Status: You got me where you want me girl, Wrapped Around Your Finger.

Wrapped Around Your Finger

Blueberry Yum Yum

LunarMoon: Seriously dude?!

StarrySky: Seriously, my mom won't let me get that new tattoo :( I mean she knows about my memorial one for Tanner, but she said she won't let her daughter add more ink to her body. God I hate her sometimes :P

LunarMoon: You don't hate her, you're just mad at her, that's all.

StarrySky: True...Shiiitttt look at what Andre just messaged me!!! "Starr u r so fxkn sexxii..i wnt 2 fck u so fxkn hard u wuldnt believe it !!!! cum on bbi i kno u wnt me ;)" EW PERVERT!

LunarMoon: Hahahahaha *falls off chair laughing* God babe, that is so messed up! Hey I gotta go for now, text me?!

StarrySky: Thanks for the support, and sure sure sure, I will text you lovely :) Bye!

LunarMoon: *Has Logged Out*

Flipping my laptop closed I rolled over on my zebra print blanket, and tackled my phone, flipping it open I found four new text messages all from Andre the horn dog, and three missed calls all from my mother, and a new voicemail, clicking the SEND button, I held the phone up to my ear and listened to the new message, "Hey Luna I just wanted to say you're new YouTube video is fucking hysterical, the way you pushed Robbie over on the bed and then beat him with the pig shaped pillow, man I about pissed myself. Oh I guess you wanna know who this is, it's Robbie's friend Matt, bye!"

Hitting the END button, I threw my phone over onto my black pillow, then stalked my way over to the closet, grabbing into it I found my favorite deep blue Nike hoodie with a pair of white mini shorts. Pulling on my newly found outfit to lounge around in on this lovely Saturday afternoon, I found myself up the stairs rummaging through the cupboards to find something to eat. Grabbing a bag of Sour Cream and Cheese Lay potato chips and a Dr.Pepper I ran back down the stairs into my basement bedroom, shut the door then planted myself back down onto my bed, grabbed my laptop and logged onto Facebook, then Myspace, and last but not least, YouTube.


"Hi I'm Hunter!" the opening line to yet another Hunter video on YouTube on the infamous Jeydon Wale's profile. I had seen at least each one of his videos a good twenty some times, and I knew every line by heart, and every song that played in the back ground. He was pretty cute, with his sandy brown skater hair, and his gorgeous eyes, and his sexy lip ring, I mean it was no question as to how he became such a big sensation on the internet.

'Got that blueberry yum yum and it's that fire..' Snatching my phone up off the side of my bed, I flipped it open and read the new text message from an unknown number.

New Text Message From:
Unknown Number:
Hey I saw your videos on YouTube,
You left your number on your page, stupid move darling.
Anyway I just wanted to say, check out your most recent video response to
"Robbie Falls Down 4" Bye ;)

Tossing my phone to the side once again, I moved to track pad over to the video link, clicked it and saw the response: jeyyounit11: Has left a video response to Robbie Falls Down 4, click to view. I did as I was told and there the video popped up in front of me, his voice started, "Hey LunaMoon I just wanted to let you know, your videos are pretty funny. I think we should make a video sometime, I am doing a music video for Wrapped Around Your Finger, but I can't get my friends that are girls to help me out. So I was wondering if you and your best friend Starr would like to come over sometime and help me make one?! Let me know with a video response, bye," the video ended.

Sitting back, I began chewing on my bottom lip, 'Jeydon Wale, the hottest guy on the internet...Wants me to help him make a music video for his favorite song of mine?! Holy shit, I have got to call Starr.' Grabbing my phone once more I hit speed dial two and listened, she picked up, "STARR DUDE, JEYDON FUCKING WALE WANTS US TO COME AND HELP HIM MAKE A MUSIC VIDEO!"

It was quiet, "FUCK YEAH!"

'Could this really be happening?!'
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