Oh Darlin'

Wrong Side of Town

Hailey's POV

I sat in my room with a smile plastered on my face. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be, I actually had fun. I was nervous enough about hanging out with Emma and Ryan, then having Justin Bieber there made me even more nervous. Not only was he Justin Bieber but everyone had been talking about him. How great he was, and funny, and good looking. I guess you could say I was a fan, I liked his music but I wasn't a stalker. I'll admit I felt a bit star struck but I managed to keep my cool. Once I got used to being around him I relaxed and everything was fine.

I checked the clock and it read 10:30. Where did the day go? I decided to take a shower and get comfortable. I went into the bathroom that connected to my room and took a shower. I always wanted a bathroom that connected to my room and now that I had one it was awesome. I didn't have to worry about other peoples stuff in my bathroom, it was all mine. When I got out of the shower, I put on my winnie the pooh pajama pants and a t-shirt, and layed down with my ipod. I always listened to music before I went to bed. It was one way to relax at night. A smile came to my face when One Time by Justin flooded through my headphones. I couldn't help but feel excited to know just a few hours ago I was doing what most girls would kill for. I was hanging out with the one and only Justin Bieber. I have to say he was just as sweet and funny as I thought he'd be. I felt my phone vibrate from its place next to me on my bed. I read the screen and it was a text from Emma. Why was she texting me so late? Well it wasn't that late but whatever.

From: Emma
Hey I know it's late and all but Justin's been bugging me since you left to give you his number and I swear if he doesn't shut up there won't be a Justin Bieber anymore. So can you please text him so he'll know its you and shut the eff up.

Right below the text was Justin's number. This was crazy, was I dreaming or something? Did I fall asleep? Was I being punk'd, where are a cameras and Ashton Kustcher? I didn't even know how to respond to Emma so I just added the number to my phone and opened a new text. What was I supposed to say? I sat there for a few minutes think of what to say.

To: Justin
Hey it's Hailey (:

As soon as I sent the text I became really nervous. It felt like when you send a message to a crush and then get really nervous of what they'll say back. I wasn't sure if he'd write back but not even a minute later my phone buzzed and it was Justin.

From: Justin
Hey I wasn't sure if it was you and I didn't want to text a number being all 'hey its justin bieber' who knows how that'd end up lol

To: Justin
Haha I don't blame you. You have some crazy fans and haters out there.

From: Justin
Speaking of fans and haters, which one are you?

To: Justin
Oh I'm definitely a hater. I can't stand your squeaky voice and that hair..ew.

From: Justin

To: Justin
You know I'm joking right?

From: Justin
Psh of course. You can't resist the biebs ;)

To: Justin
Oh yeah and your boat loads of swag ;) haha

From: Justin
Haha exactly! I'm just irresistible.

To: Justin
Woah, I didn't say all that.

From: Justin
But you were thinking it.

To: Justin
Haha sure, whatever helps you sleep at night popstar.

I couldn't believe I was sitting, well lying, here texting Justin Bieber. You would think I'd be nervous about everything I said but I wasn't. I felt like I was talking a friend not a superstar and it was just natural. The next few hours continued with us texting. We just talked about random stuff and joked or flirted I guess you could say. The last thing I remember was sending a text around 2 but I fell asleep before I could read his reply.

When I woke up the first thing I did was check my phone. I had 2 texts from Justin.

From: Justin
Yeah sometimes it can be crazy but its worth it.

The first text was the answer to the question I asked him about being famous and not really having a private life. It was the next text that made my heart skip a beat.

From: Justin
Did you fall asleep on me? Oh well, goodnight beautiful.

I sat there just staring at my phone until it buzzed snapping me out of my daze. I had a new text, I hoped it was Justin but it was Emma, not that I wasn't happy to talk to her. She was the first person to talk to me here. My first friend and I was perfectly fine if I didn't have any other friends. She was really nice, funny, and all around a fun person. Anyway, back to the text, it read.

From: Emma
Hey thanks for shutting justin up last night haha but I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with us at the park?

I figured that when she said us she meant her, Ryan, and Justin. If Justin was gonna be there then I'd go. After that text I was eager to see him.

To: Emma
Sounds good to me and I was happy to haha.

From: Emma
Haha okay we'll pick you up at like 11.

I read that text and looked at the time. It was 10:30, damn I only had a half an hour to get ready. I quickly jumped out of bed and headed into the shower. I did my hair and got dressed in a cute t-shirt, shorts and flats. I was obsessed with flats they were like the only shoe I owned. There was a car beeping outside so I headed downstairs. Walking to the door I ran into my aunt. Shocked that she was here and not at work I just quickly told her I was going out with friends. She just muttered an okay and I left. It was pointless to even tell her cause it was obvious she didn't care. I just shrugged it off and headed to the same black range rover that picked me up last time only this time Justin was driving. I climbed in the back next to Emma and noticed that Ryan was in the passenger seat.

"Hey" I said happily as I buckled up. Safety first right? There was a chorus of different heys as we drove away from my house, well my aunts house.

"So are you pumped?" Emma asked hyper from the seat next to me.

"Pumped for what? I thought we were just going to the park or something" I asked slightly confused.

"We are, Emma's just being weird like always" Ryan said turning around to face us.

"Oh shut up Ryan, you know you love me" Emma said to Ryan and they started to bicker back and forth. It just made me laugh that it was so obvious they liked each other and neither did anything. I couldn't help but keep laughing while they bickered. I glanced up as we stopped at a light to see Justin looking at me through the rear view mirror. Our eyes meet and immediately my cheeks turned red. It wasn't long before we arrived at a small park near the middle of town. I remembered driving by here when my aunt picked me up from the airport.

"Finally!" Emma yelled and practically jumped out of the car before Justin parked.

"I'll get her" Ryan laughed and got out once the car had stopped.

"Is she okay?" I asked Justin as we walked toward Ryan and Emma who had began to chase each other around the jungle gym like little kids.

"Yeah she just gets hyper sometimes. You'll get used to it" he said laughing. He had the cutest laugh.

"Thanks for leaving me hanging last night" he said seriously as we took a seat on the swings that faced a little pond in the middle of the park.

"I'm sorry, I fell asleep" I said feeling bad. He probably was waiting for my text last night for who knows how long.

"I'm just messing with you" he said breaking his serious front with a breath taking smile. It felt like I just kept finding things I like about him.

"Not funny" I said, pushing him playfully. I turned around to see where Ryan and Emma went but I couldn't find them. I turned back around and out of no where the swing I was on started to move.

"What the hell!" I screamed freaked out until I saw Emma was pushing me.

"You scared the crap outta me" I exclaimed as the swing slowed down.

"Hopefully not literally" Emma laughed as she sat in the seat where Justin just was. He had gotten up and went to play soccer with Ryan. I don't know where they got the ball from but whatever.

"No not literally. That's gross" I said noticing that Emma was staring over at the boys.

"What are you looking at?" I asked teasingly.

"Huh..nothing" Emma said snapping out of her gaze and I noticed she calmed down from her hyper-ness.

"You were looking at something, more like someone" I smiled knowing exactly who she was looking at.

"I wasn't looking at Ryan!" She said defenasivly.

"I never said you were. I said you were looking at someone, that could mean anyone in the park but you just gave yourself away" I said with a smile, happy that she admitted she was checking out Ryan. She didn't say anything, she just blushed.

"So seriously, what's going on with you two" I asked again, hoping a get more of an answer than I did last time.

"Nothings going on. I mean yeah I like him but I don't think he sees me as more than a friend" she said, still watching the boys run around.

"Does he know that you like him?" I asked, joining Emma in watching Ryan and Justin play soccer.

"No, I don't want to tell him cause what if he doesn't feel the same way, things will be awkward." She said turning to look at me. I just sighed, I knew how she felt. I went through the same thing back home and it ended up bad. I told this guy I liked him and he just laughed in my face and told everyone. I was humiliated.

"I know how you feel but you'll never know how he feels if you don't tell him." I said trying to give her confidence.

"Maybe..but I don't know" she said and I could tell she was deep in thought about it. We just sat on the swings and continued to talk and laugh when the guys did something stupid or missed the ball. As we were watching the guys I heard laughing and looked up to see the girls from the bus. I wasn't sure what their names were so I asked Emma.

"Hey Em, don't those girls go to our school?" I asked and she looked toward the group of girls who were still giggling.

"Yeah, that's Caitlin and Diana. I don't know the other two girls." She said and didn't sound too happy.

"You don't like them?" I asked curious.

"They're okay but Diana lies a lot and Caitlin went out with Justin a few years ago and got all bitchy at him when he decided to leave to pursue his music." She said and I could tell they frustrated her.

"She's so fake, whenever Justin comes back she acts like things are cool between them but when he leaves she talks shit about him." She said getting more flustered. I started to regret asking her about them. I glanced back at them to see Caitlin talking to Justin. I don't know why but it bothered me to see them talking. We weren't dating and I'm sure they were friends but it just bothered me.

"Don't worry he's over her" Emma said smiling at me.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"Justin, I know you like him" she said still smiling.

"How could I like him? I just met him." I laughed. Okay I did like him a little bit but I did just meet him. It could just be that I'm so star struck that I think I like him. That makes sense right?

"Love at first sight, duh!" Emma said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. I just laughed at her. We spent a while at the park until it started to get dark. I said bye to everyone as they dropped me off. I seriously need to get my drivers license. I don't want to always have to get rides with everyone else.

I walked up the driveway and noticed my aunts car was gone. She was at work no doubt. I entered the house and saw Jane in the kitchen where she was putting groceries away. Jane was like a maid and an assistant put together. She cleaned the house and did errands for Aunt B. I really liked having her around, she was always there to talk to. I went into the kitchen and started to help her with the groceries.

"You don't have to help me, dear" she said putting cereal away.

"I don't mind" I said. I don't think it was fair that my aunt was so lazy she paid Jane to do things for her.

"So how was your day?" She asked sounding more like a mother than a maid.

"Good, I just hung out with a few friends. I think I might start to like it here." I said finishing up with the groceries.

"I've lived here my whole life and I love it. I don't think there's any reason to not like it here." She said taking a seat at the island. There was a moment of silence that was interrupted by the sound of my cell phone buzzing on the counter top. I reached for my phone and a huge grin spread on my face as I saw Justin's name flash across my screen.

"I've seen smiles like that before. What's his name?" She asked smiling at me.

"Justin...I just met him but he's really cute" I said blushing. I couldn't help it, I guess I was forming feelings for the guy.

"Well ill let you answer him cause I can see your dying to" she joked before leaving the room. She was right though I was dying to open the text.

From: Justin
Emma told me what you guys were talking about today.

I held my breath. What did she tell him? That I was jealous of him talking to Caitlin? I decided to play dumb and act like I had no idea what he was talking about.

To: Justin

From: Justin
About her liking Ryan and stuff.

To: Justin
Ohh okay.

From: Justin
Why what did you think I was talking about?

To: Justin

From: Justin

Thankfully, Justin didn't keep bugging me about it. Anyway we ended up talking about how Emma and Ryan have had a thing for each other for a while but neither has done anything. He came up with the idea to set them up so they'd have time alone. Since he was having a barbecue as a welcome back type thing tomorrow, he said we could use that as a chance to get them together.

To: Justin
Well good luck, I hope it works. They'll be so cute together.

From: Justin
Aren't you gonna come?

To: Justin
If you want me to...

From: Justin
Of course I do. I mean were friends now right?

The word friend kinda crushed me a bit but what was I expecting. This was world famous Justin Bieber. The one who sold out Madison Square Garden in 22 minutes, the one who's sold countless records. There's no way he'd want to be more than friends with a normal girl like me. I told him I'd go and he told me the time and address. This was all so weird, I just met Justin and he was already inviting me to cookouts at his house. Not that I was complaining, like I said this is Justin Bieber were talking about.

I made sure I woke up early the next day. I wanted to have enough time to get ready for the cookout at Justin's. I still couldn't believe that this was all happening. It felt like a dream, a dream that I didn't want to wake up from anytime soon. Before I took a shower I looked through my clothes for something to wear. I didn't want to get all dressed up but I wanted to at least look nice. I finally found something cute yet simple to wear and headed toward the bathroom.

By the time I took a shower and got dressed, it was around 11. The cookout wasn't until 3 so I had a lot of time until then. I sat in my room for a moment wondering why I had waken up so early. I decided to go talk to Jane to try and make the time go faster. I headed downstairs and went into the kitchen to look for Jane but she wasn't there, so I went into the living room and found aunt B instead of Jane. She was sitting at the desk near the window writing on a stack of files. I was confused, usually aunt B worked and was gone by this time but here she was.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with unintentional attitude, that my aunt had no problem giving back. I don't understand why she was so nice at some moments and such a bitch in other moments. If she didn't want me here she didn't have to take me in, she wasn't forced to be my guardian. Honestly, I wasn't thrilled when I was told she'd be my guardian. I'd rather have a foster family but I can't change things now.

"This is my house, I'm allowed to be here." She spoke with a vicious tone. I didn't know what to say so I just sat down on one of the couches and pretending to play with my phone.

"Um..Aunt B, do you think you can drive me to a friends house today" I asked hopefully. Obviously she didn't work today and it wouldn't take that long to drop me off.

"Can't you see that I'm busy. I don't have time to drive you places. Ask jane to do it, that's what she gets paid to do" she said not even looking at me. Even though I wasn't crazy about living with aunt B it hurt to hear her say that. She was only family I had left and she didn't even care about me. I went to my room, grabbed my ipod and left a note on the kitchen counter before leaving. Since I had time to waste I thought I'd explore the streets of Ontario. This was my home now so I might as well learn the twists and turns. I put my ipod on and started walking to no where inperticualr as long as it wasn't near this awful house I called home.

Apparently my navigating skills are really bad. After an hour or so of walking I ended up in a not so great looking part of town. I tried to turn around and go back the way I came but I bumped into someone. I muttered a quick sorry before continuing to walk away from this area that just screamed trouble.

"Where do you think your going little lady?" A man asked grabbing my arm to pull me back to him. I started to panic. I tried to pull my arm from his grasp but he held on too tight. There was definitely going to be a bruise.

"Its okay, I won't hurt you" he said into my ear, sending shivers down my spine and not the good kind. He stared to pull me toward an alley. I just tried to push him away but it seemed like nothing was working. He pushed me against the brick wall in the alley and started to kiss my neck. It felt gross and I kept pushing him away, still not getting him away from me. I could feel tears roll down my face at the thought of what would happen if I didn't get this creep away from me.

"Awe don't cry, it'll be over quick." He said pulling at my shirt. There was no way I was gonna let this perv do this so I didn't the only thing I could think to do to get a guy away from you, I kicked him where the sun don't shine. He cried out in pain and fell to the ground. I took the opportunity to run the hell out of the alley. I didn't know where I was going but I ran until I couldn't breathe and my legs burned. I looked around and saw a little coffee shop. I don't know how far I ran but I could tell I was out of that area and away from that creep. I went into the coffee shop and sat at one of the booths to try and calm down. I took my phone out and it was then I realized my vision was blurry with tears cause I couldn't clearly read my screen. I started pressing buttons to call someone, anyone to get me out of here. I thought I called aunt B or Emma but was shocked when I heard Justin's voice through the phone.

"Hello" He answered, clueless to the fact I could have just been raped.

"Justin?" I asked, trying to keep my voice from shaking but failing.

"Hailey?, what's wrong?" He asked with worry clear in his voice.

"Can you come get me..please" I asked breaking down in this little coffee shop.

"Uh..yeah. Everything okay?" He asked still worried.

"Not really." I sobbed into the phone, noticing my hands were shaking.

"Where are you?" He asked. His voice going from worried to protective. I got up and went outside to look for a street sign before telling him the address.

"Okay hang in there. I'm coming now" he said and I could hear him shuffling around. We hung up and I just sat there. I put my head in my hands and cried. I was so scared, what if I didn't get away. I shivered at the thought of what could've happened. After a few minutes I had stopped crying but was still really shaken up. I heard the bell above the door ring and looked up to see a very worried Justin. The moment I saw him I ran to him and he pulled me into a hug. It felt amazing to be in his hold but most of all I felt safe. Like nothing could happen cause I was with Justin. It's stupid I know, but that's how I felt. I held onto him tighter and just inhaled his scent. He smelled amazing. As much as I wanted to enjoy this moment I couldn't because I was shaking from the scene that just happened.

"It's okay, your safe now" Justin whispered in my ear and tightened his hold on me. It made my heat jump being this close to him and I absolutely loved it.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I changed the friends name to Emma.
Sorry if it confused you but Hailey's friend's name is gonna be Emma from now on.
Comment Please (: