Status: writting =)

Lacey's Spirit

Not Again.

"Arriel," said the voice, "Arrieeel! come here." I opened my eyes to see a glowing orb in my doorway. "Arriel, follow me," said the orb in its ghostlike whisper. In my dreamlike state I got up and followed it without thinking. The orb was beautitul. They always are. That's why they are dangerous. Their lovelyness draws you in, and you can't ever tell if they are evil or not. Well, until its too late.

"Arriel, follow me." It demanded in its ghostly song. It lead me down the hallway, and outside to the giant oak tree in the middle of my yard. This tree was sort of me and Lacey's spot. When she sneaked out she would sit under it and wait for me. It was also where we shared our first kiss. Thinking about Lacey snapped me out of my dreamlike state. Dang, I had broken one of my most important survival rules, Never ever follow a strange spirit. "What do you want," I demanded from the orb. "Arriel, we need your help," it said in a sing song voice, almost like it was joking with me. "Who are you?" I whispered, desperately wanting it to be Lacey. It started to shimmer, and change into it's more human-like form.

"Arriel! Wake up!" screamed my mom. My eyes snapped open. Oh, it had only been a crazy dream again. "What's wrong with you?" asked my now concerned mother. "You're always in such a daze." her eyes narrowed, "You're doing drugs with that Eli kid aren't you!" "No mother." "Well then get up or you're going to be later than usual." She stomped out of the room. I glanced at the clock and it read 7:50 a.m. I jumped out of bed, and threw on a t-shirt and a pair of cleanish jeans. Five minutes later I was out the door.

I stepped outside just in time to see Robyn pull up the drive in her red hummer. "I figured you would need a ride today," she said. Robyn was my best friend, and the only other person who knew about my gift besides Lacey. Robyn was also had a gift of her own. She sometimes just knew things. "Sweet", I said, "Having a psychic for a best friend rocks." "Shut up and get in", she snapped. She also hated being different.

She didn't say anything for a long while, so I knew something was up. Finally two blocks from the school she asked "What happened last night." That took me by suprise. "I er had a weird dream." "No, you didn't because I was there." "Nothing happened," I said in a sad attempt to lie. "Don't be pathetic", she growled. "I saw you follow her." "So it was a her!" It was Lacey. Dang, I could have gotten some answers. "Yeah, it was a 'her'." Robyn gave me a confused look. "So what did she have to say?" "You were there, so you should know", I said absently, still thinking about Lacey. Robyn suddenly looked mad. "It was on mute, like a silent film. I couldn't hear anything." So it could somehow block Robyn's power out a bit. That was interesting. But what did it have to tell me that even Robyn couldn't know. "Just when I asked it what it wanted, my mom woke me up." "Your mom saw you talking to a ghost!" "No, like I said, I was dreaming the whole time, she just woke me up." "Ew! I was in your dreams." Robyn said with an utterly disgusting look. "God Robyn, quit being a stuck up bitch." That was the wrong thing to say. Five seconds later we pulled up to the school.

She slammed the door of the hummer. "Robyn wait!" I yelled after her as she stomped off in her stilettos. Oh well, maybe by lunch she'll cool down a bit. I hurried to first hour, which was English. I took my sit by the window with two minutes to spare. "Dude!" yelled Eli, "Where were you this weekend? You missed the like coolest party ever." "I'm grounded Eli, we've been over this." "Oh sorry dude." He was high out of his mind. Which wasn't a good thing. Spirits love to mess with messed up kids. Sure enough, right after class started, a little glowing ball appeared right above his shoulder. It was probably whispering stupid things for him to do in his ear. Dang it! What's wrong with me? I've broken yet another rule. Never so much as glance at a spirit, because they will always notice you.

The little floating ball started to float over to me. Crap. This was not good. "Arriel to the principal's office. Arriel report to the principal's office." said the voice over the speaker. This was a lucky break. I quickly grabbed my books, and was out the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
I finally get to introduce you guys to one of my favorite characters, Robyn.
What do you guys think about her? Please leave some thoughts about her in the comments.

-Thanks for reading. Love you all!