Sequel: Through The Rain
Status: finito <3 Now go subscribe to the sequel :3

I Must Be Dreaming

Time is a Valuable Thing, Watch it Fly By as the Pendulum Swings

I laughed at Johnny as he attempted to do a handstand. Key word: attempted. "Let me show you how it's done son!" I said, pushing him aside playfully. I went up into a graceful handstand, and started walking on my hands. Finially my hands got tired and I landed gently on my feet.
"Dude! You have a fucking monkey girlfriend!" Syn said, laughing.
"Yeah and we all know what that means..." Zacky trailed off winking at Matt.
"Shes a freak in the bed!" Johnny finished laughing.
I scoffed and said, "Like you wouldn't beleive! What other girl do you know that can put her legs behind her head and still be comfortable?" The guys stared at me wide eyed, not sure if I was kidding or not. I rolled my eyes, sat down and put my feet behind my head. "See? I wasn't fucking around that time."
Zacky shook his head and clapped Matt on the back, "You are one lucky mother fucker."
Matt raised an eyebrow at him and said, "Jealous?" All the while reaching down to help me stand up.
"Like you wouldn't beleive." Zacky said with a sad sort of smile on his face. His aura was tinged with a bit of dark blue. He must have really been jealous!
"Aww it's okay Zacky! You and I, we're gunna be like this." I said crossing my fingers. His aura brightened considerably.
He laughed and said, "Yeah best friends, I can deal with that."
Johnny widened his eyes in fake hurt and said, "Beanski! I thought I was your bestest buddie?!"
"Aww it's okay I can have three." I replied giving Syn a wink to show I was including him.
"Yeap and she tells me everything. Right doll?" Syn asked me.
I laughed and said, "Of course!"
"Yeah but none of you can kiss her like me. And if you do try I will kick your asses." Matt put in looking like a child who was peeved other kids where playing with his toy.
"Aww Mattypooh are you, dare I say it, Jealous?!" I gasped jokingly.
He leaned in close to my ear and whispered, "Not one single bit because on friday, if not sooner, I'll get to ravish you like no other." He nipped my ear, making me yelp in surprise. It sent chills of pleasure down my spine just thinking about it.
"Okay um Matt ew dude. You really need to learn how to whisper better." Johnny said squeezing his eyes shut. I laughed and punched him lightly in the chest. "Ow!"
"Baby." I mocked, grinning at him. He laughed and stuck his tongue out at me.


Matt had talked to Max and they both agreed that I should sing ''In the Arms of an Angel" Before A7X came on. After getting the baby grand piano out center stage and getting ready it was finially five minutes until showtime. "You look stuning." Matt said, kissing my nose.
"Yeah, Then it's back to punkish looking." I said smiling.
"Ah and you still look stunning.''
"Cheesey my dear." I replied grinning. I kissed his lips quickly before following the stagehand towards the stage. I took a deep breath before walking out on stage. I sat at the small stool before the beautiful white piano on a chorus of cheers from the audiance. As soon as they calmed down I said, "Hello fellow lovers of Avenged Sevenfold." I paused as the crowd cheered once again. "Some of you may recognize me from a show I played with A7X two nights ago. I am now touring with them, on thier first tour back since Rev's death. It is with heavy hearts and sad souls that we continue on this journey we call life. He was known to most as being charesmatic and loving and an all around good guy. So in memory of him, I'll be singing 'In the Arms of an Angel." The crowd clapped, not at all as enthusiastic as when I first came out. I hit the few first notes before starting

"Spend all your time waiting
for that second chance
for a break that would make it okay
there's always some reason
to feel not good enough
and it's hard at the end of the day
I need some distraction
oh a beautiful release
memory seeps from my veins
let me be empty
oh and weightless and maybe
I'll find some peace tonight

In the arms of the angel
fly away from here
from this dark cold hotel room
and the endlessness that you fear
you are pulled from the wreckage
of your silent reverie
you're in the arms of the angel
may you find some comfort here

So tired of the straight life
and everywhere you turn
there's vultures and thieves at your back
the storm keeps on twisting
you keep on building the lies
that you make up for all that you lack
it don't make no difference
escaping one last time
it's easier to believe
in this sweet madness oh
this glorious sadness that brings me to my knees

In the arms of the angel
fly away from here
from this dark cold hotel room
and the endlessness that you fear
you are pulled from the wreckage
of your silent reverie
you're in the arms of the angel
may you find some comfort here
you're in the arms of the angel
may you find some comfort here" I finished just as the croud errupted in loud applause and several 'we miss you Rev's. "Now my friends I hope we will always remember James Owen Sullivan. May his body rest in peace and his soul be in Heaven." I concluded before bowing and walking off stage.
All the band members and other stage crews where on the side of the stage clapping for me and some even had tears in there eyes. "You where just amazing." Johnny said softly.
"Truly the voice of an angel." Syn chimed in.
"Thank you guys so much! I have to go change though, if I'm not mistaken, Avenged isn't some foofoo boy band." I said winking at allof them before dissapearing into the dressing room. Matt walked in just as my dress fell to the floor.
"Shit! Sorry hun!" He said closing the door.
"It's okay, nothing you havn't seen before." I replied with a grin as I slipped my skinnys on. After hurriedly taking my hair down and adding a bit heavier makeup and accesories I was ready to go back out again.
"Wow ten minutes flat. I'm thuroughly impressed." Matt said teasingly. I hip bumped him and we made our way back to the stage. We all ran back onstage and to our designated spots before Matt said, "As for our previous drummer and brother, Jimmy will be greatly missed by every single one of us. He was a great friend, person and man in general. We all loved him like family. Rest in peace brother. If you would all be so kind as to give a minute of silence in honor of our friend." I swear every single head in that audience dropped in respectful silence. After the minute was up Matt said, "On a happier note I would like to introduce the new permanent addition to the Avenged family, Nicolette Bouregard." The crowd cheered. "As you have all seen miss. Nicky is multitalented and we are all thrilled to have her as our drummer. And now let us begin on our summer tour!" Matt roared into the microphone.
Eighteen songs later and a lot of screwing around on stage later, the first show was over. By the sounds of it the crowd was back to being happy. We went out for a signing and quite a few fans came up to me and congratulated me on my performance and even asked for my autograph. Every single person was nice until this one chick came up to me and said, "So how'd you get in with Avenged huh? You sleeping with one of them? Thats the only reason they'd let a whore like you be in there band. You will never replace Rev."
"Look little girl. The soul reason I'm in this band is because I've proved myself that I am worthy of playing the drums. Not because I put out, which I havn't. I also know for a fact that I can not replace Jimmy so dont you even go there. I suggest you run along before I rearange your pretty little face." I said eerily calm, with venom dripping from every word. She glared and stomped away after throwing a sickeningly sweet smile Johnny's way.
I raised an eyebrow and went back to signing t-shirts and such. "That was impressive. Can I get a picture?" A brunette girl said.
I grinned and said "Sure." before posing with her. After a good hour, we where finially able to escape to the tour bus. "That was amazing." I said smiling as I flopped down on the couch.
"Yes you where." Matt said sitting next to me. He was sweating like crazy!
"Boy you need a shower." I exclaimed as he put an arm around me.
"Only if you'll join." He replied with a wink.
"Again I repeat. Ewwwww!" Johnny exclaimed covering his ears.
♠ ♠ ♠
title credit--In the End-- Linkin Park

Ahhh that song always makes me cry when I hear it! I know this chapter didn't haveJimmy in it but I did it for a reason lovelies! I'm not sure if I'll be able to update again tomorrow, or well today whatever. It depends on if Im not tired as hell! I just got my braces tightened and my teeth hurt ike a bitch so yeah I'm a bit distracted! Plus first cheer practice of the season is tomorrow! eep I'm excited!!! :D anyways