Status: Active (:

Don't Be Scared, It's Only Love...

t h r e e

Jordan's POV

I couldn’t help the grin as I sat at my stall, the reporters asking questions, most were flocking towards Sid or Marc-Andre, but that wasn't what was keeping the grin on my face. No, it was just the sheer happiness of winning, especially today, against my brother. We Staals were always competitive.

I answered the reporters' questions for me and then watched as they were cleared from the room by some people. I thought about how fun it was going to be to rub this win in Eric's face. Oh yes, this was gonna be fun. I quickly changed into my suit and waited, texting Eric, while the other guys finished changing as well.

Suddenly, the door to the locker room was thrown open and 2 girls entered. One was petite and had dark brown, wavy hair that fell down her back and light blue eyes; she donned a Malkin jersey. I turned my gaze to the other girl; she had very light brown hair and the most beautiful, glowing green eyes I’ve ever seen. I smirked as I saw she was wearing my jersey. Sid, the ever polite and gentlemanly captain, walked up to them quickly, smiling hesitantly.

"Uh.... hi, what can we do for you?" he asked, smiling politely. The one with the Malkin jersey pulled out two VIP passes with a trembling hand, her blue eyes darting around the room to each face. "Ah, I see. So-"

"Oh, you must be Robert's girls!" Dan said, interrupting Sid. Dan smiled and walked up to the girls, holding out his hand to shake. They shook hands and I almost laughed as I saw the girl who had pulled the passes out couldn’t take her eyes off Sid. Good luck with that, I thought to myself, he's already got a girl, unlike me.

"I'm sorry, I don't know which one of you is which. Who's Jenny and who's Charlotte?" Dan asked, laughing. The girls both smiled.

"I'm Jenny and this is my little sister Charlotte," the one in the Malkin jersey, Jenny, introduced herself and her sister to the locker room, though it seemed as though it was only to Sidney. The other girl, Charlotte, nudged her sister swiftly, seeming to see exactly what I noticed. Jenny blushed, turning her eyes to focus on watching Dan leave the room, saying that he had a lot of stuff to do and for us to entertain them. Both girls then turned their gaze to Max Talbot as he strutted forward.

"Hello I'm Maxime, it is a pleasure to meet such beautiful women," Max said smoothly. Jenny laughed in a way that said she thought it was funny that he thought he was being smooth and Charlotte rolled her eyes in a way that said she got told this a lot.

"Yeah, yeah Superstar, tone it down. You don’t wanna scare the girls away." Sidney said, laughing too.

"So..... are you guys leaving tonight?" Charlotte asked curiously, a gleam in her eye. Jenny rolled her eyes and sighed quietly, mumbling something.

"Actually, we’re staying the night in a hotel and leaving tomorrow morning." Sidney explained. I took this opportunity to speak up, deciding I'd had enough of not being in the lime light.

"But we're going to a club tonight, wanna come with us?" I asked, smiling in what I think was a welcoming way. Charlotte smirked as our eyes met. I smirked back as she answered.

"Sounds like fun, Staal. But we'll have to pass, I-" Charlotte started to say, but Jenny but her off.

"Actually, Charlie, I arranged for us to stay with Chris and Emma tonight since you had a..... long night last night, so we could hang out with them tonight," Jenny explained quietly, her eyes on the floor, then shifting up to look at Sid before she blushed and looked down again.

"So, Charlie, I guess we'll see you tonight. We'll meet you at 9 in front of [place name of club here]." I said, smirking. My phone went off and I saw it was from Eric. I quickly checked it.

hey bro, so me and tanya are up for some clubbing. Can we tag along? Cam wants to come too! –E

I smiled and replied that it was fine, along with the time and place, before looking back up to see Jenny engrossed in a conversation with Sidney and Charlotte talking to Marc-Andre. I caught her eye and winked. She smiled and shook her head before returning her gaze to Marc.

Who knows, maybe one of these girls will be a good fuck? My money's on Charlotte.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello good people(: I'm sorry I suck at updating. you will find out much more about my sucky updating as the story goes along, so..... sorry in advance? (; I got the 3 comments I asked for, so thanks(: Now, this time.... I need 5 before I update again. Next chapter will be the girls entering the locker room from Charlotte's POV. (: Sorry it's so short this time!
Love, Jenny