Sequel: Through The Rain
Status: finito <3 Now go subscribe to the sequel :3

I Must Be Dreaming

Take My Hand Off to Never Never Land

Hello. My name is Nicolette Bouregard. Nicky for short. Anyway I guess I should tell you my situation. I can see spirits, ghosts if you will. They come to me for help, or to just irritate the hell out of me because they have nothing better to do.
Anyways, Onward with the story!

I was sound asleep in my room when I was woken up by the familiar tugging that I had known so well since I was five. I sighed and opened my eyes to see a figure forming at the edge of my bed. I blinked a few times, not sure if I was seeing correctly. "Jimmy Sullivan?" I asked. He flitted right next to my face, studying me.
"Y-you can see me?" He asked.
"Holy fucking shit! It is you isn't it? The Rev. Wow what so many fangirls would do to be in my place right now...Sorry sidetracked. Um was there something you wanted me to give a loved one or something?"
He sat there for a few seconds before replying, "Uh no..How the fuck can you see me dude?"
I rolled my eyes. "Well I don't know some tweak in my brain letting me see all things paranormal. Ghost Busters don't got shit on me!" I replied with a grin. Another thing about me, I can read auras. Even in the afterlife Jimmy's was a bright white color, just dimmed abit. But hey when you die your usually not happy about it. It comes in handy though, if theres a perv lurking, I can pick them out quickly. Sure makes dating alot easier.
"Dude! Ghost Busters is the shit!" He said, clapping his hands. Or at least trying to, ghosts cant make noise. He looked at his hands confused. "Dude being dead sucks. I cant make noise!"
I just looked at him for a minute, studying him. The artist in me screaming to paint him. See, I own a small art studio in Huntington Beach, I paint. Portraits, landscapes, logos, that sort of thing. I'm no Van Gough but I make a pretty good living off of it. "Hey chick..I never got your name." He said staring right back at me.
"Nicolette Bouregard, but call me Nicky. Um, this may be an odd question but...Can I paint you?" I asked.
"Paint me? Artist huh? Well that explains all the paintings in the house. Sure why not?" He replied, smiling at me.
"Kay come on." I stood up and walked to the door.
"Um right now? Isn't it like 5am?" He asked appearing right infront of me.
"Yes but you woke me up Sullivan, SO I'm in the mood for some painting." I replied, stepping through him and across the hallway into my makeshift home studio. It had white walls with splatters of different colored paint and in one corner I had bunch of props. "Kay so you lean back against the wall, put one foot against it.." I nodded in approval as he did what I said, "Put your left hand in your pocket and look straight at me." He did as I said and I got my stool, paints, and easel.
"Huh you seem to get along well with people you just meet." He said as I stared painting him, starting from his foot. I always painted from the bottom up.
"You give off a good aura." I replied absentmindedly while dipping the fine brush into a container of grey paint.
"I give off a good what now?" He replied, still holding his position.
I bit the end of the paintbrush and looked at him, "Aura. The energy that swirls around everyone. I can see it. Yours is fucking bright ass white, meaning your a happy person who doesn't have a dark past or bad things on your mind." I replied finishing the buckle on one boot.


Five hours and two breaks later, I was finished. Once I told him Jimmy flitted to stand right behind me. His eyes bugged out when he saw it, "Holy shit! Thats freaking amazing!" He said. It was him standing againt a wall, one foot propped up against it and him staring out to the distance. In his left hand he was holding a pair of drumsticks. I had his every tattoo perfect. The wall was marked with miniature deathbats and around the wall and him was a mass of complicated gray, white and black swirls. Above him at the very top of the canvas was "The Rev" written in a caligraphy style.
"Thanks. So now that I've painted you we need to talk." I replied, as I started walking out of the room.
"Oh no the dreaded words, 'we need to talk!' Every guys horror." He joked as we made our way to the kitchen. I sat on the counter and he stood infront of me.
"Well the thing is, is usually subconciously or not, ghosts come to me, wanting me to do something. See ghosts are drawn to me because of my ability. Sometimes it's as simple as just needing to tell someone whats on their mind and sometimes it requires alot of work on my part. So tell me Sullivan, what is your hearts desire?"
He pondered this for a few moments before saying, "I-I really would love to talk to my band, just one last time. I never did get to say goodbye.." He said getting a far away look on his face. "I remember the day after I died, I went to Matt's house where they were all crying. I got into their faces, screaming at them, begging them to see me...Then I realized they couldn't, no one could." He finished, looking at me sadly.
"I'm so sorry Jimmy. I know I can't take that pain away but I can help you along to the light." I replied, wishing I could squeeze him into a bear hug. He nodded at me then slowly dissapeared. I sighed and looked at the clock, 10a.m. I had an art show to go to in a few hours so I decided to take a shower.
I turned the water on and started stripping off my shorts and oversized t-shirt. Just as I was in my bra and thong, Jimmy appeared. "Holy fucking shit!!! Ever heard about privacy?!" I yelled.
He laughed and flitted out the door. He called through it, "Sorry! I didn't know you where gunna be all nakey and such!"
I shook my head and replied, "If you come in here Sullivan you will be banished to the very core of hell! GIve me ten minutes." I could hear him chuckling.

An hour later, I was ready and Jimmy was whining outside the door. I pulled it open exasperated and was met by Jimmy's puppy dog face. "Come on, if you insist on being with me until I can talk to your band then your coming with me. I can't talk to you in public, I don't want to look crazy. If it's super important then I'll 'talk' on my cell phone with you." I said as I grabbed my car keys and locked the front door. I walked to my Subaru WRX and unlocked the doors with a click of the controller.
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title credit-Enter Sandman--Metallica
