Status: Active (:

Don't Be Scared, It's Only Love...

f o u r

Charlotte's POV

Sometimes life throws you curve balls, but you get through it. You know how to handle it and you walk through the fire unscathed. But waking up in bed with Jordan Staal and having no recollection of the previous night would probably mentally and physically paralyze any girl. & that was the predicament I found myself in this morning.

He was beautiful. I had been staring at him sleeping for about the past half an hour and I hated myself for it, but I couldn't stop. This wasn't me. I should be sneaking out, praying he wouldn't wake up. But for some reason, I stayed frozen to this spot, the only thought running through my brain being that he was one of the most innocent things I'd ever seen, fast asleep with the light hitting his body perfectly. He looked like an angel, his blonde hair a halo and his face a flawless, smooth peaceful sign that gave me hope. Hope for what? Well how the hell should I know. I'm just telling it like I see it.

His eyes are fluttering open now. I see a flash of blue as one eyes opens & then closes as it's exposed to the light. I fight a smile that tries to force itself onto my face, trying to break my mask of indifference.

"Uhm.... Hey," Jordan muttered sleepily, looking over at me through half-closed eyes. I stared at him with no emotion, my face betraying nothing. He sat up a bit and smiled blearily at me. "Charlotte...."

In that one word, that one breath, I felt myself melt. He breathed my name like it was fragile and precious, like it would break if he spoke it too loud. I let my eyes look straight into his blue orbs and I smiled.

"Hey, Jordan..... Do you remember anything from last night? 'Cause I have no idea what happened." I asked regretfully. His smile fell a little, but he shook his head. I nodded in return and looked down.

"I'm sorry." He said quietly. I looked up as his hand grabbed mine, gently stroking my palm with his fingers.

"For what?" I breathed out, stopping his fingers from tracing my palm and intertwining our hands. He opened his mouth to reply, his eyes full of guilt. I felt my stomach drop in suspense.

Jordan's POV

I thought it had all been a dream. I remembered the club. I asked Charlotte to dance and she happily complied. We danced for what felt like forever and all I could see was her as I whispered in her ear and saw her smile that smile. I had never been subject to the smile I gave all those girls. Not until tonight. She used the same smile, the same seductive, sexy smile I used and it worked all too well on me. She told me to take her back to my place. She was too drunk to realize that I was visiting town too. I took her to a hotel and we slept together.

She was perfect. It's true. She was staring at me as I woke and I smiled at that. I breathed her name out, by mistake, as I thought of how beautiful she was and how last night had been. She smiled. Then she said it. She told me she didn't remember anything. I felt like I had been punched in the gut. I remembered every detail so vividly. But I lied. Jordan Staal never looked like the fool, and he wasn’t about to start. But then I knew what I had to do. I didn’t care about my image, not for this girl; she was special.

I had to tell her the truth. I felt so bad, I couldn’t just keep it in, not like all the other times. She had been so drunk and I had just been a bit tipsy. I took advantage of her. I stared at her as I prepared to tell her, her eyes so guarded, yet bright.

"You were so drunk last night, Charlotte. I wasn't really that drunk and you..... well, things were getting heated. I didn't stop you. I'm not that gentlemanly I suppose. I feel like I took advantage of you, and for that I have to apologize." I said dejectedly. I heard a giggle after a moment.

"Take advantage of me? Jordan, I'm like the queen of one night stands. If anything, I probably took advantage of you." she said, chuckling. I let out a relieved breath, but my world felt like it would crumble at any moment.

One night stand..... Is that all that was? It felt too special, it felt too beautiful. But no, Jordan Staal only does one night stands. & Jordan Staal sure as hell does not get hurt. Or maybe I'm a different Jordan Staal now. Is it possible that one girl, this girl, could change me in one night?
♠ ♠ ♠
uhm... yeah. *laughs nervously* soooo, i took like the longest time to update. I know. I suck. But in my defense, I had no inspiration. In case you don't know, I get most og my inspiration from comments[positive comments] and I had none. so, comment if you want, but if you don't= n o m o r e s t o r y. (:
Loveee, Jenny!