‹ Prequel: Blurry
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Warm Whispers

A Moment;

2 Days Later

"Jack, this is just great...Just you and me and...A romantic fire." I smiled as he played with some of my hair while I laid my head on his chest.

We were laying down in front of the fireplace on a blanket and some pillows while Alex was upstairs hooked to my bed.

Tommy was asleep up in his room.

"Do you think Alex will be okay up there?" Jack whispered, staring up at the TV as I chuckled and met eyes with him.

"Of course. You need to stop worrying about Alex, babe." I told him as he rolled his eyes and shrugged.

"Well, he's just up there all alone...and...I feel so bad for him."

"What about after what he did? He hurt me, Jack. And now you feel bad for him?" I whispered-yelled.

"Well, he's my best friend, honey. I'm sorry." Jack said as my mouth parted slightly.

I smacked his chest.

"Don't you "honey" me!" I said doing finger quotes as I got up off the floor and paced the living room.

"I can't even believe you feel bad for him! He has done nothing but break me down!" I started to raise my voice as Jack sighed and shook his head, making his black bangs fall in his brown eyes.

"Oh, come on, Mae. You don't love him anymore? I know you better then that." Jack spoke softly.

I rolled my eyes.

Yes, I had to admit....deep down inside of me there was that burning passion still there that I had for Alex. My step brother.

But apart of me wanted to break and hurt him just like he did me.

I swallowed hard and jogged upstairs and then I heard Alex's voice...

"I don't get it either, little guy." He chuckled as I stood outside the hallway and I leaned closer to my bedroom door.

"Daddy?" I heard Tommy say as he sat up in my bed with Alex, staring at him.

"Yeah?" Alex swallowed hard.

"I wove you." Tommy said in baby talk as I felt that lump coming up my throat again.

"I love you too, little guy." Alex smiled and then he looked up and saw me standing there at the side of the door.


"Alex." I said as tears flew down my cheeks and Tommy got off my bed and ran up to me and hugged my leg as I let out a giggle.

I sniffed and picked him up as he hung on my hip.

"You're suppose to be in bed." I laughed as he played with the buttons on my shirt.

"I'm not twired." He said in baby talk as I giggled and ran my fingers through his thick brown hair.

"Well, you need to sleep, bubba." I smiled and kissed the top of his head as he laid his head on my shoulder and I looked at Alex and then went across the hallway to Tommy's room and laid him down in his small twin bed.

I covered him up in his spider man sheets.

"Go to sleep." I smiled and turned on his little spider man night light.

"Night, mommy." He whispered as I kissed his cheek and tucked him in.

"Night, baby." I replied as I peeped his door shut and walked back to my room to find Alex staring at the wall with a blank expression on his face.

I walked into my room a little more and shut the door behind me as Alex continued to stare at me with his chocolate brown eyes.

"We need to talk." I spoke softly as I sat down on the bed by him.

"About what?" He sighed.

"About everything." I rolled my eyes.

"Alright...talk." He smirked.

"Okay." I closed my eyes and sighed as everything in the room turned silent and I felt his eyes on me as I opened them again.

"Why did you leave me in the hotel room? Without your number or telling me? And you gave me a ring two days before...what's wrong with you?" I said, giving him a pathetic look.

"I wasn't thinking...okay? Of course I loved you, Mae. That's why I gave you that ring. I just thought it would've been better if I continued to run and you go back to Baltimore." He spoke softly as I gulped.

"You hurt me so much." I whispered as tears stung my eyes.

"I'm so sorry." He shook his head in shame as his brown bangs fell in his eyes and he moved around in the handcuffs, wanting desperately to hold me or comfort me.

"Can you at least let me out of this damn things?" He sighed as I shook my head and wiped the tears off my cheeks.

"Never. Unless you agree that you need to be turned in." I said in a harsh tone as he swallowed hard and looked away from me and at the wall.

"Mae, I don't want to be in prison...Nobody does." He said as I shrugged.

"You killed somebody, Alex. I think you deserve it." I whispered, trying not to break down crying once again.

"But I love you, Mae. I don't want to go to jail. We had a kid together. I am such a dick for not responding to any of those letters...I should've. I'm such a dick." He then started to have tears fill his gorgeous brown eyes.

I kind of felt bad for him. Why does he always do this to me?

"Yes, you are. You're such a dick." I then started to sob as he blinked his tears away.

"Please, Mae. Don't cry." He croaked as I ran my fingers through my tangled black hair. I then fell over onto his chest.

I cuddled up close to him as we just laid there in complete silence.

"Why did this all happen?" I sobbed into his chest as he shrugged and looked down at me with sympathy.

"I just didn't like to see you hurt....so I killed Stephen but on accident." Alex whispered as I breathed into the crook of his neck.

"I know you were only trying to get back at him, Alex...but I just can't believe that you killed him. It's been two whole years and I still can't believe it." I sniffed.

"I'm so sorry, Mae. I've missed you so fucking much. You have no idea how this feels right now....you laying right by me." He whispered as I looked up into his eyes and froze.

I then leaned in and kissed him softly. Our lips moving in and out to the silence.

It felt nice...but then I realized I was just falling back under his spell again and I just couldn't do this anymore.

I pulled away from him and pounced up off the bed and walked out of my room, slamming the door behind me.

I am never going to do that again.

I ran downstairs and fell into Jack as he wrapped his thin arms around my torso.

"What's wrong?" He asked me as I hugged him tight to me.

"Nothing." I smiled.

He laughed and we pulled apart as he looked into my eyes.

"Well, that was random." He smirked as I got up on my tip toes and kissed him passionately...

"And so was that." He breathed as we pulled apart again.

"I love you."
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so sorry for not updating this in a while :/
But here it is!
And there is drama coming soon in this story :]
I love drama.
But anyways!
I have this new story that is like fucking awesome!
Well, I hope you guys....think that?
It's called Alexander.
It's the most wicked plot I have ever done!
I'm not even joking.
Alex is in it!
So go check it out :]
And comment! And comment on this too! :]
Please and thank you!
Love & Rockets, Faith (Faye) <3