Status: Hey guys, I changed the end of chapter 7! check it out!

No Footsteps To Follow

When You Wake


The thought of leaving my hometown so abruptly was a distraction the entire day at school. Work, friends, my opportunity to date, and the rest of my high school years, leaving it all behind me...

Science class came around. I was actually excited for class today but as soon as I walked in and saw the unfamiliar teacher sitting in Mr.Johnson's desk it was gone instantly. A substitute. Usually students love to have a substitute, but not in Mr.Johnson's class. He doesn't trust any of his students with his lab equipment so he gives the substitute absolutely no agenda. I walked towards the my lab bench and Skye, but before I could even get close I was stopped by several friends asking questions and congratulating me about the bands exciting news.

Walking out to my car to head to work, I heard the sound of several tires screeching against the asphalt in the intersection turning out of the student parking lot. Quickly looking up, I watched a pick up truck and a Corolla completely strike each other. I had never watched anything so frightening. The tragedy that happened right before my eyes within only a couple seconds made an everlasting change on Tucson High School.

Ambulance sirens were sounding, students crying, and police shoving students away from the scene with caution tape. Immediately after the paramedics pulled the two limp bodies from the destroyed Corolla students around me were crying, shrieking and yelling names I couldn't make out.

I looked over at my buddy Will and he mouthed the names "Skye and Jade." I lost my breath, my heart stopped beating for that instant as I made out the words that he was saying, and I was soon one of the students in the crowd freaking out.

Sliding into my car I headed straight to the hospital, and no where else. My mind was so scattered and worried I forgot to call in to get work off. I was probably fired, Who cares? I asked myself. Skye is hurt! Skye, out of any person in the school. It was her...

I waited patiently in the waiting room what seemed to be several hours. I had been so patient, but I couldn't take it anymore.

"When can I go in and see Skye Hansen?" I asked the receptionist in blue scrubs.

"Well, are you related to her?"

"Yes" I lied under my chapped lips

"Looking at her status, it looks like family can go in and visit now. She was taken immediately into the O.R. but now it looks like she is staying in a hospital room. Go on in." She said, writing down the room number.

I nervously walked down the unanimated hospital hallway shoving my sweaty hands in my jean pockets. Slowly unlatching the door and slightly cringing, I walked into the room to see a damaged Skye laying on the horrid hospital bed.

"Skye..." I whispered.

Shifting my weight, I took a couple steps toward her, seeing the doctors clipboard on the side of the bed. Picking it up I saw the nurse's notes scribbled on the side reminding her what the medical terminology meant.

It read; "Broken shoulder, three broken ribs, bruising of the organs, and lacerations."

I sat next to Skye and put her pale hand in my own.

"I'll be here when you wake up. I promise." I said, kissing her forehead with tears running down my cheeks.
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Hope you likeee!! <3 all my readers!! comment and subscribe!! I would love you forever!! Thanks so much!!! Stay tuned for the next chapter in Skyes POV!