Status: Hey guys, I changed the end of chapter 7! check it out!

No Footsteps To Follow

My Heart Skipped a Beat or Two


I gradually opened-up my eyes, disoriented and uncertain of why pain was shooting up my abdomen continuing to my left shoulder. I felt my shirt drenched and sticking to my body. I looked down to find that it was blood. Looking over at Jade, I immediately started to cry and scream at the top of my lungs. Blood was pouring from her head and her legs were smashed by large metal pieces of what used to be my car. I could hear deep voices of paramedics speaking to me slowly, trying to calm me down and give me instructions... but it was too late. I could feel my eyes getting heavy enough to where I couldn't force them open any longer....

I heard distant whispering but couldn't make out any of the words being said. It sounded as if two doctors were conversing about me. Then I started hearing music and someone faintly signing. This confused me beyond explanation. I didn't have a clue what part of what I heard was real and what part was from all the drugs they probably put in me which ceased the pain unfortunately only a couple hours. It took every muscle in my face, but I finally opened my eyes, curious to find out who was in my room...I came to the conclusion of absolutely no nurses or doctors in my room...

I looked in every direction except one. The last direction I directed my eyes to, I saw him. Sitting next to my bed who knows for how long...but with his guitar in his lap playing soothing music at the edge of my bed as I slept. I could feel a huge smile stretch over my face spreading ear to ear.

As he noticed I was awake and was shifting my eyes around the room in confusion he quickly sat up from his slumped position.
"You re awake!!" James said

"Y...Yeah" I mumbled unable to speak without a sharp pain stabbing my abdomen.

I tried to play back earlier that day in my mind, but only little bits and pieces of images were displayed. I saw events from earlier in the day, during school...but then I saw an image of myself screaming at the top of my lungs along with Jade's crushed legs.

It must have been very obvious that I was confused, because James broke the silence again by asking; "You don't remember, do you?"

"Uhm. A little." I lied.

Putting weight on my hands, making an effort to sit up...I had never felt like so many needles were stabbing into my body at once. I fell back on the reclined hospital bed in tears.

"Hey, Hey, it's alright. Just try to relax." he said, putting his hands on top of mine.

This....This made my heart skip a beat or two...It didn't make any sense of why he was here in my room when I woke up, but my parents were no where to be found...but heck! I'm not complaining!

Quick flashes of different images from earlier that day kept appearing. The picture of Jade's smashed legs came back again...

"Jade!" I said frantically.
"Where is she?! Is she okay? What happened to her?!"

"Whoa, Whoa. It's okay."

"PLEASE JUST ANSWER MY QUESTIONS!" I said almost yelling.

"Let me go find out" he said taken back a little.

After what seemed to be an eternity, he finally came back, hopefully with answers!

"The nurse wouldn't tell me much." he said, but continued, "But they think we're related so I got some information out of her" he mumbled.

"Wait! They think we're related? What??"

"Uhm..No? Where'd you get that crazy idea? I think you hit your head a little harder than you thought.." he said with a smirk across his face.

I slowly became aware that he lied to the nurse to see me faster. Which was sweet of him, but if he was that worried about me...I shrugged it off, doing my best to not get my hopes up.

"Anyways, the nurse that's taking care of Jade said Jade is still in the recovery room, still not allowed to have any visitors."

"How stable is she??"

"I don't know. She said her legs are pretty smashed though" he said with a shaky voice.

I could hardly see through my tears. It was all my fault! Jade had always been such a great friend to me...and what do I do? Smash her in my car... I felt as if I was going to throw up. Just then, James put his thumb on my face, softly wiping the tears rolling down to my chin.

"I'm not sure if this is the best time to ask this, but I've been meaning to ask you..." He whispered.

I stayed silent.

"When you get out of the hospital, if you would let me take you out sometime?"

"Yes" I said "I'd like that."
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This chapter is longggg!! :D just for you readers!! I lovee comments!!! pleaasee comment!!! <3 you all readers