Strike to Incinerate

First Day

I walked up the several cement steps of my school reluctantly, passing by a few clumps of the usuals here and there-- a group of six blondes chewing gum and buffing their nails on their cheerleading uniforms here, a whole teams of footballers there, and a couple of patches of wannabes spread all about. I wondered why the front door and first level of the school were so high up off the ground, rolling my eyes at the trio of posers standing in front of the door. As I pushed open one of the double doors, I overheard the girl with bleach-screwup hair, "Look! My nails are black, honest!" as she held them in front of the girl next to her's face.

Upon entering the hallway, a rush of cool air chilled me to the bone, and the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end as a huge brown-haired footballer shoved a lanky blond into a trash can. He immediately turned to his pal next to him and slapped a double low-five.

"Hey, look! New girl!" someone shouted from down the hall. He pointed at me. All eyes turned to me as voices and actions turned quiet.

"Hmm, took all of three seconds to notice, did you?" I asked, a bit sarcastic if I do say so myself.

"Hey! You think yer all that?" the brown-haired footballer asked, shoving his meaty, stubby finger in my face. "You with yer... yer... fancy wordness!" I screwed up my face, not realizing he was referring to my accent until I was over his shoulder.

"Let me down!" I screamed, but I wasn't to be heard over the taunting and jeers of my classmates. He threw open the door by pounding me into the handle, and then marched me over to the edge. "No... no, no!" He turned me upsidedown and dangled me over the side of the railing, pretending to drop me every few seconds. His friends laughed it up as I began to scream louder and louder, finally kicking the guy in his thick head, bringing him to a complete stop.

"Ohhh, you're going to regret the for the rest of your years here..." he said, his voice turning to ice. That was the last thing I heard before feeling the dropping feeling in my stomach, then the world turned to black.

When I arose, the jabbing pain in my side told me right away what had happened to me. Something with a high impact force had ripped my skin open... again. I was on the shabby brown-green grass outside of the school, and no one was around. I glanced up at the ancient-looking clock hanging at the top of the school hall-- 10:13. Great. I had missed the first two and a quarter of my first day at a new school. I'm starting out the year right.

Heaving a sigh, I rolled the side of my favourite Ramones shirt, revealing blood and... more blood. "Crap... at least the shirt's black..." I really wasn't in the mood for more pain, let alone the staining of my most favoured shirt.

Wincing as I pulled myself up, brushing off my pants, I decided to myself that today wouldn't be my first day after all. As best I could, I hobbled my way back up the street I came from earlier that morning, clutching my side, and hoping to hell Father wouldn't be home.

When I reached the front porch, I cringed after merely touching the brass doorknob. He was in there. I could sense it. Before I could turn and begin to walk away, his wretched, liqour tinged breath beat hot down my neck as he entwined his grubby fingers into my hair. He breathed, "Hello, Hannah. Welcome home."

I felt my whole world being dragged back into a dark, empty hole, until I realized that it was only me being pulled into our tiny make-shift home. "Ssit!" he slurred, tossing me carelessly to the floor. I coughed and clutched the stitch in my side, blood seeping through to my hands; the fall had taken my breath away [[and not in a good way]]. He snarled at me, his eyes pulsating red as he sneered, "You've been bad... a VERY bad girl. Did you know I got a call from the school?" I knew not to answer. He snapped forward, grabbing my forearms roughly before shaking me. "Well, did you!?" I turned my head slowly but surely, daring to, this time, stare him directly in the eyes. My hair dripped in front of my face like a dark, spindley shadow coming to reveal my face.

"No," I replied coldly. This blatant lie earned me a hard smack to the face; I could feel the pain ripping across my left cheek.

"Tell me the truth!" My head knocked against the wall as another hard blow came to my nose; I could already feel it spouting crimson as he straightened himself to the best of his ability. "Tell me!" he repeated.

"Fine. Here's the truth," I started, molding my face into one of strength. "Someone dumped me over the edge of the school entry. They left me there to bleed out. My side... it--" I was cut off by his pointed cowboy boots nailing me hard in the chest.

"Dunn lie tto me!" he roared. I let out a small cry as I touched my bruised surface, pinching my eyes closed, wishing he would leave. "Thinkk abou' what yer doing nesst time you SCREW UH-P!" He left me, and once again-- we fade to black.