Oh Darlin'

Making Plans

Justin's POV

A while later I woke up to Hailey sitting up from her place next to me.

"What's wrong?" I asked, more like mumbled.

"N-nothing I just thought I heard something." She whispered more to herself. I just ignored it and pulled her to lay back down. As soon as we got situated the door bursting open causing both of us to jump.

"What the hell is this?!" A different lady than who answered the door for me earlier shouted. This must be Hailey's aunt.

"Uh..." Hailey stuttered out.

"I knew you were a whore but this is ridiculous!" I could tell her words hurt cause Hailey's eyes glazed over with tears.

"I'm not a whore so stop calling me that!" Hailey shouted back. It was obvious that her aunt really pissed her off.

"Whatever, I want him out!" She shouted and I felt offended. Just cause I was a guy didn't mean I was here to sleep with Hailey. Not all guys are pigs. Her aunt slammed the door shut, leaving us alone. I realized that she really was a bitch like Hailey had said.

"I'm sorry about her" Hailey said turning around to face me. I hadn't noticed that she had gotten off the bed. I got up and pulled her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around my torso. I love having her in my arms.

"Don't worry about it" I spoke into her hair.

"I should probably go though before you get into more trouble" I said pulling away, even though I didn't want to go. As soon as I said it Hailey pouted, she's adorable. I leaned down and kissed her before heading out the door. I headed home, truly happy that Hailey was my girl.

Hailey's POV

When Justin left I felt empty again. It was like I was all alone to deal with my problems. I really wish my aunt wasn't such a bitch so Justin could've stayed but wishing wasn't gonna make things happen. I decided to text him so I wouldn't feel as lonely. I went to reach for my phone when I remembered it was broken. I sighed out of frustration and layed down. Now I was lonely and had no way to talk to the one person who made me forget everything. I just grabbed the pillow Justin had been laying on, curling up with it, inhaling his scent. I couldn't believe that after I told him everything he still wanted to talk to me, let alone wanted to date me. There's no way I could use words to describe how happy I was. Everything felt right when I was with him and I was so glad that he was my boyfriend. Just the thought of Justin Bieber being my boyfriend gave me chills. It wasn't because he was Justin Bieber that I liked him, I like who he is as a person. He's sweet, caring, and funny, not to mention extremely good looking. I decided to try and get some sleep since it was Sunday which meant tomorrow was Monday and there would be school. As much as I tried I couldn't sleep. I grabbed my ipod off my night stand and played the few songs of Justin's I had. Letting his voice as a lullaby to put me to sleep and it worked. I feel asleep not long after that.

When I woke up I was tangled in my blankets and my headphones were still in my ears. I got ready and started walking to school. I still didn't have my license but man did I need it.

"Hey sexy, need a ride" I heard a voice say from beside me. I snapped my head in the direction of the voice ready to snap at whatever creep was hitting on me. Looking up, I instantly smiled seeing Justin in his car beside me. I got in and we drove off.

"What are you doing here?" I asked confused as to why he was up so early and driving in my neighborhood.

"Well I was texting you asking if you wanted a ride to school but you didn't answer me so I thought I'd be a gentlemen and just show up" he smiled at me.

"Awe aren't you sweet" I cooed leaning over to kiss his cheek

"Yeah well you know..So what happened to your phone?" He asked changing the subject.

"I broke it, that's why I didn't answer" I answered back.

"How'd you break it?" He asked and I could see the disbelief on his face.

"I threw it at my aunt" I said simply and Justin stared at me like I was phsyco.

"What?! Why?" He laughed.

"Let's just say..we don't get along" I said.

"So you throw phones at her? I hope you never get mad at me" he joked.

"I didn't just throw it at her. She told me to give her my cell and I was mad so I threw it at her" I explained.

"Ohh okay that sounds better than you just threw it at her" he laughed and I noticed we had pulled into school. I sighed knowing I'd have to spend most of my day here. The bell rang letting me know I'd have to start going in.

"I guess I should go, see you later?" I asked hopefully.

"Of course, how about I pick you up after and we can just hang out?" He offered.

"Sounds good to me" I smiled and Justin leaned in to kiss me. The kiss was quick but it still gave me butterflies. I kissed him one more time before getting out of the car.

"See you later beautiful" Justin called out the window before driving away. I couldn't wait for school to end just to see him again. I made my way to the school doors and noticed Caitlin staring at me. I just smiled and headed inside, I don't want any drama, I have enough problems at home. After getting my stuff from my locker I headed to History. I was finally all caught up in my classes which was good, now I wasn't totally lost like I was the first few days. I made it class just as the bell rang, that was close.

"Where did you and Justin go off to the other night?" Emma asked when I took my seat next to her.

"Yeah we woke up and both of you were gone" Ryan added from his seat in front of Emma.

"Then I tried texting you but you didn't answer" Emma said after Ryan. They were talking so fast I didn't even have time to get a word in.

"I had to get home last minute and Justin drove me. About my phone it's broken." I finally answered noticing that the class had started.

"Oh well are you gonna get it fixed?" Emma asked like it was life or death.

"You should get it fixed, I know Justin will be devastated if he can't talk to" Ryan said, writing in his notebook.

"What are talking about?" I asked momentarily confused.

"Yeah what are you talking about babe?" Emma asked giving Ryan a look like he was weird.

"I'm his best friend Hailey, you think I don't know. He told me everything." As soon as Ryan said that I knew what he was talking about and just blushed.

"Wait what's going on? Did I miss something?" Ryan just laughed at how lost Emma was. She kept looking back between me and Ryan. I wasn't sure if I should say it out loud considering people were noisy. That and Justin was a big deal here, I didn't want people to talk or start rumors. I ripped a piece of paper out of my notebook and wrote down 'Justin and I are dating' before folding it and passing it to Emma.

"Girls you know passing notes aren't aloud in class" the teacher, Mr. Harris spoke from the front of the class drawing attention to us. I was already the new girl, I didn't need anymore attention.

"Emma, hand it over" Mr. Harris said as he walked over to Emma with his hand held out. She just handed over the note and gave me a sorry look. I just shrugged thinking that he'd throw it out and I'd tell her later. Nope, she would fine out now. Once Mr. Harris got back to the front of the room he started talking again but not about History.

"Now let's see what was so important that it couldn't wait until after class." Mr. Harris said unfolding the note. My eyes went wide and I glanced over at Emma who didn't seem at shocked as I was. Now I knew why she gave me a sorry look.

"Justin and I are dating..well isn't that nice. Now that the class is informed on your love life let's get back to the lesson" He read out loud before I had a chance to do anything. A few people turned around and gave me dirty looks, they must have known which Justin the noted referred to. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment and I just put my head down on the desk. At the end of class I couldn't wait to leave. I could see people whispering and looking at me, they were talking about me. This is exactly what I didn't want to happen.

"Well on the plus side, I'm glad you and Justin are together." Emma said as we walked down the halls. I noticed more and more people whispering. This was gonna be a long day. I had a free period so I went to the library to just study and sit in silence. Away from the whispering and talking and drama. I started working on homework so I wouldn't have that much to do later.

"Hey" I heard a voice say that made me look up from my work. I looked up to see Caitlin smiling at me. It kinda creeped me out.

"Uh...hi" I said hoping she'd just leave me alone. I didn't really want to be bothered.

"You're Hailey right?" she asked still smiling at me.

"Yea..." I said hesitant. I have been here a while why was she just coming up to talk to me now?

"Not to be rude or anything but why are you suddenly talking to me now?" I asked curious as to why Caitlin was talking to me now.

"Oh I know this is weird, it's just that I've heard some things about you and I thought I'd get to know you before I start to believe the rumours" Was she serious? Were people really spreading rumours about me?

"Why what have you heard?" I asked suddenly interested but not sure if I should trust what she said.

"That your dating Justin" As soon as she said that her face became serious. I was shocked, I didn't know what to say so I just sat there. The bell rang and I started packing my stuff hoping that Caitlin would just leave me alone but she just stood there.

"Um..I have to go" I said trying to get away from this situation. She gave me a dirty look as I left the library. I just wanted to get out of school. I said bye to Emma and Ryan as I waited for Justin to show up. I didn't have a phone so I wasn't even sure if he was on his way or not. I didn't have to wait long before I saw him pull up. I climbed into the car, glad that the day was over.

"Hey" he said kissing my cheek. I was happy to just spend time with him and get away from school.

"So how was your day?" He asked as we drove off. I didn't know where we were going but I didn't care, I was with Justin so I was good.


"Why what happened?" He asked and I told him about the note and Caitlin. I paid attention to his facial expression to see if any of this made him mad but he just seemed calm. It made me feel better, like I had nothing to worry about. We pulled into a parking spot and Justin turned the car off.

"Don't listen to any of that, they're just jealous." he said turning toward me and I noticed we were parked at the beach.

"Why are we at the beach?" I asked confused. I didn't even know there were beaches in Candada and I wasn't dressed for the beach.

"You just seem stressed and I love coming to the beach when I'm stressed so here we are" Justin said getting out and walking toward the water.

"You coming?" He called, still walking. I got out and ran after him, jumping on his back when I was close enough. He just laughed before running to the water. I knew Justin was a prankster and got nervous when we got to the edge of the water that he'd throw me in.

"Okay okay put me down" I said quickly

"What's the matter, don't you trust me?" He laughed knowing I was nervous.

"Of course I do, just put me down" I said not really in the mood to get wet.

"Okay" he laughed and loosened his grip on me letting me fall a bit. I clinged onto him even more thinking I was gonna fall into the water but he caught me before I did.

"I hate you!" I laughed carefully getting off his back.

"No you don't" he smiled and pressed his forehead to mine before pecking my lips. We ended up just sitting on the beach for a little while. It was really relaxing.

"You look so serious. You okay?" He asked as he draped his arm around me.

"Yeah its just that the beach reminds me of home." I said leaning into him for warmth as the breeze from the ocean gave me chills.

"I've been thinking, I'm gonna have to go back on tour soon. We'll go to California and continue around the US from there but I was thinking..." He trailed off.

"Thinking what?" I asked, my eyes still fixed on the water.

"What if I take you with me? Then you won't have to deal with your aunt, you'll be able to be home for a few days and we'd be able to stay together." He smiled and I could tell he has been seriously thinking about it.

"I'd love to go on tour with you Justin but what about school?" I asked, I wasn't crazy about school but if I wanted to do anything with my life I needed an education.

"I have a tutor, I'm sure she'll help you too" he answered.

"What about my aunt? There's no way she'll let me go as much as I want to" I hated being the one to find problems in his seemingly perfect plan but my aunt wouldn't let me go. She's a bitch like that.

"We'll there's still a few weeks that I'm here, we could have my mom talk to her. That should work" It was like he had a answer for everything.

"Okay then I guess I'm touring with you" I said happily and he hugged me. I could tell he was excited, this was gonna be fun.
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Kinda a boring chapter but I have a lot in store for this story.

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