Status: me and cait are writing, she writes faster xD Active :)

The City Sleeps

Chapter 2- Caitlin

Caitlin’s POV

I laughed as I heard a little boy giggling loudly from across the shop. He was running around his Mom whilst she was trying to grab hold of him, looking evidently embarressed. I gave a customer her drink and looked around, making sure no-one was looking at me before quickly pouring myself an expresso. I downed the warm drink, smiling as I felt the familiar warm buzz of caffeine. Isobel wouldn’t approve of what I was doing, but I loved my coffee way too much.
All of a sudden I felt a tap on my shoulder.

“Club?” Izzy asked me. I turned around and grinned at her, laughing.

“Don’t I always?”

She chuckled and turned back to making some buisness-man his latte. I turned back to my work and before i knew it, Isobels shift had ended.
Damn, the lucky poop
I had an extra hour, so grumbling under my breath, I continued making coffee.

I was serving a couple of hyperactive teenagers when Matt, mine and Izzy’s colleage, came out of the back room. His black hair was swept over his left eye as usual, and I could just catch a glimpse of his bright blue orbs through it. See, ever since we had applied for this job six months ago, I was instantly attracted to Matt.
He grinned at me, showing his perfect white teeth.

“Want me to take over?” He asked kindly. I smiled greatfully and placed my hand on his shoulder.

“Thanks, Matt,” I said before gliding tiredly into the back room. I felt sort of guilty for letting him do my extra hour, but it had been a long day and I had to get ready to go to The Club with Izzy.

‘The Club’ ws a very well-known club just on the edge of town, and Isobel and I had made it a tradition to go there every Friday night. It’s real name was ‘Revolution’, when it was really just your average club where people got drunk and/or high on a Friday.

I crept as silently as I could past my Boss’ office and scarpered out of the door at the speed of light. Yeah, my antics were going to get me fired some day, but that was the last thing on my mind right now.

I hopped into my little red KA and sped off home, jumping out of the car and locking it behind me once I had reached my destination. I took the lift to mine and Izzy’s flat and opened the door, finding Isobel curling her hair in front of the mirror, a packet of crisps next to her half-full. I nicked one as I went past and hopped into the shower, washing my hair and body before jumping back out again and getting changed into a black and red ballet-style dress. I straightened my short blonde hair and applied a thick half-ring of eyeliner to my eyes. I looked over and saw that Isobel was ready, so I grabbed my bag, pulled on some black pumps and headed out of the door.

Once we had arrived at the club, we paid the bouncer and walked straight to the bar. I ordered a rum and coke, and Izzy stared at me incredulously.

“Your not actually going to drink that, are you?” She asked, eyebrow raised. I beamed.

“Sure am!”
She rolled her eyes.

“Alcoholic,” She muttered under her breath, but wasnt quiet enough.

“Hey! I’m no alcoholic!” I pouted hit her over the head with my bag.

“OWEEE!” She screamed. The bartender shot us a dark look and handed me my drink and Isobel her lager. I downed half of mine in one gulp and dragged Izzy to one of the booths, where we both plonke ourselves down on the squishy chairs. Isobel automatically went into boy-seeking mode, pointing out ones which caught her eye and trying desperately to catch theirs. Finally, a boy with light brown hair grinned at her and made his way over to us.

“Want to dance?” He asked Isobel, winking at her. He grinned at him.


He took her hand and lead her onto the dancefloor. I giggled, this could only end badly, as I knew what Isobel was like at dancing.

All of a sudden, I spotted someone out of the corner of my eye that I hadn’t know would be here. He was sitting in one of the nearby booths, laughing and joking with his friends.
Matt was here.
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha, so I was looking forward to Izzy finishing the first chapter so I could write this.
It's exciting writing with one of my best friends :3
We're hoping this gets a good reception... if not, oh well, its fun to write :D