Jealousy Is the Price I Pay for Eyes Like These, Baby

First; Hangover Popquiz

"Jealousy is the price I pay for eyes like these, Baby."

Up all night and no lesson planned for Monday morning [except maybe a pop quiz on Hangover Cures.] Rum and Coke was on tap this evening, two ice cubes please. With the swirl of a nimble hand, the beverage churned in the glass and was tipped to the thin lips of the depressed art teacher.

Hadn't been able to paint a decent piece in over 3 months, they say indeed. Mere gossip didn't bother this man, he fairly enjoyed the attention. "Just more to put in the Autobiography." He would say.

The chair legs squeaked against the floorboards and creaked as Brandon stood to his feet and staggered to the window. Leaning against the weathered frame, he took a long sip from his glass, smacking his lips together.

The sky was a pale blue, leaked with a rosy pink, perfect postcard moment for I wish you were here. That's what he wished, for anyone to be here. For anyone to hear.

An alarm clock screeched in the distance of the Teacher's bedroom signaling 6:00AM. He groaned, letting his head droop. No sleep this time either.

Brandon downed the last of his drink and let the glass slip from his fingers, landing with a dull thud on the rug underfoot. Fingers ran down his unshaven face as he pulled on clothes to block out the cold winter rain that was fore casted for today.

Keys in pocket and alcohol on his breath, Brandon Flowers trudged the short walk down the road, past the market and round the bend to Parkers High school.

By 6:45AM, he had made himself a barely drinkable a coffee in the staffroom, cleaned the chalkboard three times, made himself a second coffee and drawn all over his fingers in a Green marker. Being a 27 year old male, it was expected of him to be up to date on the world around him. Reading a day old newspaper is the closest he gets.

Brandon rested his feet atop the messy desk, nestling his freeze dried coffee in his hand and skimmed through the grey, inky pages.

For Sale, Police officer shot in drive-by shooting, Parkers Primary School raised $200 for Pink Ribbon day... Same old, Same old... wait...

Green Grace Art Agency; Painters, Sculpters, Nude Models.

"Nude models? There's todays lesson..."

Setting the cup down, Brandon swiveled around in his chair to face his office phone. He picked up the receiver and dialed the number on the selected ad, glancing back and forth every now and then to make sure the number was right. A dial tone and a male voice registered in the teacher's brain.

"Hello" -followed by a tired sigh-"Green Grace Art Agency, Ryan speaking."

"Hi Ryan, my name is Brandon. I'm an art teacher at Parkers High school. I was looking to book a nude model for one of my lessons."

"Mhm, well Models are $30 dollars an hour. When would you like the appointment?"

"Around, 1:30 this afternoon."

"Sure, let me just see whose available..." Ryan hummed quietly as he skimmed through paper, maybe a log book. "Mhm, we have 3 models available then... were you looking for anyone inperticular or...?"

"No, not really. Suprise me."

Ryan laughed and the phone crackled as he changed the receiver from one ear to the other. "Okay, well let me just get the address and we're all set."

"Aha, it's 45 Leavers Road, Parkers." Brandon swiveled again in his chair, twirling the phone cord around his fingers.

"Awesome, well we'll send someone over at around 1ish to set everything up, is that Okay?"

"Fine, thanks. Bye."

"Byebye, have a nice day."

Brandon set the receiver down in the dock and leant back in his chair, hands resting casually behind his head. Closing his eyes, the tired soul let sleep take over him. His first lesson with a year 7 class didn't start... for... another -he yawned loudly- another couple of... hours.