Sequel: Through The Rain
Status: finito <3 Now go subscribe to the sequel :3

I Must Be Dreaming

I Still Cant Keep the Day From Ending

After we got back from the strip, a few souveniers in hand we all decided to go out to lunch. We dropped our bags off in our respective rooms and met back up in the lobby. Matt grabbed my hand and Johnny held his elbow out to me. Laughing, I took it and made the boys skip towards the taxi that was waiting for us outside. "What a site! A big macho man like you skipping!" I said laughing as he sat next to me.He stuck his tongue out and kissed my nose. Bri and Zacky came bounding towards the taxi and dove in.
"Where to?" The driver asked, eyeing us through the mirror.
"T.G.I. Fridays please!" I replied, twirling the ends of my hair around my finger. Matt kissed my cheek and hugged me into his side.
"Jesus Christ Shads! She isn't goin' anywhere." Syn exclaimed jokingly, obviously noting our need to touch eachother.
"Psh your just jealous fool. 'Cause you can't have none of this." He said motioning towards me.
"Damn straight!" Syn retorted, grinning at me.
Matt growled and I smacked his chest, "Down boy. He's joking, Bri is like an annoying older brother."
"Hey!" Syn exclaimed, clutching his chest in mock hurt.
"I mean that in the best of ways lovey!" I said laughing at him. Matt just pulled me closer, mumbling how I was his and only his.The taxi pulled up in front of the restaurant and Johnny paid before we all filed out. I smirked and jumped on Matt's back, "Onward Shads!" I screamed, getting looks from passerby. I crossed my eyes at them and Matt started walking towards the entrance. "Noooo baaaaaabe you have to gallop like a horse!"
"Your kidding right?" He said.
"Nope!" I replied, smacking his ass, "Now once again, onward my faithful steed!" The rest of the guys followed us, laughing there asses off. Matt set me down and said something about his dignity.
"Have you been watching westerns?" Zacky asked me, green eyes sparkling with laughter.
"Nope just missed riding horses. It's been a few years." I replied as we sat down, me in between him and Matt.
"You used to ride horses too?" Matt asked incredulously.
"Well duh. How do you think I have so much balance when...Nevermind." I said, choosing to avoid the topic of sex around these four.
"When what my dear?" Johnny asked, and eyebrow raised.
"When...I'm uh...I don't know." I said my cheeks flushing pink. They all laughed and Matt kissed my lips, telling me I didn't need to be embarassed. I just scrunched my nose and stuck my tongue out at all of them.
"So my dear, I figure I need to take you out on our first date tonight. Dress like fancy-ish. No ball gowns, just elegant." Matt said, toying with my fingers.
"Okay fashion expert." I said with a grin. He just shrugged and kissed my nose.


I took a shower, alone this time, and got ready for mine and Matt's first date. I fussed with my black strapless bra before opening the bathroom door. I hate strapless bras, they irritate me. As I stepped out, Matt let out a low whistle, "You look absolutely stunning Bean."
I blushed and said, "You dont look to bad yourself. Although I think you should let me do your tie." I walked over to him and redid his tie the correct way, making sure it wasn't to tight on his neck.
"Don't know what I'd do without ya babe."
"You'd be a sad sad lost cause." I joked, grinning at him.
"Yes I would." He offered his elbow and led me down the brightly lit hallways towards the elevator. After arriving in the lobby we walked hand in hand towards a black inconspicious limo.
"Matt, where are we going?" I asked as the driver pulled away from the curb. Matt just smirked before leaning forward and pressing his lips to mine. After a moment I pulled back and said, "Mhm that was nice but I'm not that easily distracted."
"Awh. Well it's a surprise so shh and let yourself be surprised." Matt retorted before kissing my cheek. I pouted for a second before my face lit up. "What's with the sudden change of mood?"
"Can't you feel it? A ghost is ab-" Suddenly my guardian angel, Jimmy, Appeared before us, "Jimmy!" I exclaimed. He solidified momentarily to hug me and fist bump Matt. He then went back to being an appiration. "Where the hell have you been?!" I inquiried.
"Sorry! I would have visited sooner but bossman made me stay up stairs. Said I couldn't interfere with you and your father meeting again. He was hoping you guys would resolve some things but...guess not." Jimmy replied, sitting cross legged on the floor infront of us.
"Yeah, I still insist that my father goes to the deepest pits of Hell." I grumbled, snuggling into Matt's side.
"Thats for Lucifer and Big Man to decide." Jimmy replied simply.
"They actually work togther?" I asked incredulous.
"Sort of, but I can't tell you more than that. Angel code and what not. Hell we don't even know half of whats going on. We just get told what to do!"
Just then we pulled up infront of the swanky restaurant, whos name escapes me. "Alright well I'll leave you two lovebirds to dine with fine wine and cheese! Wait...whatever, bye! Love you Nickster!" Jimmy exclaimed as he started to fade.
"Wait! You better not just dissapear like that on me again! Oh and I love you too Jimmers bye!"
"I wont I promise! Bye Shads!"
"Bye Rev." Matt replied as the door opened. Matt stepped out first and offered his hand to me. I took it and stepped out after him, admiring the restaurant. The outside was all black with huge floor to ceiling window panes, and giant ferns hanging infront of each one. We walked inside, hand in hand.
"Hello my name is Charlette, Do you have a reservation?" The perky blonde greeted us at the maitre D podium.
"Yes, table for two under Matthew Sanders." Matt replied, sounding very sophisticated.
The woman pursed her lips and flipped through the leather bound book before pointing, "Ahh yes right this way Mister and Misses Sanders." She motioned for us to follow. My cheeks heated up for some reason. She thought we where married?! Well I guess nothing is wrong with that picture but still! Matt just smirked, reading my thoughts before saying in my head, Not a bad thought huh? I glowered at him as the Maitre D sat us at our table.
"Your server, David will be right with you." She said curtly before turning on her black stiletto and walking away.
"Maaatt I told you not to read my thoughts!" I whined.
"I don't do it on purpose. Bu when you leave your mind open, your thoughts just kind of flow to me." He responded looking at me apologetically.
"Oh. Huh well I guess I'll just need to control that better." I replied, taking his hand over the table.
"Bonsoir, My name is David and I'll be your server today." A tall man with dark brunette hair and a french accent stated.
"Pouvez-vous parler du français ?" I asked.
"Oui, que vous aimeriez boire ?" He replied gesturing towards the drink menu.
"Le vin rouge pour moi et un BlueMoon pour ma date." I replied.
"Je serai de retour dans une seconde pour prendre votre ordre et livre vos boissons." He said before walking away.
"Holy crap! You didn't tell me you could speak French that well!" Matt exclaimed.
"Well yeah. French was my first language thanks to my grandmother. Oh and I ordered you a BlueMoon."
"Thanks. Can you order my food to? No freaky things kay?" He said, scrunching his nose up. I laughed and nodded. We chattered happily back and forth for a bit before our server came back, drinks in hand.
"Voici vos boissons. Qu'est-ce que je peux obtenir pour vous ?" He said, looking at me after delicately setting our drinks infront of us.
"J'aurai Terrine de Saumon aux Epinards - Riz Spécial et il aura le Filet Mignon aux Oignons - Gratin Dauphinois." I replied. He wrote our orders down and turned on his heel, walking swiftly towards the back.
Matt looked at me nervously, "Um what exactly did you order me?"
"Pig intestines." I watched as a look of horror etched on his features, I laughed before saying, "I'm just kidding! I just got you a fillet mignon with onions and a baked potato." He visibly relaxed and kissed my hand. I smiled and took a sip of my red wine.
"Um Nicky..I-I have something to give you.." Matt said suddenly looking extremely nervous. I nodded encouragingly and he took a deep breath before pulling out a dark black velvet box. I gasped, was he going to ask me to marry him?! He slipped the box towards me and I opened it to reveal a beautiful ring with my birthstone in it. I looked up at him, "Um it's not an engagement ring, not yet anyways..Um it's more of a promise ring. It was my great grandmothers and she gave it to me and told me to give it to a special girl one day. And well thats you." He smiled nervously.
I got up and went around the table to hug him. "Aww Matt I love it and you, thankyou." I smiled warmly at him before sitting back down. He took my hand and the ring and slipped it on my ring finger.
He kissed my hand again before saying, "I love you too babe and one day, you'll have an amazing diamond ring right there."
"Don't worry about it. We don't need to rush to marriage just because we know we love eachother and that were made for eachother. Litteraly."
"Well yeah gotta instill hope in the fan girls." Matt joked. I fake glared at him before losing my composure and laughing. "I wasn't even planning on proposing honestly. I just figured we'd go get hitched here in Vegas!" Matt said with a chuckle rumbling in his throat. I cracked up again at the thought.
"Oh yeah and I'd also want to be sure we have a Freddy Kruegar wedding. Infact I think I saw a chapel that offered one just down the road." I joked back. We laughed a bit more before our server brought us our food. Matt eyed his food nervously before taking a small bite. His eyes instantly widened and he took a bigger bite.
"Holy crap! French food is good!" He exclaimed.
♠ ♠ ♠
title credit--Wasting My Time--Default

Okay so I actually have a few things to say here for once! One, I am extremely sorry for not updating faster! I had some writers block and now I'm over it thankfully! Plus I had a full weekend. Today I found out the dance I learned for cheer were not even going to perform so Im a bit pissed at that. Oh not to mention my flyer litterally fell on my face today! My eye still hurts :[ anyways. I know this chapter has lots of french in it but its honestly not significant. if you want to translate it all you can go here to do so. I have soo much planned for this story and I'm still debating on a sequel! Im thinking this story will end in the thirties or fourties but im not sure yet. anyways thank you all my commentors and subscribers you guys keep me motivated! I love you guys!!
Love and banana boat sunblock,
