Vegas Skies

"I've only got forever and forever is fine"


I felt an arm snake around my waist and turned to see Corey laying next to me. I smiled and snuggled into his chest. I knew he wasn't the one, but he was going to have to do. Corey and I had to last forever. He was the only one I had left.

I looked down at the ring on my finger. It was only an engagement ring. He had proposed awhile ago. We hadn't started to plan the wedding, and for that I was grateful, because I had always secretly wanted to elope in Vegas. While other girls dreamed of big, lavish weddings with all their friends and family, I had dreamed of eloping since I was old enough to understand what it meant.

I thought to the time when I didn't have Corey. I had been with Spencer, another boy I didn't really love. I told him I loved him, but I lied in hopes he might love me. I sighed. Corey came into the picture about six months into the relationship.

There was no doubting that Corey and I had chemistry. It was weird. I knew I liked him, I mean he was gorgeous. But there was something nagging me in the back of my mind. I knew I could never completely give myself to Corey. I couldn't completely give myself to anyone, because someone else still held a piece of me. A vital piece; my heart.

Daniel was my first love. He was the only person I ever truly loved. I gave up on trying to get him out of my head a long time ago. Besides, if you can't get someone out of your head, maybe, just maybe, I thought, they're supposed to be there.

I mentally cursed myself. I shouldn't be thinking of Daniel. I was supposed to be getting married to Corey. I had told him I loved him. Sure, I lied. But I lied to save his feelings. I lied so he would love me. All I've ever wanted was to be loved. Is that so much to ask?

Corey rolled over in his sleep and I was brought back to reality. I looked back to the ring on my finger and knew our marriage would never last if I was only lying to him and myself. I told one lie after another. It was completely unhealthy.

I got out of the bed and scribbled a note, leaving it on my pillow. When Corey awoke, there would be a letter waiting for him. He would read two short sentences and know it was over. "I can't lie to myself anymore. I'm sorry." I slid off the ring and laid it next to the piece of paper.

I tiptoed out of the quiet apartment and ran to my car, driving down to the nearest bar. I ordered a drink and suddenly, I felt like I could smell Daniel's familiar cologne. I looked around the entire bar and sighed when I saw he wasn't there. Of course he wasn't. I was delusional. Perfect.

I felt a strange high, however, smelling the scent that used to shroud my clothes and fill my nostrils on a daily basis. Daniel's scent was my rum and his room was the bottle. I stared at the empty glass in front of me, that was full of empty promises and broken dreams. I was going to marry Daniel. I lost him years ago. There was no way he would ever take me back. If I had only said I do. I quickly swallowed the words that I was meant to say.

I exhaled sharply and left the bar. I only had one drink, so I knew I was good to drive. It's a long drive back to Vegas skies, but I was willing to make it if I could be with Daniel again.

I arrived at six in the morning after a long six hour drive. I drove down the familiar, winding streets, and followed the path to where Daniel lived. I ran up his walkway and pounded my fist against the door. He opened it, his hair disheveled, his eyes squinted against the sunrise.

"Hmmm?" he mumbled.

"Daniel, I'm sorry," I said. His eyes flew open.

"Lia?" he said, "Lia, what are you doing here?"

"I came to say I was sorry. Please. I need you, Dan," I whispered.

"Lia, I waited three years for you."


"And I would gladly wait three more. I've got forever. You can go back home if you're still not ready. Take your time. We'll stop the clock together and the timing will always be right. I never stopped loving you, and I never will," he whispered, pressing his hand to my cheek.

"You know you stole my eyes and I've never looked back. Last time, I forgot to mention the way I feel, the way that I'll remember this. We're young and we have nothing to lose," I responded before closing the gap and kissing him.

"Marry me?" he asked.

"Okay," I answered. He smiled and grabbed my hand, leading me down the driveway to his car. I was through lying for love. I was finally where I belonged.
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This is based off the picture at the top, but a lot of the dialogue and idea comes from Vegas Skies by The Cab:]. That song has officially changed my life:]