Status: me and cait are writing, she writes faster xD Active :)

The City Sleeps

Chapter 6 - Caitlin

When I woke up, the first thing that hit me was the blinding light searing through my closed eyelids and making my head throb. Wow, I had WAY too much to drink last night. All I remembered was that Matt had kissed me, then it was blank. I finaly managed to drag myself up off the floor and staggered into the kitchen terribly hung-over and still slightly drunk. As I reached the kitchen, a delicious smell wafted into my nostrills
I didn’t even aknowledge Matt sitting at the table reading the paper untill I had poured myself some of the delicious liquid and downed it.

“Someone’s not a morning person.” He chuckled. I nodded.

“Especially not with a hang-over.” I sat down at the place opposite him.

“Matt, what happened last night?” I asked him. He raised one eyebrow.

“You can’t remember?”

“I don’t handle alcohol very well,” I explained.

“Well, we went to my flat,” He gestured to the building we were currently in. “And, I think we drunk some more, and you and I... made out...” He mutterd the last part, looking down shyly.

“Why so shy about it?” I moved my face closer to his and pressed my lips to his in a short sweet kiss. I had no idea where the sudden boldness had come from, but I think I liked it. As i was about to pull away he grabbed the back of my hea and deepened the kiss, sending electric currents to race through my body. I tangled my hands in his hair and he wrapped his around my waist. We kissed for another few moments untill we were interrupted by someone clearing their throat loudly. We broke apart to find Izzy standing in the doorway, an amused look of her face.

“Ooookay, not the best thing to see first thing in the morning.”

I chuckled and went to fill up my mug with more of the amazing stimulating substance known as coffee. We talked for a few more minutes untill I scraped my chair back and headed to the tiny sink to wash out my mug, and as I turned the tap on something extremely strange happened
The water, intead of flowing downwards, bent sideways and hit the palm of my hand. I jumped back but the water followed my hand wherever I moved it. Also, instead of splashing off my hand and to the floor it absorbed through my skin, running underneath it. I felt no pain, but it wasn’t actually a pleasant sensation either. I managed to gather my thoughts long enough to panickly turn off the tap, and the flow of water stopped. I could still feel it coursing through my body.

“What...The...Fuck.” Izzy muttered. I turned to her, eyes wide, and she jumped back.

“Holy shit Caitlin, your eyes are glowing!” Matt exclaimed.
Isobel jumped out of her seat and backed away, terrified. I felt a new ability inside me, like I could do something different, and flexed my fingers around a bit. All of a sudden a small amount of water formed in a tiny ball a few milimetres above my hand. I stared at it incredulously and opened my hand out flat, sucking the water back into my palm. I tried again, and sure enough water appeared suspened above my hand. I threw it forward and it exploded against the wall, sending showers of droplets cascading down it. I suddenly became more aware of my new-found ability, and I grinned to myself.

“Holy...” Matt started.

And that’s when I fully transformed.
♠ ♠ ♠
and you'll either love what I've done with this chapter, or hate it. It's like marmite xD
Personally it makes it VERY fun to write ;-)
Hope you like it!
Caitlin x