Sunsets & Hurricanes

Morning; Charlotte

I wake up to a fierce headache, and my hands rise to cradle my head as a low moan passes through my chapped lips. My forehead is sweaty and the sheets stick uncomfortably to my damp skin. I cough, my lungs rattling inside my ribcage. Glancing over towards the corner of the room, I notice a figure slumped over in a chair.

Images of last night fly through my head, and it’s only seconds later that panic floods through me. Theo will have surely woken up by now, and I can only imagine how angry he will be when he finds me missing. I wonder if Dolly has made it home okay, and, if she did, if Theo is taking out his rage on her.

My eyes water at the image of Theo hurting Dolly, and it’s this thought that urges me to move. My head spins as I quickly sit up, but I ignore it as I try to untangle myself from the sheets. Once freed, I swing my legs over the edge of the bed, to find myself dressed in a thin undershirt and panties. Despite my occupation, I blush furiously at the idea of Cyrus seeing me in this state.

I stand, my eyes searching the room for my clothes. Finally, I spot them draped over the chair that Cyrus currently is sleeping in, and for a moment I wonder if he did this on purpose. Hesitantly, I take a small step towards his sleeping form, my mind racing to figure out a plan to obtain my belongings without waking him. However, as my hand grips the fabric of my dress, his eyes flash open.

Startled, I retract my hand and jump backwards. Cyrus looks at me with a puzzled expression, and a small yawn escapes his lips before he asks. “What are you doing?”

I try to speak, but my throat feels like it is on fire from coughing so much, so I settle for pointing.

He looks over his shoulder, “I think they’re still damp… If you’re uncomfortable, I could loan you some clothes of mine.” Is he crazy, what would people assume if I went running through the streets dressed in men’s clothing? I reach for the dress and quickly slip it on before gathering the rest of my possessions in my arms.

As I make a move towards the door, Cyrus jumps out of his chair. His hand locks around my arm, and as he whips me around to face him my eyes widen in fear. As if sensing this, Cyrus immediately loosens his hold. “Where are you going?” he asks.

“I have to get back.” I say anxiously, my voice cracking.

“There’s no way I’m letting you leave here in your condition.” He replies, his tone not leaving any room for an argument.

Outraged, I tear my arm out of his grasp defiantly, “You can’t keep me here, Theo will wonder-”

He glares, his hands clenching into fists at his sides. “Let him wonder. You’re not going back there, besides he obviously does not care about your well being.”

I can’t bring myself to defend Theo, but I have to wonder what makes Cyrus, and anyone else for that matter, any different. “Oh and you do? I find that hard to believe, we are hardly even acquaintances.”

He takes a step towards me, and I find myself taking two steps backwards. “Of course I care. If I didn’t care, I would have called the cops on you that day in the ally, or, better yet, I wouldn’t have brought you here in the first place!” He exclaims in frustration. I flinch at the aggressiveness in his voice, my mind immediately recalling visions of Theo’s angry fists.

Cyrus presses his fingers against his temples, and takes a deep breath before looking back up at me. “I’m sorry… It’s just…. Would you please get back in bed?” He begs.

Not sure what to make of his sudden change in demeanor, I cautiously skirt around him and sit back down on top of the bedspread. He looks at me with an unfamiliar expression before turning his back to retrieve something from inside his immense wardrobe. For a moment, I consider running while his attention is elsewhere, but I find myself not wanting to test his patience again.

Not a second later, he turns to face me again with a change of clothes resting in his hands. “Would you like help?” He asks. I look up at him confused and he expands further, “Would you like some help changing?”

I shake my head.

“Very well, I’ll be back up in a little while then.” He says. I watch him set the clothes down at the base of the bed before hastily exiting the room. My eyes trail after him, and I find myself wondering if he meant what he said. Because if he did, I think I just upset the only person who has ever truly cared about me…
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Hey guys, I'm really sorry about that unexplained hiatus.... I honestly never meant for my life to get this out of hand. I know this is short, but I haven't written anything in the past two months. I was feeling a little "rusty" while writing this... However, I'm back and loaded with fresh ideas.

I know some of the people on this list didn't get a personal thank you [which is something I normally do, regardless of the amount of time it takes] however, I was truly considering quitting writing these last few months and I kind of disregarded some of the comments I had received.
BUT I am so, so, so grateful for these people taking the time to leave a comment
kissing.goodbye, the rex;, sara7500, lookitsaBOW!, Mysticgal., sophxxstrikesxxagain. lovely bird;, pixie8607, Blue Dreams, softskin;;, HilfMirFliegen, MusicMakesMeLove, Siriano;, lost, The.Need., someone.else, Mysticgal., Little Monster, jaseyrae;, The Like, saviour., and Shed Your Yellow