Status: me and cait are writing, she writes faster xD Active :)

The City Sleeps

Chapter 1 - Isobel

Isobel’s POV
I squirted the cream on top of the frappuchino and called out the name on the side. “JAKE” and left it on the side. I looked at my friend Caitlin; working hard at the coffee side. When we first started working here 6 months ago I tried to tell the supervisor not to let Caitlin anywhere near the coffee. If you've seen her caffeinated, you’d understand. Once, she had three cups of coffee on a Saturday and we went to the park and she started jumping up and down screaming “ZEEBRA ZEBRA” and all the skate park boys started to move slowly away. So, basically, I wouldn’t give her any. I tapped her on the shoulder once the queue had died down.
“Club?” I asked
“Don’t I always?” She replied, laughing
I laughed with her and got back to work. The club was in London and we’ve been going there for ages. We knew the owner and on Saturday’s he gave us four free drinks. Luckily, my shift had just ended so I could get home and get ready. Unluckily for Caitlin she worked there for an extra hour. I pushed the key into the poky flat. Sure, it was small, but it was ours. I dumped my keys on the table and go into the kitchen. I searched for any food that was edible but came up with nothing. In the cupboard was a packet of crisps. Edible I thought. I sat down and turned the TV on. Cartoons, News, Glee repeat. Hmm. Nothing on. I turned it off and went into the bedroom. We didn’t share a bed, two singles in one room. I searched in our closet for something decent to wear. I caught the image of myself in the long wardrobe mirror. My curly, clean brown hair was a little frizzy, but i didn’t really care. My body is long, and my legs were long. I was dressed in star-bucks uniform and i cursed the manager for giving us such unflattering outfits. I stepped up to the front of the mirror so i could get a close up view of my face. I had a few freckles and my fringe is too long. Flopping in my eye every few seconds. My bow has slid down and is by my ear. I pulled it out and pull a few hairs with it. Ouch I thought.
I found a black dress that went perfectly with lacy black swirly tights. I wondered what Caitlin would wear. Probably something like me. I set my outfit on my bed and start up the shower. I folded up my outfit for tomorrow, seeing as it was clean and stepped into the shower. I massaged the shampoo into my hair, carefully avoiding my eyes. Knowing my luck the shampoo did go into my eyes.
Caitlin comes in and gets dressed. I’ve curled my hair and was extra curly. Caitlin leaves her short blonde hair straight and her dress looks beautiful.
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yeah, 1st chapter :)
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