Status: me and cait are writing, she writes faster xD Active :)

The City Sleeps

Chapter 4- Caitlin

“Damn that bastard!” I shouted angrily, storming around the bathroom.
“You know what? I’m going to quit too. I have no reason to carry on slaving for that good-for-nothing son of a bitch!”

Izzy looked at me skeptically.

“You have Matt.”
I blushed.

“Hey! I don’t like Matt like that!” I pouted, lying blatantly.

“Oh come on! It’s so totally obvious!”

“Oh, well, maybe I do, but we have to get back to the matter at hand! I’ll quit, then I’ll tell Matt. I don’t want to leave him, but I’m not working there if you’re not!” I yelled. I was so angry that that son of a bitch would fire my friend just because she kissed her boyfriend in some club. Maybe he still has some weird possessive lust over her, but I quickly shook that thought out of my head.

“Caitlin?” Isobel looked up at me from her place on the toilet seat.


“Thank you,”

“Don’t worry about it,” I beamed and took her arm, walkingout of the bathroom.

As soon as we got back into the club I marched straight up to Mr. Robins .

“I just want you to know that I quit. I’m not going to continue working for you if you fire my best friend just because she kissed her boyfriend! It wasn’t even at work!” I yelled in his face.

“Good, I was about to fire you anyway. Don’t think I didn’t see you sneaking past my office an hour early. Lumbering all your work on Matt, were you?” He sneered.

“Fucking Bastard!” I spat in his face before storming off.

I spottedMatt again from across the room and hesitantly walked up to him. Luckily, he was leaning against the bar all on his own.

“Hey Matt.” I greeted as I walked up to him.

“Oh, Caitlin! Hi!” He grinned.

“Mr Robins fired Isobel. Just because she kissed her boyfriend.” I said through gritted teeth. He raised an eyebrow.

“I’m guessing he still has that weird possessive thing over her?” He asked. I nodded, even Matt knew about their relationship.

“And also, I quit working for him. He fired my best friend on weak grounds!” I explained, frowning. He nodded understandingly.

“So, tonight may be the last time I ever see you?” He asked. I nodded. All of a sudden he wrapped his arms around me. I inhaled his scent, melting into his warm body. He looked into my eyes and brushed a stray strand of hair out of my face.

“Then I think It’s the right moment to do this,” He whispered into my ear, sending chills down my spine. Suddenly, his face moved closer and he pressed his lips against mine. I melted into the kiss as a surge of electricity raced through my body. That’s when I decided two things:
1. I was madly in love with Matt
2. My life would never be the same again.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry, I posted this when Izzy said not to until we get a comment off a stranger.
but i love this story way too much, so forgive me?
But I know that Izzy wont post another chapter untill a stranger comments. SO YOU! YES, YOU, SECOND SUBSCRIBER. COMMENT!!!