
Chapter 1

I was running, running against the wind. I just kept going without any thought at all. It felt like heaven, as if nothing could stop me and my legs would never get tired. Id never stop running.

*Beep! Beep! Beep!*

Cruely, I was awoken by my obnoxious alarm clock. It was just then I remembered that today was a school day. "Well duh! Why else would my alarm clock be on!?" I thought to myself. Relectuantly, I got out of my bed knowing that today was already not going to go very well. As I take my shower and the water hits my skin, I feel small aches acrosse my shoulders and back. More than likely from the night before. You see, my stepfather abuses me almost every other day. Ive tried to tell my mom, but she never seems to listen, and whats even worse, she seems to be content with the fact that I suffer through a living hell.

After I got dressed and straightened my hair, I walked towards the busstop. When I got closer to it, I saw my best (and only) friend Roku. We normally keep to ourselves cause everyone else thinks that we're freaks. " What up smexi!" he yells towards me. he always knows what to say to make me smile in the morning. I just laughed and gave him a hug (but not too tight as to hurt my bruises). But just my luck. some kid (who hates me for no reason) hit my back with his bag. Roku saw me cringe in pain. His eyes immediately went from radiating hapiness to concern. "Are you alright?" he said. "Yeah im okay." I said with a fake smile, but a smile non-theless. His expression didtnt change. He knows about the situation with my stepdad. "Did it happen again? Im so sorry Alex." He gave me a gentel hug and rubbed my back softly and whispered, "You dont deserve this." I told him "I know, but theres no use crying over it right? Now can we please change the subject?" He nodded yes.

* Later That Day*

I got home after school to see that neithermy mom of stepdad were home. My stepdad I was happy to see wasnt there, but my mom not being there worriesd me for a little while.

*Later That Night*

My mom came home around 11 p.m. along with my stepdad. They were both drunk. She passed out on the couch, but my stepdad just looked at me with an evil grin. Hes slow when hes drunk, so I ran upstairs to my room and locked the door. He followed me and hit the door so hard it broke the lock. He just glared at me. "You're so beautiful" he said. "You're drunk." "No im ready." Then he pinned me down on my bed and said "And if you make a sound, youre mom downstairs, she'll get the worst of it." I didnt want anything to happen to my mom. I think he saw the worry in my eyes, cause the just smirked and said "Good.". Then he kissed, harshly and agressively. Next thing I know he rips off my clothes and then takes off his shirt and pants. He covers my mouth as I silently cry. The pain was tremendous. Then after he was done, he just left me there. I took a shower to wash away the imense feeling of dirt. I had just been raped, but there was nothing I could do except sit there and cry on my newly defiiled bed.

I am so alone.