Status: Hey guys, I changed the end of chapter 7! check it out!

No Footsteps To Follow

Tomato Soup Anyone?

After driving around a couple of corners and several neighborhoods we pulled up to our house in the great state of AZ. I quickly smashed my face against the window as we pulled up. I was actually surprised. I mean, When my dad said Arizona, I imagined some house out in the middle of no where surrounded by cacti. But this house...this house was amazing. It had a couple floors, white with a black roof, and a huge front yard with bright green grass. It was beautiful.
All 3 of us jumped out of the car the second it stopped to go explore.

"Go fight over the room you want." My mom yelled to us as we ran to the front door.

Within half an hour we had fought over the rooms enough and I ended up getting the one I wanted.

By the end of the day, spending all my time in my room, I had most of my stuff moved into my room upstairs. Except--

"Skye! Did you get your backpack out of the car?" my mom yelled from downstairs.

My stomach immediately dropped, I was reminded I had school tomorrow..."No..." I sighed

The next morning I was up at 6 getting ready and tried at least 5 different outfits on before going downstairs for breakfast. By the time I went downstairs it was about 7:30.

"You need to be there in like 15 minutes."

"I'm aware of that mom."

"Okay. Do you want a ride?"

"Nah." I said standing up. "I'll walk." I said

"Okay. Bye Honey."

"Bye Mom, love you." I said walking out the door, putting my Ipod buds in my ears.

I wasn't thrilled about being the new kid at school...It was never a good thing...

When I walked into my first class, I was surprised when someone greeted me.

"Hey, you're new here right?"


"Well, welcome to Henderson High school. I'm Jade."

"Hi. I'm Skye."

"Wanna sit by me?"


I thought everything was doing OK for my first day of school.. Until lunch came along. I sat with Jade and her friends, getting to know everyone.
"Watch out Skye, here comes Sasha and her posy."

"Hey new girl"

"Uh, hi?"

"Just to let you know...this is MY just keep hanging out with these losers and we won't have a problem."

" These people are my friends." I said standing up.

"Keep telling yourself that. You don't have friends, You don't belong here either." She said picking up my tomato soup off my tray and pouring it down my shirt.

The rest of the day went considerably well..considering what happened at lunch..I walked in to my last class of the day; Science. I entered the classroom and noticed a boy already sitting down at one of the long black lab tables. He looked oddly familiar. Throughout class I avoided any eye contact with him. Partly because I had tomato soup all over me.
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Hey guys! so...I didnt take too long to update this time! =D

I dont really have many readers on this one so please tell your friends about it!!

I love all who are reading and commenting...and subscribing ( Jessie!! :) ) <3

Please keep it up!!