Sequel: Through The Rain
Status: finito <3 Now go subscribe to the sequel :3

I Must Be Dreaming

Seize the Day or Die Regretting All the Time You Lost

The next day, we flew to Arizona, our next stop on tour. Jimmy had made frequent visits throughout the night before, making sure I was okay and all that. I guess he thinks seeing my father get dragged to Hell is traumatizing. Psh. Naw...Okay so maybe it was a little traumatizing but whatever, at least I still had Matt. Plus the fucker deserves every bit of pain he gets in Hell.
After getting off the plane and claiming the small amount of luggage we brought we stepped into the devastinly hot sun of Arizona to look for our tour bus. "I see it!" Johnny shouted excitedly, pointing a few yards away. We all rushed to the bus and Zacky unlocked it. After walking up the steps we all breathed in the much welcomed air conditioned room.
"Hello boys, and chick!" Our driver, Benny shouted from the front.
"Hey Ben!" We all said back in unison.
"Oh Benny um we need to stop at a grocery store real quick. We're out of like, everything." I asked as I peered in the fridge.
"Sure." came his muffled reply. I had a feeling he was munching on a bigmac or something of the sort. I straightened back up, closing the fridge, and cracked my neck and jaw.
About five minutes later we where infront of a Savemart. I hopped out and Matt tried to follow but I stopped him, "Babe I'm nowhere near as famous as you are, if we want to be on time I'm going to have to go in alone."
"Ohh yeah you have a point there. Love you." Matt said before kissing me sweetly on the lips.
After pulling away and smiling at him I said, "Love you too babe. See you in a few." Matt nodded his head and stepped back into the bus, closing the door.
While that was the truth, I didn't want to have to drag him down the 'female' isle. I had started my period and was in serious need of some Midol and Playtex Pearl tampons. I quickly grabbed a box of 50 supers and a bottle of Midol before goin to get other things. I got a half galon of 2% milk, some Mac n' Cheese, chips, salsa, beer, JD, Champagne, a few cans of AriZona Iced tea, cereal, granola bars, ranch, and various fruits and veggies. I also made a special trip to the pharmacy isle to grab some Epsom salt for the next time we stop at a hotel. I want a relaxing bath.
After about fourty-five minutes I was taking the cart to the bus. Matt and Brian where the first to open the door. "What took you so long?" Brian asked.
"Well first off this old lady was infront of me and insisted on using like fifty coupons. Then of course half where expired and the cashier had to explain that to her ten times. Then when it was finially my turn I told the bagger not to worry about it and just put it all back in the cart without bags because I had an rv outside. She freaking argued about it! I asked her why the hell I would waste bags when I already have a place to put everything! Ahhh people are stupid!!!" I ranted as we put the things away.
"Ahh yeah. I hate grocery stores." Matt said sympathetically.
"Ahhh!" Brian shreiked, dropping the box of tampons. "It burns!"
"...Bri um I think you have problems...If a box of tampons scares you how the fuck do you live with Chelle?" I asked slowly.
"We just-I don't see those things...I don't want to either!" Brian exclaimed, shivering.
I chuckled and whapped him on the back of the head.
"How do you expect to be able to sit through her giving birth then?" I asked. Brian looked at me wide eyed before darting back to the bunks, most likely to hide from the 'evil thoughts'
"Ah yeah he's never been good about the whole period thing." Matt said chuckling as I put the tampons in the bathroom. "I think his mom traumatized him. She was like the freaking devil when she was on the rag."
"Ohhh ouch. Yeah women can get pretty scary. I remember in highschool, my teacher Mrs. Burns would like give us an assload f homework and pop quizzes every time. We always knew when she was on it." I replied, wrinkling my nose at the memory.
Matt laughed and pulled me onto his lap, nuzzling my neck with his nose. I giggled slightly because it tickled and attacked his sides. He started cracking up and finially managed to pin me down and tickle my sides and neck. "Im going to freaking piss on you if you dont stop!" I managed breathlessly.
"Kinky." He stated. I wrinkled my nose at him and he finially sat back on my thighs.
"Thats gross Matt." I stated after a moment of thought.
"Thats what makes it kinky, like two girls and one cup." He retorted.
I gagged, "Ugh my friends made me watch it as a dare and I like litterally puked! Naaaasty." I replied shivering.
"Yeah I know, that was horrible." He stated.
"Woaahh lovebirds no sexin' it up on the couch. I happen to like to sit there!" Johnny stated, walking in from the bunks.
"We weren't even doing anything Johnnycakes." I replied innocently.
"Uh huh and thats why Matt's on top of you...Riiiiiiight" Johnny replied after grabbing a beer out of the fridge.
"Naw her lap is just comfy." Matt replied.
"Are you calling me fat?" I asked in a serious tone.
"W-what? Nooo. No, no, no." He backtracked before I cracked up.
"Your waaay to fucking gullible hon."
♠ ♠ ♠
title credit--Seize the Day--A7X

So yeah this was pretty fillerish but I had a few laughs writing it! So I have a twist or two coming up. Fair warning lovelies! So what is everyone doing for the 4th this year? Anything exciting? comments are appreciated. I would love to hear your thoughts! 50 subscribers wooo! :D oh and p.s. thanks for telling me I triple posted this chapter :| my computer has been acting up! sorry for the mistake loves.
Love and Iced tea,