Sequel: Through The Rain
Status: finito <3 Now go subscribe to the sequel :3

I Must Be Dreaming

Your Sweet Moon Beam, the Smell of You in Every Single Dream I Dream

I looked into the all too familiar cold green eyes, "D-dad?" I shook my head at the initial shock and set him in a glare cold enough to match his own. "What do you want father dearest?" I spat.
"Well if it isn't y little whore." He retorted."So whos this? New fuck buddy?" He said motioning to Matt.
"No actually I'm her boyfriend." Matt growled, placing a hand on my shoulder.
I shrugged it off and walked closer to the spirit of the man I had hated for so long. "What do you want asshole? You cant hit me, cant rape me, cant pull a knife on me either. Sorry to ruin your fun. I beleive your next stop is the bloody pits of Hell." I said fixing him with a glare that would make grown men run in fright.
"Well my lovely child," He said sarcastically, "I figured I'd pay a visit to my unruly mistake. Torment your soul a bit. Since you where unkind enough to not even pay me a visit on my birthday."
"Oh excuse me for not wanting to see the man that physicall and mentally abused me! Oh and not to mention the fact that you stole my virginity you ass hole!" I replied, wishing I could slap his head off.
"Oh yes, yes. That was a wonderful day. You had such a tight pussy, doing a virgin just never gets old." I felt my stomach convulse at the terrible memories.
"Your fucking sick. This is your daughter! Your not supposed to do that! It's worse than incest!" Matt raged.
"Ah but theres nothing quite like making your own flesh and blood bleed now is there?" My father said, a twisted smile on his lips.
"So tell me dad was dieing painful? Did you feel your heart explode?" I asked venomously.
"No dieing actually wasn't half bad. Escpecially when I realized I'd get to see my little fuck buddy again." He replied looking at me like a peice of meat. I shivered and subconciously took a step back into Matt.
"Again, your sick. What do you want from her?" Matt growled, holding me around the waist.
"Oh a proper burial. Some sweet words of goodbye from daddy's little angel." He said.
"Fine. I'll give you a proper burial. One condition. You stay away from me until the day of your funeral. I see you any sooner and you'll be stuck to wonder the world aimlessly for the rest of forever." I snarled.
"Deal. Goodbye my lovely." He said grinning wickedly before fading. I was fuming, how dare he?!
I called the prison and told them I had a change of heart and that I would appreciate it if they woul send his body to the embalmers. Matt and I walked down to the lobby where the guys where waiting. Every single one of them saw my face and asked, "What happened?"
"My father died today. Apparently he decided to pay his little abusie oh and not to mention rapie a visit before he goes to Hell." I spat.
All of their eyes widened and they simultaniously came forward and wrapped my in a huge bear/group hug. I sighed and hugged back, wishing I could punch something. As if sensing this they all backed away and Matt led me to the hotel gym. I spotted the punching bag and slammed my fist into it as hard as I could, punching and kcking it. If it had been a person I would have done some serious damage. The other guys that where in their looked at me wide eyed before backing out of the room. Matt just sat their watching me ammusedly. "Remind me to never piss you off."
After giving the bag one more hard punch I grabbed Matt's hand and led him bak to the lobby. "All better Beanski?" Johnny asked tentatively.
"Somewhat. I dont feel like beating the shit out of anything anymore." I replied grinning at him. He sighed in releif and took my other hand, chattering aimlessly at me as we walked down the strip. Syn pulled me aside, saving me. "Thanks BriBri." I said.
"No problem. Trust me I know what it's like when you cant shut the fucker up and you just want to be with your thoughts." He replied grinning at me. I laughed and he stole my fedora, throwing a pose, "Don't I look fabulous?" He said in a nasaly voice.
I cracked up and said, "Oh Brian I hope we don't have to break it to the fan girls that your gay. I think that would shatter their dreams." He pushed me lightly and popped the fedora back on my head. Matt came back to my side and held my hand. I smiled up at him and kissed his tattoed arm. Despite what just happened, he truly makes me feel like everything will be alright.
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title credit--Hey Soul Sister--Train

Woah holy beans. Even I wasn't expecting that :o Just kidding! Anyways I gotsa few more shockersz planned for you guys (: Still not sure exactly when this story is gunna end. Oh and also, do you guys think I should write a sequel?
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