Status: Still working on it =)

Hope's Curse

Why Me?

Chapter 0ne
I can’t believe it. He finally caught back up to me. I thought that he was gone for good after the accident. I guess I really am insane.

It’s been one year and 3 months since the accident that claimed my boyfriend, Skeet’s life. I remember seeing him cold and still at the funeral. It almost seemed as if he was taking a peaceful nap. I remember when they put the casket in the hole, the giant hole that always takes everyone that I love. That hole is a very selfish hole, it has taken the lives of almost everyone I cared about, and everyone I have hated. People seem to notice this. It’s almost as if they are scared to approach me, somehow knowing that if they become close to me, the hole will take them too. I dream about them. About my mom, dad, and grandparents. About my two dear sisters, and my many once friends. So what’s wrong with me? The problem is I have been cursed by a vampire.

Matthew is one of the strongest vampires. He isn’t strong because of his age, but because of his mind. He knows how to kill people with it. He knows how to turn karma against people. He also knows how force people to walk with death. (The last one would probably be me, but I’m still not sure what he did to me) He does many other things that I’ve not yet learned about as well. All of the other vampires fear them, because they do not know how to use any of their powers against him, for he’ll turn them against themselves. Most vampires are bad, but Matthew is just pure evil.

Anyways, in order to bring my life back to order, I have to kill Matthew. Last time I tried to kill him, he killed Skeet to get back at me. He’s scared of me, because whatever he did to me, he knows that it can kill him. I just have to figure out how to do it. It would be easy except for whenever I try to practice, he can sense it. Then he send’s one of his hell hound after me, and they take forever to um dispose of.

Oh I forgot to tell you why I’m cursed. Well when I was fourteen I got mad at my mother and left the house. I decided to take a walk through the woods to cool off, and get a hold of my rampaging emotions. I got lost. The moon kept rising further up in the sky. I was extremely tired and needed to sleep. So I curled up on a fallen log to take a quick nap before I tried to get home. When I woke up some strange guy was standing right in front of me. I somehow knew that he was not human and took off running.
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i wrote this awhile back...what do you think? please comment =)