Oh Darlin'


Its been a month or so since the cookout. Things have changed quite a bit since then. Me and my aunt have starting arguing a lot, not bad but little arguments here and there. Emma has come over my house a few times and I ended up telling her about my parents and she told Ryan. I made them swear to not tell Justin, I didn't want him to pity me or look at me differently. I was really starting to like it here, things just seemed right. Cassie and Ryan were finally dating, I guess the whole plan at the cookout worked. Since then, me and Justin have become really close, as friends sadly but Ryan keeps telling me Justin likes me. I hope he's right cause the more time I spend with Justin the more I like him.  

We were currently hanging out at Emma's. Her house was the usual place we would hang out at if we didn't go somewhere. We just sat around talking and ended up going in the huge pool in Emma's backyard. I don't know where the time went but before I knew it, it was 11:30. Time flies when your having fun right? I changed into an pair of shorts and a Paramore shirt before heading back into the living room.

"Why don't we watch a movie or something?" Ryan asked clearly not tired but I was pooped out from swimming and just hanging out.  

"Yeah let's do it, I'm like wide awake" Justin agreed. They both started to sort through the movies in Emma's living room. We ended up watching Fast and Furious. It didn't really interest me so I soon fell asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night and looked at the clock to see it was 2:37. I noticed the tv screen was black and everyone was knocked out. Ryan and Emma were curled up in each other on the couch. I went to look for Justin when I noticed he was next to me on the floor, with his head rested on my shoulder. He was too cute. I heard my phone buzz from underneath me, making me jump. I was careful when I moved to grab my phone to not wake up Justin but he was out like a light. I checked my phone and cursed under my breath. I had 7 missed calls and 12 texts all from my aunt. I read the texts and they all said pretty much the same thing. "Where the hell are you?", "why aren't you answering your phone?" , "you're in so much trouble!", "call me back NOW!"

I knew that if I waited any longer I'd only get in more trouble. I debated on waking up Justin to give me a ride or just calling my aunt to let her know I was okay. If I called her, she'd probably start yelling at me through the phone, possibly waking up everyone.

"Pst Justin" I whispered, shaking him trying to wake him up.  

"Mm" he mumbled, wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him and getting comfortable. It made me smile and gave me butterflies. I didn't want to go but if I didn't I'd only get more bull from my aunt the longer I waited.  

"Justin seriously, I need you to drive me home" I whispered careful not to talk to loud and wake up Emma and Ryan.

"What's wrong?" he asked, eyes closed with sleep clear in  his voice.

"Nothing, I just really need to get home" I said starting to feel bad about waking him up.

"Mm baby can't you stay?" he asked and I felt his grib on my waist tighten. He wasn't making this any easier, especially with him calling me baby. Even though he was half asleep and didn't realize he said it, it still made my heart jump.   

"I want to but I have to go." I said one last time. He sighed before getting up and looking for his keys. Once he found them, I grabbed my stuff and we quietly headed to his car.

"I'm sorry for waking you up" I said once we were in the car.

"It's fine, I really wish you could've stayed though" he said smiling at me even though I could tell he was still half asleep.  

"Me too but I really have to get home" I said nervously. Aunt B was a pain. I tried not to get in trouble so I could just stay out of her way but tonight I knew I was going to have to deal with her.

"I'm sure your mom won't be that mad" Justin said and I felt my heart ache at the word 'mom'. I swallowed the lump in my throat before I corrected him.

"I live with my aunt" I said quietly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. I wouldn't have-"

"It's fine Justin" I said cutting him off from rambling. After directing him which streets to take and turns to make, we arrived at my house.  

"Thanks for driving me and sorry again for waking you up" I said as I went to get out of the car.

"Really, it's fine" he said with a smile. I loved his smile, it made my heart flutter.

"Well I better go in, bye Justin" I said smiling as I exited the car.

"Goodbye Hailey" he said and I waved as he backed out of the driveway.

Now was the moment of truth. I made my way up the steps and into the house. It felt like as soon as I stepped foot into the house my aunt started yelling at me.

"Where the hell were you!" She yelled upset.

"I was at a friends house and I fell alseep it's no big deal" I said calmly. She was making a big deal out of nothing. It wasn't like I was out at a club all night.

"It is a big deal when you don't answer your phone and I don't know where you are!" She yelled and I snapped.

"You would have known where I was if you ever listened to what I say! I told you yesterday that I was hanging out with friends but I guess cause what I say can't make you money its not worth hearing!" I wasn't gonna stand here and let her yell at me like it was all my fault.

"Don't you raise your voice at me like that! I'm your-"I cut her off before she could finish her sentence.

"My what? Aunt, guardian? Cause you sure as hell are not my mother!" I shouted in her face.  

"I may not be your mother but you still have to do what I say!" She shouted back.

"Yeah right. I don't need you! I'd be perfectly fine without you! You don't do shit for me!" I continued to yell. I just let all the feelings I've been bottling up for a month or so, go.

"Y-your grounded! No friends, no phone, and no boys! You will not talk to me like that! This is my house, my rules" She continued shouting.

"What the hell is wrong with you? I didn't do anything wrong and what are you talking about no boys! You make it sound like I'm some whore!" I shouted back. I knew I wasn't going to get along with her from the beginning.  

"I don't know what you do while I'm at work" she just basically called me a whore.

"And I saw that boy who dropped you off, god only knows what you and him did" she continued. Was she serious?

"Justin!? He's a friend! Can't guys and girls be friends in that fucked up head of yours or is every girl who talks to a guy a whore?" I could see my aunts face turn red and it felt good to piss her off. I was done trying to get along with her.  

"That's it! Go to your room and give me your phone!" She screamed. I took my phone out of my pocket and threw it at her. It didn't hit her but I wish it did. Instead it hit the wall and fell apart.

"Now look what you did! Guess you'll be without a phone cause I'm not buying you a new one" she kept bitching at me but wasn't listening anymore. I went up the stairs and headed to my room and slammed my door as hard as I could. What was this lady doing to me? I never would have screamed like that to anyone but she just pushed me too far. It was stuff like this that made me miss my mom and dad. My parents never gave me a hard time, they always understood. I wished they were here and I could go back to my normal life. I missed everything. My parents, my friends, my home. Yeah I had new friends here and I can't bring my parents back but I just wished things didn't happen the way they did. I just couldn't handle the way things were now. I finally know what they mean when they say you don't know what you got 'til its gone. I would do anything to have my parents back but they were gone, forever. That thought started to sink in and I began to cry, wishing my mom would walk through the door of my room, and comfort me like she used to. It would never be the same. I ended up crying myself to sleep that night.

Justin's POV

After I dropped Hailey off last night, I went home and ended up crashing on the couch. I was too tired to make it to my room. When I woke up, my mom was standing over me, feeling my face.

"Mom what are you doing?" I asked stuffing my face further into the couch pillow.

"I'm just making sure your not sick. You don't look good" she said sitting down next to me.

"I'm just tired and thanks for the complement mom, way to make me feel good" I said trying to go back to sleep.

"Sorry but are you sure everythings okay?" She asked, being the concerned parent she is.

"Yes everythings fine. I was at Em's and Hailey needed a ride home during the night. I dropped her off and came home. That's all" I said and sat up starting to think of Hailey. She seemed stressed last night.

"Woah, you sure your okay?" She asked shocked at my mood swing from drop dead tired to wide awake.

"Yeah, its just Hailey seemed stressed out when I dropped her off last night. I just hope everythings alright" I said with thoughts of Hailey running through my  mind. Ever since that day we almost kissed at the cookout, I've been developing feelings for her. Her smile, her laugh, they way she treated me like a normal person. It was like she didn't care that I had money or fame, she just liked me as a person.

"Do you like her?" My mom said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah I do. There's just something about her I can't explain. The way she treats me makes me feel..normal." I said spilling my feeling out to my mother. We were really close so I never had a problem telling her stuff.

"Well she's a good girl and if she makes you happy then I approve" she said with a smile that I happily returned. She kissed the top of my head before leaving me in my thoughts. After a few minutes of just sitting there thinking of Hailey, I got up and got ready.

"Mom, I'll be back later!" I called, heading out the door. I climbed into my car and started to drive to Hailey's house. I don't know why but I just wanted to see her. Even just for a minute, I didn't care. I was really falling for this girl. Once I pulled into her driveway, I cut the engine and sat in the car. I was nervous, me, Justin Bieber, the one who performs in front of thousands of screaming girls was nervous to talk to one girl. I guess that's what happens when you like someone. Finally plucking up enough courage, I went to knock on the front door. A middle aged lady with black hair slicked back into a bun answered the door.

"Can I help you?" She asked politely, probably wondering what this 17 year old boy was doing on her door step.

"Uhm..is there a Hailey here?" I asked hoping I had the right house. How embarrassing would that be, to go to the wrong house.

"Yes there is, why don't you come in" she said, moving to the side to let me into the large home.

"I'm sorry, I didn't get your name." She said closing the door and coming to stand in front of me.

"I'm Justin" I said politely. That's one thing my mom and grandparents always made sure I did, was be respectful and polite.

"Nice to meet you Justin, I'm Jane." She held out her hand and I shook it.

"You can go ahead up. Hailey should be awake by now, her room is the third door on you right." She said and I told her thank you before she wandered off into some other room in the house. Making my way up the stairs I got more nervous with each step I took. I knocked on Hailey's room door and waited but I didn't hear anything. After a minute or so I slowly opened the door and walked into the room. I noticed there was someone, well Hailey, laying in bed with the covers up to her neck and her back facing me.

"Hailey?" I whispered hoping everything was okay. She was always so up beat and bubbly. It was one of the many things I had grown to like about her. She slowly turned around to face me and her eyes widened when she saw me. I guess she wasn't expecting to see me but I sure as hell wasn't expecting to see her like this. She had bags under her eyes, tears stained her face and her eyes were red.

"What's wrong?" I whispered, unable to get my voice any higher. Seeing her like this broke my heart. I swear whoever made her cry, I was gonna kick their ass. I went over to her bed and sat down next to her. I could see her eyes glaze over with more tears and I just pulled her into my chest. Her small body racked with sobs. I knew something was wrong by how stressed she was last night. I just whispered to her as she cried, trying to comfort her the best I could. Finally she calmed down and pulled away from me.

"I'm sorry I got your shirt wet" she spoke and her voice was horse from crying. I couldn't help but smile at her comment.

"It's just a shirt. Now tell me what's wrong." I pressed on. I wanted to know what it was that was making her so upset so I could help. I'd do anything to put that smile on her face.

"It's a long story." She said looking at her hands that rest in her lap. I took her hand in mine, which made her looked up at me.

"I have all day" I smiled, hoping she trusted me enough to tell me. She took a deep breath and I gave her hand a light squeeze to let her know I was here for her.       

"When I was 14 my mom got diagnosed with lung cancer. I always told her that she shouldn't smoke but she didn't listen to me. She just told me it wasn't a big deal cause she only smoked when she was stressed but that didn't stop it from making her sick. Over the next year my mom went through treatments and spent so many hours in the hospital. There were days that I'd just stay home from school so I could sit with her in the hospital. We'd just talk about life and places we wanted to go, things we wanted to see. My dad would always go see her when he got out of work. At one point, it seemed like the treatments were working and she was getting better but it didn't last long. She just started getting worse. The cancer was just eating her away. My mom was the strongest person I know and to see her so weak was hard. After everything she went through she ended up passing away." She took a pause and I could see that this was hard for her. I didn't want to make her even more upset by having to relive the past.

"You don't have to keep going, I understand" I told her knowing it must be hard to talk about. I couldn't imagine loosing my mom. She shook her head no and continued telling me her story.

"After my mom died, everything went downhill. My dad lost his job and became really depressed. He would just sit in his room and never really came out. He wouldn't even look at me or anything, it was as if he wasn't even there. I ended up getting a job so that I'd have at least some kind of money to buy food. Everything was so hard and it just felt like it wasn't getting better. It was only getting worse. I came home from work one day and there were police and ambulance all around my house. I went up to one of the officers   and asked him what was going on, hoping that my dad was okay. He told me that the police  received a call from my dad saying that he was going to kill himself so they sent out people but by that time they'd gotten to my house it was too late. He had left a suicide note saying that he just couldn't take living with a broken heart anymore. That he was living without his other half.  He and my mom had been together for almost 23 years, when she died he was heartbroken which led to him being so depressed. He said that I reminded him so much of my mom that he couldn't even look at me because of it. I still remember they way he wrote it in the note, 'even though I ended my life doesn't mean you should stop living yours. I will always love and you will always be daddy's little girl'." By now she was furiously wiping at her cheeks to stop the tears.  

"My grandparents took me in after that and I lived with them for a while until social services thought they were unfit to raise me and I was sent here. To live with my bitch of an aunt who's never around." her voice went from hurt to anger when she talked about her aunt which confused me. She said her aunt was never around but wasn't she downstairs.

"Wait, isn't your aunt downstairs? And she seems so nice" I said confused. How many aunts did she have?

"That's Jane, she's my aunts assistant slash house keeper. I wish she was my aunt she is so nice." Hailey smiled slightly at my confusion

"So, if that's not your aunt, then where is she?" I asked still trying to figure this out.

"She's at work. She is like a workaholic and isn't really around much. When she is we fight. That's why I needed you to drop me off last night. She sent me like 7 messages telling me to get home and whatnot. We had a huge fight and it made me start thinking about my parents. Then I ended up crying myself to sleep, it was a mess. " I was speechless when she said she cried herself to sleep. Heck, this whole thing left me speechless. I couldn't imagine all the pain Hailey's gone through. I just sat there trying to comprehend all of this.

"I'll understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore" she said breaking the silence I didn't realize had formed.

"What? Why wouldn't I want to talk to you?" I asked confused at what she was trying to say.

"I have a lot of baggage and if you don't want to have to deal with me then I get it." she said looking down at her lap. I placed my hand under her chin and lifted her head to make her look at me.

"Hailey, I like you and I would never want to stop talking to you because you have a rough past." I said truthfully. I liked Hailey and if her telling me this did anything, it was make me like her even more. It showed me how strong of a girl she is and made me want to make her smile even more.

"You like me" she smiled and my heart melted.

"Yeah..I mean, what's not to like about you." I suddenly felt really shy.

"Well my baggage for one and-" Before she continued with things to not like about her, I cut her off my crashing my lips to hers. I know it silly and people say it all the time but I honestly felt sparks when my lips touched hers. It was everything you could want in a kiss.  We pulled away and I rested my forehead against hers.

"Hailey, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked hoping she wouldn't reject me. I've been rejected before and it hurt but I think being rejected by Hailey would hurt a lot worse. I've grown feelings for her I've never had for any other girl.

"Are you sure..I mean I'm not like other girls. My life's a mess." She said and I could see she was a lot more insecure then she let on.

"I'm positive. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else." She smiled at me then leaned in to reconnect our lips.

"I'll take that as a yes" I smiled and she laughed. I felt good to make her laugh, she deserved to after going through what she did. I spent the rest of the day with Hailey, my girlfriend. I love the way that sounds. I sent my mom a text letting her know where I was before shutting my phone off. This way is was just me and Hailey with no interruptions from the world. I tried to get her out of bed but she was being stubborn so I just layed down with her. I pulled her close to me and she rested her head on my chest. We stayed like that for I don't know how long and just talked. Soon Hailey's breathing evened and I could tell she had fallen asleep. She looked adorable when she was sleeping and it made me smile. I was happy to be with her. I got comfortable and soon fell asleep too, with a smile still on my face.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is sad :(
You finally get to hear Hailey's story.
Comment and let me know what you think.