Status: Hey guys, I changed the end of chapter 7! check it out!

No Footsteps To Follow

Introducing My Guitar

James POV

It wasn't but a moment after reading "Skye Hansen" in her frilly handwriting that I grabbed my keys and was out the door. I jumped--nearly gliding--into the front seat of my rusted red truck and instantly drove to the one and only Tucson High school. My focus was only circumstantially on the road as I couldn't help but notice the dozen or so houses that all resembled one another. It was at this moment, halfway there, that I considered how illogical and ridiculous this scheme was. She would never be at the school this late. More likely she would have friends arguing with each other to hang out with her this very moment.
As I sharply turned the next corner to head home, I couldn't help but notice an individual slumped down on the curb. I drove passed but after a couple feet I soon realized it was a familiar face...Backing up and rolling down the passenger window I curiously asked;

"Skye? Is that you?"

The tear-filled eyes looked up in hope, but soon looked back down at the black asphalt with more tears running down her face..

"Skye... are you okay? I asked

"...James" she whimpered. " I'--I'm fine, Just keep going"

"Are you sure?"


I drove a couple feet past her until I killed the engine.
As I shoved my hands nervously in my jean pockets, I walked towards her...still racking my brain, trying to think of what to say to her so I didn't mess things up again.

"Skye?...Can I sit here?"
She looked up and softly nodded her head.

"Do you talk about it?"
She looked up again and shook her head.

"Okay.Well...What can I do?"
She shrugged.

After trying to make Skye speak, or at least smile...I stood up and walked to my truck. I grabbed my guitar and walked back to sit by her side on the curb...I started playing my guitar and singing any song I had memorized...It took a couple songs, but she finally smiled.

As she sat there watching me with a warming interest in what songs I was playing...I noticed how beautiful she is. Everything about her. Her brown hair that laid perfectly barley over her shoulders, her slim body, and her beautiful green eyes that were looking at me, and only me for this moment.

A long couple minutes passed till I realized I was still admiring her...I quickly slipped my gaze down to my fingers playing the next chord, hoping she didn't notice...

I was too late... The next time I looked up, her smile was gone, she had a confused expression presented on her face, and was starting to stand up. I screwed up.

"Uh, I gotta go now." she said bluntly

I stood up awkwardly and lent her a hand to stand up. She glanced at my hand and stood up on her own. Denied.

I felt like an idiot. I was doing so well helping her calm down and get her mind off of what was making her so upset. But no. This always happens...I let my emotions get the best of me and end up screwing it up with the girl I like. Sometimes I think somethings wrong with me.

We stood there for what seemed to be several long minutes before one of us broke the awkward silence.

"Well. Uh. Thanks James. See you around" she said turning her back towards me and walking away

"Yeah see you around."
"Wait, Skye! Do you want a ride?"

She turned around with tears cascading down her cheeks again, she didn't move or say anything...I filled the couple of feet between us, grabbing her arm I pulled her towards my car.

I spent the whole drive home thinking about her, thinking how school would be now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dear readers-

I am sorry I am so bad at updating my stories. I really appreciate your patience. I hope you all are still reading my story. I love you all! I love comments and feedback so lemmie know what ya think! THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO! <3