I mentally slapped myself when she left and I didn't get to ask her for her number. She was cute, funny, and had a great personality. I definitely wanted to see her again.
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I know that I haven't updated this story in a while but I will be updating it more often
P.S. I have nothing against Caitlin, I'm just using her for the story.
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