Sequel: Through The Rain
Status: finito <3 Now go subscribe to the sequel :3

I Must Be Dreaming

Your A Hot Mess and I'm Fallin for You I'm Like Hot Damn Lemme Make You My Boo

The next morning I woke up with a slit of golden sunshine in my eye. I squinted and turned to face Matt, his arm still on my waist. I looked around the clean room. Surprisingly, for Matt being a guy he was pretty organized. He had a bunch of old vinyl records hanging from the wall above his black dresser.I must have spent twenty minutes just looking around his, well our room.

"Morning." Matt grumbled, his voice gravelly from sleep.

"Morning babe." I replied, kissing his forehead. I felt his, well our heart flutter from the contact and smirked.

"Yeah, yeah I know. You love that you have that kind of effect on me still." He said, pulling me closer.

"Yes,yes I do. It just makes kissing you even more fun." I mumbled against his chest. His scent was intoxicating. A mix of spicy cologne and just Matt. I loved stealing his sweatshirts, even though they fit like a tunic, because they all smelled so good.

"Mmm I agree. C'mon I'll give you a tour of your new home and then we shall drink coffee." Matt said, pulling his arms gently away from me and standing up.

"Okay love." I replied standing up as well, my joints popping in a chorus of snaps and crackles. Matt still grimaced even though he'd been sleeping with me the past two months so he knows this happens. In around ten minutes Matt managed to show me the larger than average house. For being a guy, Matt decorated pretty well. The whole house had a sort of modern/rockstar chic feel. Most of the rooms where black white and lime green. "Did you decorate this whole house by yourself?" I asked, impressed.

"Mostly. I did have a bit of help from my sister Amy though." he replied as I sat down on the white barstool. The kitchen had a wide window that overlooked the Pacific Ocean and white marble counter tops. He turned on the built in coffee machine and grabbed two simple white coffee cups.

"Well I am extremely impressed. I love you." I said smiling at him.

"Mmm I love you too."

"I hope you do, 'cause your kinda stuck with me for the rest of forever." I said, a smile tugging at my lips.

"And you know what? I wouldn't want it any other way." He said walking around the kitchen island before pecking my lips.

"Huh really? Cause you know I wouldn't mind having that Jack Barakat..." I trailed off, trying to keep the smile off my face as I watched his face drop slightly, "I'm just kidding babe. I feel extremely lucky to be able to call you mine." His face brightened significantly and he kissed my nose before going over to place a cup under the two little spouts. He hit a button on the Miele coffee maker and almost instantly the sound of grinding filled the air.

"Good. That would really suck if you went for that overly hyper gangly dude." He said, scratching his bare chest. I started oggling his chest. Again. God he was nice to look at. I love him being all muscular. "I like my muscles too." Matt said after apparently reading my thoughts.

Suddenly the doorbell chimed, Matt pulled a wife beater on that was laying on the black leather couch before going over to answer the door. I was still in the kitchen when I heard a screeched, "Mattie!" followed by an 'oof' sound, I'm assuming came from Matt. Curious, I walked out to see a blonde squeezing him in a death grip and him awkwardly patting her back. She glanced at me, narrowing her eyes and shooting daggers. "Who is this?" She asked sharply.

"Uh Val this is Nicky, my girlfriend." Matt said motioning for me to walk closer. Ah, so this is the infamous Val. I thought.

"Nice to meet you." I said politely, extending my hand towards her. She made a face at the hand then went back to ripping my head off with her eyes.

"Yeah not so nice to meet you. Mattie how could you cheat on me with that?" She asked making a face to show how repulsed she was.

"Val listen to me, I already told you we where fucking over four months ago! And that" he said motioning towards me, "Happens to be sweeter, cuter, and more talented then you could ever hope to be. So I suggest you march your little bottle blonde ass out of my house, now." He growled the last word. Did I forget to menton that whenever someone is attacking your soul mate verbally or physically you litterally want to kill that person? No? Well yeah, Matt and I have learned to control it. Somewhat.

Her face crumpled, "But-but Mattie you love me." She stated weakly.

"I don't. I never did. I never will. I love Nicky with everything I have. Now once again leave before I call the cops!" He retorted in a controlled voice. She stomped her foot and whirled around, marching back to her car before peeling off.

"Wow. Well um she was...Something else.." I said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah tell me about it. I have no clue how I dated her for two years. Then she had the audacity to cheat on me and tell me it was my fault. I was soo done by that point." He replied, grabbing my hand and tugging me towards the kitchen. "Oh your coffee is done." he said handing me my cup. I took a sip, deciding to just drink it black. We didn't have any creamer in the house yet 'cause we hadn't gone grocery shopping.

Matt placed his cup under the spouts and hit a button again. "I don't know how you put up with that. I could tell by her aura that she was selfish, condescending, and ultimately full of herself."

"Ha yeah. No one else seems to need to read auras to tell that shes full of herself." Matt replied shaking his head.

"Yeah well before I met you, reading auras sure helped with the dating process. Although nomatter what, noone seemed right. I found out why when I met you. If we wouldn't have met eachother we never would have been complete. It's like we're two halfs of a whole, as cheesy as that sounds." I stated, taking a gulp of coffee. "I'm going to jump in the shower real quick before we head over to my house. I think I'm just going to sell it with all the furnishings."

"Okay. And thats a good idea, you can get more money from it if you do that. Love you Nicky." Matt said before placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

I pulled back and grinned at him, "Love you too teddybear." I then walked back to our room and took a quick shower before getting dressed and blow drying my hair.

"Hey babe, are you ready to go yet?" Matt asked me.

"Yessir. My, my you look very sexy." I replied. He was wearing a black Metallica t-shirt with the sleeves cut off and grey shorts with black low top converse and a leather cuff on his right wrist with studs. Very punk. Me likey.

"As do you my dear, as do you." He retorted, looking me up and down. I laughed and grabbed his hand, leading him away for another hard day of work. In the end though, I knew it would be worth it because I would be living with the man of my dreams.
♠ ♠ ♠
title credit--Hot Mess--Cobra Starship

Yes, I know I know! I havn't updated in a while.. I'm sorry >.< But I did make a new layout! :D I'm so proud of myself I finially figured out how to put a picture above the writing. I'd like to thank DelightfulSyn for helping me with that! Yea I know this is kinda fillerish and I apologize but it's needed!Oh and that coffee machine I mentioned? My dad has it! It's like built in to the wall and you just press a button an it makes each cup of coffee individually! It's like the best invention ever. Anyways i'd really like to thank all of you that are commenting and subscribing to this story!
Love and grilled cheese,


Special thanks to my commentors :

Without you guys I probably would have stopped this story! So thank again to all of you Much love!! <3 :)