When Angels Cry

-One Year Ago- Prologue

“You’re such a player Keith!”

“Stop it! You’re tickling me!”

Keith Sutherland couldn’t help but grin at the two women’s’ loud squeals of delight. This was the life for him; no problems, no long lasting relationships, no responsibility. Just banging chicks by night and playing cards by day. He ran a hand through his shaggy blonde hair, sweeping it out of his eyes. One of the women, a buxom blonde with nice grey eyes leaned into his shoulder, giving him a nice view down that turquoise tube top. “You’re such a player,” she purred again batting her eyelashes.

“And you’re fucking hot,” Keith replied smoothly and immediately turned to the girl on left; a raven haired, dark skinned girl with a thick Spanish accent. “Both of you.” Both women leaned in, pressing against him and for a moment he was surprised that they could handle the heat radiating from his body. Only for a moment. He had forgotten how horny human women could get when in the presence of a good looking male.

Keith basked in their attention: he could smell the arousal wafting off of them, not to mention that fact both women weren’t wearing bras. But even though he enjoyed this life best there was still one thing he couldn’t escape from. Her.

Keith could still see her. Crying, slumped over the toilet. Hands over her stomach, mouth pressed in a hard frown. Her shoulder length brown hair tangled skin pale. Pale green eyes full of shock. Of pain. Why did he feel bad? It was her fault. She was the mortal. He had tried to warn her when they had first met. He had tried to her that he wasn’t human. That he could crush her with his fucking pinky if he wanted too. He had tried to warn his heart to stay shut.

“Keith baby what’s wrong?”

The blonde’s voice jerked him out of his memory. Keith looked at her and for a moment he saw [HER] face; happy and smiling like she had been every day till now. “Nothing. I’ll see you two lovely women later,” Keith replied briskly, standing up.


“Where are you going?!”

[Keith! Welcome home!]

Keith closed his eyes. “Sutherland! What’s wrong with you?”

“I’m coming Bailey,” Keith breathed. He would find her if it was the last thing he did. He could find her. He wasn’t human…it would be easy to find her scent from the air. After all…he was a dragon…
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I do not own Twilight or any of its characters. Really if I could I'd only want to own a handful and the res t can go away. ^^ But I don't. Please rate and message. I look forward to your reviews.