Status: Active (:

Don't Be Scared, It's Only Love...

e i g h t

"I'm just pissed, you know? I hate not being able to play," Sidney said to Jordan, shaking his head and running his fingers through his wet hair.

They sat in the Penguins locker room, Sidney glaring at anything he set his eyes on as he talked to his best friend. He was already tired of having this damn concussion and he had only missed one game. To top off the injury, Maggie was in North Carolina visiting her grandparents and wasn't here to console him and help him through this.

"Hey man, you're talking to the guy who just made his debut practically halfway through the season. I understand Sid, but seriously? You'll be back in the lineup soon and you've only missed one game, so don't be telling me how shitty you feel, not after all my shit." Jordan replied, trying to reassure and knock some sense into his distraught friend.

"Yeah, sorry Staalsy. I know how much shit that damn injury with the foot and then the hand put you through. I just hate watching you guys and not contributing, especially being the Captain." Sid said sullenly, rubbing his temples to sooth his throbbing head. Jordan patted him on the back.

"Let's go out tonight, dude. Drink 'til we blackout, let hockey worries take a backseat and just have fun!" Jordan said, getting a gleam of trouble in his blue eyes. Sidney sat for a moment, thinking, and then smirked.

"I'm in."

"Damn, look at that girl. She gotta donk!" Jordan slurred, laughing and looking at Sidney bleary-eyed.

"Okay, Staalsy. Slow down on the drinks, eh?" Sid said, only feeling slightly light-headed after 2 beers.

"Imma go try'n hit that," Jordan announced, stumbling off to talk to the pretty brunette standing at the bar who, in Sidney's opinion, bore a striking resemblance to Charlotte.

Sidney ordered another beer and went to sit down and think, or think as best he could with all the noise and the slight buzz he had from the alcohol.

Jordan strutted over to the girl who had just taken a seat and sat down next to her, ordering some vodka and shooting the girl a wide grin full of trouble.

"I'm Jordan," he said with a smirk, his voice oozing confidence. The girl smiled at him, her eyes sparkling with amusement. He was too drunk to notice the amusement.

"Jenna," she said, sipping her drink cautiously as she kept eye contact with him. Jordan drank his vodka as well, keeping his gaze locked on her blue eyes.

"So, Jenna, how do you feel about hockey," Jordan asked as a standard precaution, to make sure the girl he was talking to wasn't some creepy stalker fan. She flashed him a dimpled, charming smirk of her own.

"Oh, it's alright I suppose, Mr. Staal. How's the hand?" she asked teasingly, then saw his worried face. "Don't worry, I'm not some puck slut."

Jordan visibly relaxed and let out a cute laugh.

"Well, I wasn't gonna ask, but good." he said, smiling lazily, his eyes coming in and out of focus. He frowned. "How about we go back to my place. I really really think you're purty."

Jenna laughed openly at his blatant suggestion and shook her head in amusement. She gently took the glass of vodka out of his large hands and set it on the bar.

"I think you've had enough for tonight, Mister. How about I give you my number and we'll get to know each other when you're sober before I just jump right into bed with you, eh?" she said, giving him a playful, sexy smile. She took a pen out of her purse and wrote her number down on a napkin, sliding it over to Jordan and getting up without another word.

She looked back and waved at Jordan, smiling and then turning to walk out. Jordan's head spun as he got up, napkin stored safely in his pocket, and searched for Sidney. He found him talking to a group of girls who were hanging into his every word- and his arms. Sidney looked uncomfortable, but politely made conversation with the girls as they gave him sultry, seductive looks that he barely noticed.

"Sorry, he's taken, ladies," Jordan said, as he arrived. The girls pouted and gave Jordan a glare for good measure before stalking off to find another victim. Sidney gave Jordan a grateful smile.

"Thanks man, you ready to go. It's almost 2 a.m.," Sidney asked, getting to his feet and looking at Jordan expectantly. Jordan stumbled forward, walking towards the door.

"Yeah, let's bounce," Jordan slurred, holding onto Sidney as he struggled to make his way through the club on his unsteady feet.

Jordan dialed and waited as the call connected and the ringing started.

"Hello?" a voice answered. Jordan smiled at the sound.

"Hey, it's Jordan. I'm glad you didn't give me a bogus number," he said quickly.

"I'm surprised you even remember talking to me, you were pretty drunk," she said, laughing at the memory. Jordan smiled to himself.

"I couldn't forget such a beautiful face," Jordan said suavely.

"Smooth, dude," she said, giggling a little. Jordan chuckled.

"How's this for smooth: you, me, dinner tonight at 7." Jordan said in his most charming voice.

"It's a date." she replied, making Jordan smile wide.

He got her address and then hung up to get ready for his date. As he showered and dressed, his phone rang. He hurried to answer, thinking it was Jenna.

"Hey," he said warmly.

"Hey Staal," a familiar voice greeted him. It wasn't Jenna, but Charlotte.

"Hey Char, what's up?" he asked, holding the phone between his shoulder and ear and going back to getting ready.

"Well, I have a surprise!" she said cheerfully. Jordan barely heard her.

"Mhmm," he answered, putting the shaving cream on his face to shave as he set the phone on the bathroom counter on speaker.

A knock sounded on the door. He shouted he'd be there in a minute and told Charlotte the same thing before going to answer the door, only wearing a towel and shaving cream on his face. he threw the door open and his eyes widened.


"The one and only!" she said, hanging up the phone she had against her ear and giving him a hug.

"W-what are you doing here?" Jordan asked, returning her hug and squeezing her tight. She blushed as she realized he only had a towel on.

"Dad had some business here and he asked me and Jen if we wanted to tag along," she said, shaking off the embarrassment and smiling widely at the blonde giant in front of her.

Jordan smiled nervously at Charlotte, trying to mask his worry. He had a date to attend in less than an hour and now Charlotte was here. He knew their friendship was somewhere in between friendship and relationship and he knew she'd be hurt if she knew. He took a deep breath and invited her in. He had to think of something quick.
♠ ♠ ♠
My boy is beautiful. He is fired up and he will not be stopped. Jordan, you better keep on keepin' on. Get us those wins<3
This is for Jordan and him getting back to his regular awesomeness. This is also for myself, because I was feeling unwriter-ish. & finally, this is for my new beau, who will have to deal with having a smaller part of my heart because most of the space is already taken up by the Penguins and Steelers. <3
C O M M E N T ; C O M M E NT ; C O M M E N T.
Thaaaanks. Oh, and check out my Geno story, Fighting Dragons With You. <3
Love, Jenny