Oh Darlin'


Once I calmed down, me and Justin got in his car. As soon as we got in the car, he asked about what happened and I told him everything...well not everything. I left out the part about my aunt being a bitch. I didn't want to have to explain my whole life story, why I lived with my aunt and what not. He just stared at me as I spoke and I could see that he really cared about me being okay. It felt nice to be cared about, it felt even better to know that it was Justin who cared about me. When I finished telling what happened we started to drive away from this awful area.

"This is all my fault" I spoke, looking out the window as we drove away from the little coffee shop.

"What?" Justin asked like I was speaking gibberish.

"This whole thing is my fault. If I didn't decide to go all dora the explorer and go walking around that never would've happened." I spoke, turning to face him even though he was watching the cars around him.    

"This is not your fault Hailey. That guy was a fucking creep. He deserves to rot in hell for what he tried to do to you" he spoke loudly and  I could tell he was pissed. I stared at him wide eyed, shocked that he just swore. Now I know swearing is bad but hearing Justin swear was so sexy.

"What?" He asked, when he noticed I was staring at him.

"You just swore" I said still shocked. I never pictured him as the type to swear.

"It's not that big of a deal but just don't tell my mom" he laughed which made me laugh. After that, the car became quiet. Surprising it wasn't awkward, it was a comfortable silence.  

"Do you want me to drop you off at your place?" Justin asked me out of no where.

"No.." I spoke honestly. I didn't want to go home, knowing aunt B was home. I just wanted to stay with Justin but I wasn't going to tell him that.

"Okay....well do you wanna just stay with me then? You were supposed to come over anyways" he said, focusing on the road.  

"Sure" I said like it was no big deal but inside I was so happy. Just spending time with Justin made me feel better. It didn't take long for us to pull up to what I assumed was Justin's house. I got out and followed Justin inside.

"I'm back" he shouted into the quiet house.

"What took you so long? Is she okay?" A women a few inches smaller than Justin, with long brown hair asked as she appeared from another part of the house.

"Ask her yourself" Justin said as he moved from in front of me and I suddenly felt very vulnerable.

"Hi, I'm Pattie, Justin's mom" she said with a welcoming smile.

"I'm Hailey. It's nice to meet you" I said returning the smile.

"Oh I know, Justin's told me about you" She said still smiling. When she said that I glanced at Justin who looked embarrassed.

"Well why don't you come outside and just get situated. The cookout should start soon." She said before disappearing.

"I'm sorry about that. She can be embarrassing sometimes" he said starting to walk through the house and I followed him.

"It fine. She's nice" I said, thinking that he was lucky to have a mom around to embarrass him. I continued to follow Justin through the unfamiliar house and into a cute little backyard, where there was a banner hung on the fence that said 'welcome home'. It was so cute. Other than Pattie, there was and older man and women. Justin introduced me and it turns out they were his grandparents. They were all so nice, it was no surprise that Justin turned out the way he did with such great people around him. In a way I was jealous. He had everything a person could want. He had fame and money and a family. That's what I was most jealous of, his family. They cared so much about him unlike aunt B, who didn't give a crap about me. As time went on a few more people showed up. I was introduced to Justin's dad and his little sister and brother who were just as cute as he was. His little sister called him 'bieber' and it was the cutest thing in the world. She would just follow him around going 'bieber, bieber!'.

I was sitting in one of the many lawn chairs when Justin came and sat next to me.

"You okay?" He asked with a smile. He looked so happy to be around his family and it made me smile to see him so happy.

"Yeah, I'm fine why?" I asked wondering why he asked in the first place. Did I look upset or something?

"Just wondering cause you seem like there's something bothering you" he said clearly concerned. I was always bad at hiding my feelings. Whatever I was feeling was usually clearly written on my face.

"It's nothing" I said, not wanting to bring Justin's good mood down.

"Ha! So there is something wrong" he said like a little kid which made me smile.

"It's nothing really" That was a lie but what was I supposed to say? 'Justin, I'm jealous that you have a family that cares about you when I have shit' No way.  

"Come on, you can tell me" he said scooting closer like I was gonna tell him a secret. Thankfully his mom called him before I had time to say anything

"Justin, Emma and Ryan are here" Pattie yelled. Shocker that they came together. Me and Justin must have thought the same thing cause we looked at each other and just laughed.

"Hey guys" Justin said when Emma and Ryan entered the backyard.

"Hey" Ryan said walking over with Emma close behind. Ryan started talking to Justin and Emma came to sit next to me.

"Your here early" Emma said smiling and I caught the hint she threw out.

"It's a long story" I said simply.

"Mhm sure it is" she joked. We all talked for a while and Justin bounced from our little group to talking with his family and other people there. At one point, I saw Justin chasing Jazmyn around the yard. I just watched in awe at how sweet he was.

"You know, staring is rude" Ryan said causing Emma to giggle.

"I wasn't staring. I was...admiring." I said trying to stop my cheek from burning.

"That's the same thing" Emma said still giggling like an idiot.

"What's the same thing?" Justin asked coming over with Jazzy hanging on his hip.

"Nothing" I said before Ryan or Emma could say anything. He gave me a questioning look before going to give Jazzy to his dad.

"Just admit it. You like him." Emma said getting serious.

"I don't like him" I said as serious as I could.

"Hey Hailey, could I talk to you for a sec." Justin said from behind me causing me to jump. I didn't realize he was behind me, I hope he didn't hear anything.

"Uh..sure" I was so nervous. I followed Justin inside and felt like a little kid in trouble. We got to the kitchen and Justin turned around to face me.

"So, what did you wanna talk about?" I asked trying to stay calm. I didn't want to look like a werido.

"Nothing, I just wanted to get you away from Ryan and Emma..so they could be alone.." He said, adding the last part in quickly.   

"Oh..right. I forgot about that." I smiled feeling stupid for getting worried over nothing. I glanced at Justin and saw him staring at me. I started getting nervous all over again.

"Do I have  something on my face?" I asked thinking he'd start laughing cause I caught him staring at me but he didn't.

"Um..yeah you do" he said with a smirk.  

"Oh my god, really?" I said covering my face so you couldn't see whatever was on my face.

"Relax, it's just an eyelash" he laughed, clearly amused that I was freaking out. I started to wipe my cheeks to get rid of the eyelash but there wasn't a mirror anywhere so I couldn't see where it was.

"Is it gone?" I asked.

"No, here let me get it" he said walking closer to me. He slowly used his thumb to brush my cheek where the eyelash was. I swear the instant his finger came in contact with my cheek I felt sparks rush through my body.

"There" he whispered and I noticed how close he was to me. We just stared at each and I saw him glance at my lips quickly before he started to lean in. I stood there for a minute before I started to lean in too. It felt like everything was moving in slow motion, that nothing could ruin the moment. I was wrong... Just as his lips touched mine, my cellphone started ringing causing him to pull away. I let out a heavy sigh before pulling out my phone. Whoever this was better have a good excuse for ruining what would have been the best moment ever. I looked at the caller ID and didn't recognize the number. I just answered it anyway, it could've been my aunt or Jane.  

"Hello" I said frustrated and curious to see who it was that ruined the moment.

"Hailey, it's Jane. Your aunt and I didn't know where you were and got worried. Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm at Justin's, I told aunt B I was coming here so I don't know why she got worried, she knew where I was going." I don't know why my aunt acted like she was worried cause it was obvious with the way she treated me she didn't care and I told her I was going to a friends.  

"Oh Justin's? Well ill let you go then, I hope I didn't interrupt anything. Be home before 10" Jane said and I could hear the smile in her voice. I wish she was my aunt, she was awesome.

"Okay" I laughed before hanging up.

"I'm sorry about that" I said turning back to Justin, who was staring at his supra covered feet.

"It's fine." He smiled before leaning down to kiss my cheek before heading back into his yard. Leaving me standing there blushing like crazy.
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Thank you SO much to everyone who's been reading and commenting it means so much to me :D