Sequel: Through The Rain
Status: finito <3 Now go subscribe to the sequel :3

I Must Be Dreaming

Nothing Tears the Pain More Than Deception

I walked in to the funeral hall, observing. The black simple casket was front and center, open to reveal my fathers upper half. Black roses adorned the top of the casket and the floor surrounding it. Black rose petals littered the floor and pews. The only light came from outside and the few candles set up near the preists podium. Gentle organmusic played in the background.
Matt ushered me forward, Brian on my other side. We sat in the front pew with Johnny and Zacky next to Matt. Brian and Matt both grabbed my hands in a comforting gesture, though I didn't need it, it was still nice. Brian fixed my hat and squeezed my hand gently. Soon the pews were about half full with my family and the few friends my father actually had. I've never been in a room so silent with so many people before. It was quite unnerving.
"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to remember a loved one. Devin Bouregard has moved on from this life to the next. Do not be sad, he isn't gone, he's just in another place. Now let us pray. Father, we ask that you takethis man's soul unto thy heavens. Bring him peace of heart and mind. Bring his loved ones thy strength to move on. Let this man know that he was loved and will always be remembered. Amen." A chorus of 'amens' followed. "And now let me introduce Nicolette Bouregard, Devin's daughter.
I took a deep breath and stood, releasing Matt and Brian's hands. I walked up to the podium and quietly thanked the priest. "Hello, first I would like to thank you all for coming. My father was loved by many. When he was with those he loved, a twinkle was always evident in his eyes. Despite things that...happened in the past this man is still my father and I know he will be greatly missed. Most say I am him in female form. Now every time I look at my reflection it will pain me to see his eyes, hair, nose, complexion. When I was young, around three or so, before my mother died, I remember he used to be the happiest man alive. He had a bounce in his step and an omnipresent smile on his face. Then after my mother died, I beleive in a sense he did too. He was no longer the happy man we knew and loved. He was now depressed, angry and a stranger. He had to relearn how to live this life without his true love. That changed him. My mother was his lifeline, the blood through his veins, the breath in his lungs. All to suddenly that was cut. So this death, I was prepared for. I had already watched him die once, if not in body then in mind, heart and soul. The only regret I have is not trying to work our diffrences out.May he rest in peace. Thank you." I walked back to the pew, noting some surprised faces. It had been more difficult then I had thought to keep a sneer out of my voice when I was talking about the man.
"You did great babe." Matt whispered as I sat in between him and Brian again.
"That was the only person who wished to speak, so now if you would like to come say one last goodbye, you are more than welcome to." The preist said and crossedhimself before walking away. I stood and walked towards the casket. I took a deep breath and looked in at the man who hurt me countless amounts of time. I noticed there was a red fiery 'x' on his forehead. I shook my head and walked away. I looked back, seeing if there was anyone else who noticed. Not one. Maybe I am off my rocker I thought, stepping out into the sunlight. He wasn't going to be buried, but creamated. I was going to spread his ashes along the beach where he loved to be most. I would have rather thrown them in a ditch but that wouldn't have gotten him out of my hair. Matt came up t me and hugged me tightly, kissing my forehead. So many people came up to me and told me how sorry they where for me. I tried my best to be polit and not tell them to fuck off that I was fine and I didn't care that he was dead.
He appeared directly infront of Matt and I. "Well that was just touching. Than you my darling daughter! Now I can finially move on and get away from you, the whore of the family."
I held in a snarl that threatened to rip from my throat and settled with a glower. Suddenly flames started to lick up from the ground, engulfing him. He had a startled look on his face that quickly twisted to one of pain. Something so ugly and horrid I can't even describe shot up from the ground before sreeching and grabbing him. The thing dragged him down beneath the earth and the flames slowly dissipated. Such hatred and evil radiated out of them, it was the total opposite of the feeling I get from the light. Matt and I shuddered together and walked away from the spot.
"Was that your father getting dragged to Hell?" Matt asked.
"Um yeah I beleive so." I shuddered again and buried my head in Matt's chest, knowing that thing would forever haunt my dreams. Matt hugged me tighter and bent to kiss my lips. "C-can we get out of here?" I asked. he nodded and led me to his car where the others where waiting.
"You guys okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." Johnny stated, "Oh wait...did you?"
I nodded and said, "Yeah I litterally just watched my father ge dragged to Hell. I still have the fucking chills." Johnny whistled lowly and pulled me into one of his signature bear hugs. Even though he was considered short, he still towered over me, I was only 5 foot nothing.
"I'm sorry sweety. But hey at least he can't bother you anymore." Zacky said comfortingly.
"Thanks Z I feel better already." I stated with a smile. We climbed in and Matt drove away from the last place I would ever see my father. Or so I thought...
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title credit--Unholy Confessions--A7X

dun dun dunnnnnn! Holy SHit >.> What will happen next?! I told you guys I had a few more twists! Anyways much love to all my readers, commentors and subscribers! I realized yesterday that I had six stars!! Woo! I never expected such a good outcome from this story, I'm really glad you guys are likeing it!! Love you all.
Love and fwd texts,