Sequel: Through The Rain
Status: finito <3 Now go subscribe to the sequel :3

I Must Be Dreaming

She Ripped His Heart Out Right Before His Eyes

1 month later

The bus pulled infront of my house to drop me off. The tour was over and I was ready to be back home. More and more people recognized me every day, it was the oddest thing. "Bye babe, I'll come over once I get my stuff settled in." Matt shouted out the window of the bus.

"Okay bye. Love you!" I shouted back.

"Love you too!" then they where gone. I went inside my house, feeling lonely already. I had gotten so used to living with those four that my big empty house just seemed..depressing. I sighed softly and dropped my dirty clothes off in the laundry room. "Jimmers? Can you talk to me I feel lonely." I pouted as I walked through the hallways.

"Hey doll! Post-tour lonliness? Yeah, I used to get that alot but no worries those four idiots will be bounding over here anytime." Jimmy said appearing right next to me.

"Thanks hon. This house just feels so...empty. And quiet. Hmm maybe I should get a dog or a cat. No not a cat, I don't want to be a cat lady!" I exclaimed.

"Uhh sweetie maybe you should get some sleep. I'll keep you company I promise." Jimmy stated, pointing to my king sized bed.

"Okay, just let Matt in if he comes around." I said before yawning and peeling back the covers. My bed was cold seeing as noone had been in it for nearly two months. I grabbed my pillows and sat them back on my bed. They still smelled like Matt from when we would share a bunk. I smiled slightly and buried my head in them, falling asleep almost instantly.


I woke up four hours later and nearly screamed when I saw that someone else was in my bed. That is, until I realized it was Matt. I pounced on him, laying completely ontop of him and grinned when his eyes fluttered open. "You are crazy." was the first thing he said. His voice was slightly husky from just waking up, but his eyes where sparkling wiht amusement.

"Yessir. I missed you! This house is too lonely." I pouted, pushing my lower lip out slightly.

Matt smiled gently and kissed my forehead, "I missed you too. Would you maybe want to move in with me?"

I looked at him shocked for a moment before smiling huge at him and replying, "I'd love to baby!" He grinned and wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me tightly to his bare chest. I kissed his jaw gently before pulling out of his grasp.

"I'll be right back babe, I need to make sure that I have enough boxes and shit." I said before jogging towards the garage.

"You want to start now?" Matt shouted, exasperated.

"No time like the present darling!" I shouted back. I opened the door and grinned at my Subaru WRX, "Ah baby I missed you!" I said to the car. I loved it, I had gotten it painted chamelion. It changed colors from green, pink, blue, yellow and orange. I flipped the lightswitch on and walked over to the mountain of leftover boxes from when I moved in that house four years before. I lifted a pile of compressed boxes up only to drop them screeching.

Matt rushed in, "What happened baby?!" He asked.

"Sp-sp-spider! Kill it!" I yelled, darting behind Matt and pointing to the boxes. He walked over to them and inspected it.

He stomped on it and smiled at me, "All gone. I'm gunna take a wild guess and say your arachniphobic?"

"Extremely." I replied, shivering.

"Babe you go on in the house, I'll get the boxes just in case their are any more of them." Matt said motioning to the door.

"Thanks love, I really appreciate it." I told him before blowing him a kiss and walking back inside. Minutes later, Matt walked in with the first set of boxes, still compressed.

"Here ya go. I already have plates and stuff so do you want to put yours in storage or sell them or something?" Matt asked.

"I think I can just throw the plastic ones out, but I want to keep the fine china ones. Theres not very many, only a set of ten." I replied as I started throwing my dvds in a box.

"Thats fine, we'll have enough room for that. You have a lot of dvd's." Matt observed, watching as I threw them in the box.

"Yeah, I'm a huge movie goer. I like all kinds. Just not gory, blood freaks me out, even fake movie blood." I replied, scrunching my nose as I remembered my friend Natalie forcing me to watch Saw V.

Matt laughed and said, "I'm going to go start on your closet and drawers. All the boxes I could find are by the garage door."

"Mmkay baby. Oh um anything generic and inexpensive looking, set aside so I can decide if its worth it to keep it or not." Matt nodded before kissing me and going down the hallway to my room with a few boxes in hand.

I pulled my Iphone out of my bra and called Johnny, "Hello?" He answered.

"Hey hun, um I'm moving in with Matt and we kinda need your help along with Bri and Zacky's. I got a lotta shit." I replied before laughing slightly.

"Okay doll. I'll be over in a bit, Brian wont be able to make it. For the following week after we get home from tours Michelle wants him to spend time with just her." He replied.

"Ohh okay then. Thanks short shit. Love you!" I said before hanging up. I blew my bangs out of my face and headed over to my studio. I started piling my paints and brushes into a few boxes, setting the canvases on top. I started throwing my multiple props into boxes and wrapped the light fixtures up in paper before setting them in boxes as well. Within half an hour the door bell rang. I dodged the boxes and answered the door.

"Hey Bean!" Johnny greeted. "Zacky get your fat ass over here!" He shouted behind him. There was a muffled 'im not fat!' before Zacky rounded the corner.

"Beanski!" He shouted pulling me in for a hug.

"Hey guys, Come on in." I said, stepping aside.

"What do you want us to do?" Johnny asked.

"Shorty I want you to start packing up all the shit on the walls, Zacky can you go pack up the bathroom?"

Thy both nodded and went there seperate ways.


Eight hours, a box of pizza and a liter of 7Up later, the whole house was packed and ready to go. I collapsed on the couch and exclaimed, "Finially!"

Matt scooped me up bridal style, "Come on babe, lets go home, we'll come back to get the boxes tomorrow." I yawned and nodded leaning my head against his shoulder. Johnny grabbed my keys and locked the house behind us. I looked up at the sky, the stars shining brightly. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew Matt was shaking me gently. "Sweetie I hate to wake you but I need to set you down so I can open the door."

I nodded and leaned against him, my eyelids heavy. Within seconds he picked me up again and walked through the house, gently laying me down on the bed. I kicked my shoes off and snuggled under the covers. Matt took his jeans and shirt off, leaving him in only his boxors before climbing in next to me. I layed my head on his chest and traced the death bat on his stomach. "Hey babe? I think I want another tattoo."

"What do you wanna get?" He asked sleepily, pulling me closer.

"A deathbat and Leonardo Davinci's signature."

"Why his signature?"

"He's my favorite painter of all time." I replied.

"Okay we'll take you to my favorite tattoo artist Thursday. It'll take a day or two to have you all settled in." Matt said.

"Mkay." I replied tiredly before dropping off to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
title credit--Little Piece of Heaven--A7X

soo yeah. I'm sorry I havn't updated! I've been super busy. Ahhh >.< How was everyones 4th of july? [if you celebrate it] Yeah I know I jumped time here but honestly, theres nothing else exciting that I had planned for their tour shit. But yeah a few more surprises and I think I'm going to do a sequel. comment/subscribe!
love and muffins,